I stopped supporting Trump ever since he said that video games cause mass shootings...

I stopped supporting Trump ever since he said that video games cause mass shootings. I'm a strong believer in the second amendment and I voted for Trump because anything was better than Hillary. I can't stand behind a man that is that stupid though. Its just embarrassing.

Attached: WCCFtrumpviolentvideogames.jpg (740x429, 147K)

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He's what happens when one's grumpy grandpa discovers how to tweet and be a meme.

He's what happens when your uncle and you 2nd grandma start a business together.

Yeah you're right. Fuck jobs, fuck the economy. Just don't fuck with my vidya.

I'm talking about the man's intelligence

I dont think they should fuck with video games either. But if gonna go that way why not stop hollywood from having guns in their movies also?

>I stopped supporting Trump ever since he said that video games cause mass shootings
>Implying your bitch ass ever supported him
>Implying you didn't cry like a pussy when your queen lost

Nice fantasy you got there fag. Back to your tranny thread now.

What do you want a timestamp of my gun collection or something? Get out of your own head

Yay sure kid, nerf guns don't count

Hes not the smartest guy ever, but at least hes getting the shit done.

I don't really understand how anyone supports trump without feeling embarrassed. But i mean, they clearly do, we have polling.

He's so weak and pathetic. He postures and thumps his chest like a fucking gorilla.

How do people believe that indicates strength?

Real gangsta-ass niggas don't flex nuts 'cause real gangsta-ass niggas know they got 'em.

>fuck the economy
The economy is great for the top 1 percent, everyone else is getting fucked.

Attached: WageInequality.png (1298x537, 56K)

Income inequality in the United States has hit its highest level since the Census Bureau started tracking it more than five decades ago, according to data released Thursday, even as the nation’s poverty and unemployment rates are at historic lows.


Are you fucking homeless right now? I'm sure you're better off than 90% of the rest of the world right now.
Stop bitching because you're not a billionare fucking models on a yacht.

Of course he's not homeless. He's living in his mommy's house.

>WaPo as a source
I don't believe that. Post something from buzzfeed


We are the richest country in the world which means we dont have an excuse to have no regard for its most vulnerable people. Today I was talking to a homeless woman that was l living in the airport, using a walker because she needs a hip replacement. Talking about how much trouble it is just to get money from the government because she doesnt have a place of residence. How much trouble it is to get to the doctor with no phone, and no transportation on a fucking walker. Our government lets the poor and sick die in the street and the more we keep voting for the status quo, which means all of the republicans and 90 percent of the democrats, the more people are going to die in the street. Vote for an un-corrupted politician that doesnt take corporate money and these people wont be dying in the street. Bernie tried to less us buy drugs from Canada so we could get them cheaper and both the democrats and republicans voted no on it. We could be living a much better life, and the quicker everyone wakes up the quicker we can reform our congress.

>Census Bureau
Yeah our government is lying about its data.. or wapo lied about the data and no one bothered to check..

If they lied they would have been called out by our government for lying about their data.. dumbass.

You partially grasped the situation, but not exactly.
See, you tend to use yourself when it comes to answer a question like "how could ever people support Trump?" ... you compare yourself with a trumptard in your mind, you understand the reasons why he's deluded, you point out the logical fallacies in his speech.. all is still related to You, in the end, as it's natural. It's You asking yourself how, it's you not being capable to understand.

Now ask yourself: do you think a trump magahatter does the same?
No, bro. He doesn't ask himself why he supported, he currently supports and will keep supporting a retard like Trump. He does not need to ask himself.
It's not the same mental process YOU would apply in order to think about something.
If we're not talking about the typical hillibillies, which don't even need to be blamed (what could they do? They are cursed to be shit for all their life, the punishment is already too harsh) the typical Trump supporter never had to worry about making ends meet for a single day in his life. He's already stable at least, with his family ready to support him in any way. He could even be cultured or well-versed in the field he specialized in, but as for the rest he has literally 0 common sense, 0 intrest in your personal issues OR in those of a country or a state. He's set up to be what he is, a semi-functional human being capable of producing an amount of money, and most importantly (that's why he's useful) he's ready to spend it. The more Trump takes away from the poor already, the more he gains. The more divided society is, the more he's isolated in his "white" concept of life, which has no room for anything else than him and his idea of what life is.
He hardly stops to even evaluate and judge what Trump says. Trump is actually allright for him whatever he does: the important things for the magahatter is that he's white, cruel and self-centred just ecactly as he is. No need for words.

t. Foreigner.

You sound like one of those nonsensical tinfoil-hat brainlets who thinks every intelligence Bureau of the government has lied about Russian interference in our elections.

If you bothered to read the next sentence before responding you would have seen the first sentence was sarcasm

>If they lied they would have been called out by our government for lying about their data.. dumbass.

Buts its okay.. I understand.. 2 sentences is too long

That was actually a pretty fuckin' interesting read. Not sure i agree with all of it, but it's definitely food for thought. Thank you.

