Should I go out with that kid tomorrow night?

Should I go out with that kid tomorrow night?

Attached: Ask_74370c_526425.jpg (595x806, 83K)

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Asking again


Is the kid OP is referencing above the legal age of consent according to the laws of wherever he lives?

Asking again

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You can't keep avoiding the question, ball.

I'm asking one lasr time.

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Well shit...
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Cuz you dont fuckin know do you?

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>Am I the kind of man the woman of my desires would desire as a romantic companion?

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Attached: 1_oC8a7iwoy1CawQxitHC7uw.jpg (530x389, 72K)

I must know

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>Will I become the kind of man the woman of my desires desires as a romantic companion?

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Would I lose my job if i called in sick tomorrow

Shit. Is it a good idea to plan for that instead of muscling through, today?

Is it a good idea to muscle through to work today, or would it be dumb?

Alrighty, so i should call in sick before 3am, and i wont fucking lose my job 8 ball you better not tell false truths

This guy gonna get fired tomorrow, isn't he?

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So far I've been smoking, doin coke and benzos and drinking. I have work at 3pm. I need answers dammit.

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Oh, if you just got high as shit and have work at 3 then you brought this shit upon yourself. You're outta there.

Tell him, Ball. By this time tomorrow he's fired, isn't he?

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