zod's snapped neck
The space race back in the 60's
Lol does this autist think he's the goose?
Is he /ourguy/?
Do kids today grow up watching only one show or what? How fucking ass mad does it make you that people in the past had great childhoods filled with great content?
>You're a young girl, good looking, plucky.
>The sort of girl who leaves high school with her whole life ahead of her.
>You meet this guy.
>He's kinda funny, a little bit socially autistic but he's cute.
>He does film videos for YouTube and has a following so that's a bit of a turn on.
>You start dating and slowly the cracks begin to show. His social skills actually leave a lot to be desired, he can only ever talk about movies and true cinema and anime.
>It's fun sometimes but just once you'd like him to ask you about your day.
>You start to think about breaking up with him. But you worry that because he works from home he'll have no one else left.
>Not only that he seems very petty and that he wouldn't hesitate in publicly shaming you on his channel.
>You're at dinner one night, you're busy fantasising about the cute waiter that keeps smiling at you.
>You see your boyfriend get down off the chair to tie his shoe or something.
>You nod and agree to whatever he's saying while making eyes at the waiter.
>Suddenly the whole restaurant starts clapping.
>What's going on?
>You look down and realise he just proposed to you.
>Oh no.
>He starts crying and blubbering about how he's so happy and he can't wait to spend the rest of his life with you.
>On the way back to the car the realisation sinks in.
>You're trapped with this sperg.
>Your hopes of becoming a photographer, traveling to India, and exploring the world disappear.
>He just grins as he sits in the passenger seat next to you (he can't drive of course).
>You look down and see that he's unzipped his pants.
>His 4.5 inch penis is at full mast.
>This is your life now.
>You go down and begin to blow him.
>You start to cry as you realise your hopes and dreams die in this moment.
>You look up at the man who ruined your life and see pic related
show me a video compilation of every time he says this or I don't believe it
What the hell?
What's the context? Source?
>Sup Forums angry joe
>Sup Forums anthony fantano
>Sup Forums ___________
is he dare i say /our guy\
bruh, he's a huge nerd so anything slightly nerd he's always been a huge fan of
how many shows and movies could a child really have fond memories of
how many favourite shows could you have had? 10? 20? 30?
his channel has 1093 videos and each of them starts with him declaring his lifelong obsession with any given franchise
The self importance oozing out if youtubers really belongs in a documentary.
Nobody on Sup Forums likes Angry Joe, and our guys are Mike and Jay.
>GoldenMeme with no controller
i dont think there is anyone Sup Forums likes
videogamedunkey is best vidya youtuber and they barely tolerate him
jesus christ, what the fuck is this shit from
Okay, I got permission.
The pedophile is Brentalfloss.
I liked his Banjo Kazooie song. Do you know what kind of stuff he did to your friend?
Sexting. If a third party hadn't intervened, it might've amounted to more, but that's a "what if." I'm mainly worried about the other children he's harmed in the time since, because I highly doubt he just quit.
Oh, so he didn't actually molest her. That's good. You said she was 12, how old was he at the time?
23 or 24
Someone tweet this to Stuckmann
Fantano > Angry Pablo > Chris
Nigger just turn off your phone.
...........i cuck
just look at that stupid fucking face
He'll probably make another video crying about how his wife DOES love him! SHE DOES!
All the more reason to do it
because i have no friends
no joke, it's on pornhub.
witness stuckmanns kino in its full 20minute glory
I grew up with diabetes
wow this is terrible
>AS YOU KNOW I GREW UP WATCHING _____________- 37 posts and 4 image replies shown.
>forcing a reddit tier meme
someone faceapp him.
the embodiment of a nu-male nerd cuck
I wonder if he's ever seen any Bergman films....or Antonioni.... or Fellini... or Rossellini... or Louis Malle... or Krzysztof Keislowski
I hope this answers your question:
Fucking why? I just skimmed through it thinking there would be titties at some point.
Is this gay porn? it just me or is his head gigantic?
He strikes the perfect balance between nerd and normie.
Todd Solontz would make a movie about this.
>Get Out 2017
>Black people.........
>I'm not joking, see for yourself: