I decided to post this here for no reason whatsoever

I decided to post this here for no reason whatsoever.

So, why do I feel like my mental health has degraded from when I was 15, to what I am now, 18? My memory is shit, I forget what I was about to say, or what I ate for breakfast the previous day, for example. And my spelling has gone to shit, along with grammar. In some sentences I sound like a foreigner without an accent. My vocabulary is not the greatest, or maybe I should say, the correct words don't come to mind. Hence why I sound like English is not my first language sometimes.

Is it lead poisoning, fluoride poisoning? I live near Chicago off Lake Michigan water. I don't think so however, my reaction time seems fine to me.

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Oh, I forgot to mention the slight slurring of words.

Yeah that might be a degenerative neurological disorder.
Have your head examined. Literally. By a doctor.
Like fucking as soon as you can.

It's been like this for the past couple years, how long would this take to manifest itself?

I should add, similar to how Sylvester Stallone sounds. It's not quite as acute, but it seems to me like it's there.


Stop smoking so much weed and don’t masterbate so much. Follow your heart kid, you’ll never go wrong.

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I don't smoke anything, nor masturbate to the point where I'd say it's not good. And I don't see how that's related anyway.

very related.

You need to explain why.

don't have to.

you should kill yourself

You brought it up.

I'd rather not.

Ah, that’s just depression. Go get antidepressants... faggot

I'm not depressed.

And anti-depressants make people suicidal, homicidal, apple cider, an outsider, side, the, etc.

I've noticed the same thing, but I've also had depression so I'm not exactly in the same boat. I do feel as if I've lost many brain cells though.

You're an arrogant prick. Why post this if you're going to tell everyone their wrong? This is clearly you just trying to get attention

Op do you think about killing yourself? Or about how much of a disappointment you are? Do you constantly think about how shitty you are and how everyone’s lives would be better if you just disappeared?

I noticed you used the wrong their/there/they're.

Have you isolated yourself for a long period of time and hardly interact with anyone? Same thing happened to me when I did this, I forgot how to talk and function, I would have a conversation with my dad and I would just suddenly trail off my words till it became gibberish and had to excuse myself from conversing any further. I got back my conversation skills when I socialized more and the memory loss and shit like that was only because of prolonged psychosis, just see a professional dude

Dementia or Alzheimer's.


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Well, I've been interacting with people everyday. I noticed these issues at least 2 maybe 3 years ago. That hasn't changed. I guess I'm just not "trying hard enough" at language and memorizing, if you know what I mean.

The weird thing is I had a dream a while back, where I imagined myself in a meeting, and I was explaining how to use "sophisticated" words to make your self sound more interesting. And as I was explaining, I was using those "sophisticated" words to explain. And for some reason, I don't remember what words I used in the dream after I woke up. But I remember using words that made sense, not gibberish. Dreams and subconscious are weird. (Goddammit I always misspell weird as wierd. Thank god for spell check.)

At 18? Seriously man.
