The Half in the Bag review drops today. Aren't you existed to find out what y'all think about the new Star Wars movie?

The Half in the Bag review drops today. Aren't you existed to find out what y'all think about the new Star Wars movie?

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Not sure. I haven't seen the new movies. But the half in the bag guys have gotten a lot snootier. So i'm sorta worried.

you talking about joker?

Not specifically.

They've sort of gained the attitude that their tastes are objective. Happens to critics all the time, especially when they get popular. Happened to roger and ebert.

I haven't noticed that.

Star Wars episode 9 is the worst thing ever made by a human.

Well i mean, i aint trying to criticize. I'm just worried i'm going to get annoyed. If you don't get annoyed, it's fine. I want to listen to them talk about the movie and be entertained. Not annoyed. And i'm worried i'm gonna get annoyed.

Nope. Star Wars Christmas Special is. It was an enjoyable movie.

Do you have autism?

OK, I was going off of statistical expectancy.

What makes you suspect that?

you the said the word annoyed four times and you have a Sup Forums pass...

Okay, well i don't think lack of variety is a good indicator for autism, but you may have a point with the Sup Forums pass.

Echolalia is an actual symptom of autism. like for real tho, its mostly repeating other peoples words, but it can be a nervous tick kind of thing where its inserted into conversions, or just odd and obsessive quoting of movies or other media.

Attached: austism.jpg (757x803, 153K)

Hunh. I actually did have that as a kid.

But i was actually consciously doing it as a style choice. I was trying to make my sentiment sound really grounded and simple and conversational to contrast the snootiness i was talking about with half in the bag.

But sure, if it pleases you to know, i am autistic.

>roger and ebert
>gene and siskel

Hey you lost your fag tag

Say wha?

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oh well, solid guess I suppose. It was the repeated concern about being uncomfortable that seemed very text book. like too text book, like rainman. I thought it was a strange joke.

I know about Echolalia because I had an evolution of laugauge class, it can get quite interesting when you consider the cases where people arn't entirely aware they are doing it, or in the extreme when they actually mean to say other words. you can actually find it in certain learned behaviors in some cultures, like excessive apologizing or those stereotypical "very good very good" in inda.

its actually fairly common but people grow out of it, but you know how autism symtoms are, its all a spectrum.

no it is too gay

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The ending is actually p comfy. Wasn't expecting to see chubbs and the gator.

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I recognize that force-ghost blow job

I thought the whole twist with Jar Jar being the Emperor, who later turned out to be Adam Sandler in disguise was pretty awesome. People take Star Wars way too fucking seriously.

just watched the camrip and i'm excited to find out wha the heck i saw.