I love this lvl of cruelty, seriously, help me out.
No rekt but just pure cruelty against people who obviously deserve it.
I love this lvl of cruelty, seriously, help me out
context? how does he "obviously deserve it"?
He's a Trumptards, he just thinks all brown people deserve it.
Obviously some Spic who got involved in drugs.
What did this gentleman do?
Forgot to pay a parking ticket I think
How is that dog eating his testicle like it is some normal meal.
he ripped the tag off a mattress
they probably starved it
He rebroadcasted a game without the express written consent of Major League Baseball
Recieved oral from a doggo.
They rubbed grinded meat all over his pp before
You fucking mongoloid, sitting at your computer with your pasty white skin,so priviliged that you don't have to cross checkpoints or be manhandled by crooked cops.
Tell me, white, priviliged fuck... How does it feel, knowing you're protected by "human rights" when you get convicted for all that child porn you have ?
You'll get yours, when the time comes, everyone will view you as a monster, ostrasice you, and you'll die a slow death only talking with "friends" over discord and this shitty site.
If they had bolted him straight into the forehead I wouldn't care, but torture is barbaric, and that YOU want to watch it, shows the degeneration of the western world...
But enjoy your fucking sure fire-ticket to jail, you stupid fuck
Post face pussy boy
So edgy... So teenage
Lol u mad haha dirt monkey
U are nothing but another cockroach i will stomp in my way to the Vallhalla
Enjoy your life while it last because there is no hope for you on becoming inmortal like i will
pussy bitch ass nigga
Nothing new you fuck, torture been used since the dark ages, not a white privilege
Seems to me, that you didn't understand the fucking point at all...
Tell me, then... since you are so smart. Who did the vikings trade with and even invite into their homes ?
I'll give you a hint : Ahmad Ibn Fadlan
How is that related to the topic soyboy?
hope you'll get what you like (irl) bitch
How is "I'll stomp you, you cockroach" related to the topic ? You sad fuck...
Soyboy... This just proves you are an intrigant little fucking teenager
That dog gay as hell for dat
the cartel and trumpanzees need something a littttttle more serious to deter them from their lives of crime, evil and perversion
Why is that mexican nigga popping a boner?
It's all roleplay, my dude.
Whites have never been this fucking brutal and savage.
Who the hell do you think teached them everything they know?
very common in massive trauma
Are you fucking serious? how about killing your children because you missed your production quota ONCE and leaving you some dismembered part as a reminder, all you had to remember them after coming home from "work"as a slave, also, they are killing entire villages if they dont produce enough, country wide and you demand proof of it by having your foremen bring you hands and cutting them, but sometimes the hands guys would spare the village if they just gave up their hands to present to the white owner?
"Father stares at the hand and foot of his five-year-old, severed as a punishment for failing to make the daily rubber quota, Belgian Congo, 1904"
And remember, there was nowhere you could go, that was the whole country, the whole structure and all you were to live and die in there
Nigga, you do know that during the colonization of this continent (the americas) the europeans would just make their dogs eat whole families in front of everyone? and just for fun too?
Retard alert.
Have you heard of the holocaust my friend?
Sad pasta. Kys nigger
OP here, shut your nigger face. Why are you pretending that the entire world is devide by black and white ppl. I've been in SA and let me wake you up out of this entire black magic dream of yours. In these Latin American countries your the lowest caste as a black person so nobody thinks your even human like the others. Just a side note faggot piece off shit.
columbus would cut off the hands of natives if they didn't fulfill their gold quota. they'd also just stab natives randomly without reason to be dicks.
they didn't give a shit about anything but gold. they worked the natives so hard that they committed mass suicides
Poor tortured soul thinking that comments on a Sup Forums board will fix thousands of years of torture and discrimination
purest torture porn.
Oh get a grip user. That was not a single handed effort! I'm not pointing any fingers, but I can count on one hand the number of atrocities Whites committed.
People have been committing atrocities since the begging of time.
Whites have been slaughtering everyone since they found out non-whites existed
NonWhites have been slaughtering everyone since they found out whites existed.
If there is an alien race out there that was possible to communicate , we must appear to be pure savages to them. No one party is innocent and thats what these black live matters snowflakes easily forget.
Damn that political nonsense really fucked up your brain cells and let's be honnest: how much influence you will ever have without doing a mass murder, huh? Exactly, your political non sense took over in that brain without giving you the capacity to think rational.
I see what you did there
Boom, spot on. All these races are self preserving at the end and will turn into savages to others. South Africa is an perfect example nowadays but let me get this straight. There is no other race than white people who invented "humanity" and started rioting against inhumane structures of power and atrocities mostly the richest did to others. It's unique to have a lower class what's still carried by the entire population, it's unique to give everyone a voice. Again, in Africa you can openly torture people if they posses less money without raising eyebrows. Nigger deserve to go back to such low environments because they are not wired the way we whites are.
He raped a young girl.
You need a sense of humanity and that's the thing what's lacking by niggers. Niggers are fucking disgusting apes and I lived amongst many of them and witnessed a pure inferior, not capable, savage race with a very high level of competition amongst each other. Just listen to rap and know where a nigger why keep trying standing up every morning. To live miserable lives, fuck wife's (pref white), doing everything what gets them in prison TO WHITE STANDARDS
A woman is holding him?? Is she on steroids?
this is hilarious. Is this a fraternity initiation?
oh we are
Well to be fair his hands are cuffed so it's not that hard to hold his arms behind his back like that
Fake photo
Go learn something and try again with something that actually happened
You miss the entire point. The following day they made quota and no babies were harmed
Damn that's brutal, I've heard they get their victims high af before hand on coke or meth so they stay awake/conscious for all the dismemberment
federales are kinky
are you a viking?
Anyone got a link to this with sound?
>love this lvl of cruelty, seriously, help me out.
>No rekt but just pure cruelty against people who obviously deserve it.
Don't take this out of context you shit-fucking tard. This is from Mexico where even children fight each other into fucking place. Meaning that men doing this aren't being "cruel" you fucking idiot. These people are ACTUALLY very Macho, and the toilet cleaners that you get are their runts who run like cowards from that frightful society. The same men doing that have been in multiple fights, a lot of those Cartel members are ex-military, tough as a nails, fighting other men who are as tough as nails and armed, and the population consists of a bunch of traumatized and mentally stunted retards who do all kinds of demented shit.
So don't laugh like you are "edgy" you cock sucking faggot. This isn't a spectacle meant for shit-eating grins in American faces. That is a culture of hyper-Machismo -no beta cucks there you faggot- who escalated from being whipped as children, fighting as children, and fighting as men, to killing and torturing.
Back to jizzing on some woman's face. Bitch. Mexican violence isn't meant to be enjoyed by this nation of beta cucks jizzing on each others girlfriends. Faggot.
Do you speak American you faggot? Disrespect only makes killing easier. Expect it to get worse before your stupid jokes get wiped from your face.
Hot. Sauce?
Inb4 never happened
is there a longer version where they take turns fucking him in the ass?
I love Sup Forums sometimes
Fresh copypasta, get it while it's hot
Yeah... no. Give me a source retard
Fucking kekd. That's what these sand niggers deserve. This or decapitations.
Look at him flail his legs like a donkey.
Ok boomer
What is the context of this? Was she just stupid? High? Is this a porn shoot?
What is that the Mexican equivalent to a speeding ticket?