I feel bad for that woman. I dont blame the government for that. I blame the medical industry. In othrr countries the actual cost, of the same treatment (without insurance) is a fraction of what it costs in the U.S.. The medical industry knows it can rip off insurance companies to pay a much higher cost over what the patient would have to pay if they didn't have insurance. The patient is essentially paying off the doctors med schools tuition and giving a profit to the hospital, which is a business. Blame the medical industry.

>(without insurance) is a fraction of what it costs in the U.S
Every other 1st world country has either insurance run by the government or the entire industry is run by the government.

The reason the costs are lower is because those government use collective bargaining to lower the prices on everything they buy from companies.

The government acting as an insurance agency doesnt deny coverage and doesnt profit off the people.

Sure in 2nd and 3rd world countries the doctors are cheaper, but that is because everything is cheaper because our currency is worth a lot more.

I mostly lurk around here in order to hone my english skills, but after years and years I came to appreciate american politics for anthropologic reasons.
Not being racist nor being intrested in the consequences your choices will bring up for your country in the times to come, I guess my "neutral" point of wiew helps me in gathering unbiased information on the matter, which you probably lack because being american already there's a solid chance your political orientation is already defined.

I thought it's fascinating, for instance, what I realized about the amount of people intrested in politics in your country rather then where I live, which I won't say because it would bring /polacks on my back and I don't have time for those cumrags right now.
Here politics are a mere facade and less cultured people tends to avoid getting into it, acting just like magahats, following the loudest sheperd. In america it seems to me even the lesser slob considers politics like something to get into no matter his lack of knowledge. Still not clear to me if this is a flaw or a good thing, but I'm afraid it's not good for you. Ignorant and lesser cattle should not be voting at all. Whatever.
I'll keep lurking, there are so many things to learn. And to laugh about, I have to say.

The thing is op, a large number of school shooters did play violent video games. There has definitely been a correlation between males who play video games and mass shootings. So, he's actually correct. The games may not cause the shootings, but they may be a factor that helsp push bored, lonely kids with mental problems over the edge.

loners need something to do when they are alone..
Playing video games.. something you can do alone. What a coincidence.

>strong believer in the second amendment
if you are considering voting for a democrat, you are not a strong believer in the second amendment.

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The things dems try to pass is mostly common sense gun control.
But you value letting men guilty of abusing their girlfriends be able to stockpile weapons, you ammosexual.


Wow, guess since I played FIFA all day long now I can stop lurking and jacking off to lolis, rekt threads and gore I find in here, and enter the pitch like a full-fletched soccer player. Being alive is sure hecking swell!

Ever tried playing Skyrim and robbing all the stores of your nearest village? Guess we found out what's black people favourite videogame, folks!

This country is over. But I can’t wait for our next president Dwayne the rock Johnson,

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>our currency is worth a lot more.
Doesnt thaat show you that that countries with a higher currency are getting ripped off because their dollar amount is higher?

Well it is because there is no way in hell the people in those 3rd world countries could afford to pay our prices. It is capitalism, they charge what the market can bear.



>you must be 18 to post here

> Hes not the smartest guy ever
That is one hell of an understatement.
> getting shit done

>Our government lets the poor and sick die in the street and the more we keep voting for the status quo, which means all of the republicans and 90 percent of the democrats
Finally, someone who's admitting both parties are the problem but NOT saying "just don't vote, it doesn't matter lol." Thank you.

Well honestly between him and Hillary, I get why people voted for him. At least he was "fun."

But honestly as an outsider, listening to him speak, tweet and how he acts... Holy Shit America, you voted in a fucking child. He can barely speak, he acts like a whiny brat on the playground and while I do agree with some things he is doing. He is just so fucking stupid.

The kind of stupid where I really wanna believe its all an act, but honestly that might be wishful thinking.

Good luck next year America.

I stopped supporting Trump ever since he started doing commercials for McDonald's


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what you dont understand could fill a book ...
all books
every books
every all the books


If you think any Dem wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment, you're a retard.

The only thing libs want is decent regulations on guns and who can own them. No one should be able to stockpile weapons, and especially not those who are already unstable to begin with.

>You must be 18 to post here

Pot calling the kettle black, eh?

He's only continuing the trend started by Obama

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That is what being against the second amendment is. Any gun law past the the second amendment is unconstitutional and illegal. If you support any gun restrictions then you are automatically against the second amendment.

Yeah if you're rich the economy is just GREAT. Thanks a lot Trump!!

The 2nd Amendment was passed in 1791. Therefore any weapon invented after that date is automatically unconstitutional, as it would not have been known to the drafters of the amendment and could not have formed part of their deliberations.
Enjoy your flintlocks

god bless De Niro

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That is just stupid. It was meant to insure the citizens had access to the same weapons as the government, no matter what advances are made.

Of course he's right. Video games are using propaganda to undermine good presidents like Trump.

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So that's how Sarah Sanders met him

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And the right to free speech only applies to things made on a printing press, right faggot?

At this point it's obvious that he's a rapist and pedophile associate of Epstein, no one should support this man


>>Yea but [random other politician/president] also did this and that....

Ok that guy or girl is an asshole too, doesnt excuse Donny.

Pretty much all discussion about Trump boils down to nowadays. Only trolls or racist/sexist/stupid pieces of shit still support this dude (online)

>does 9/11 for the sole purpose to wage a war for petrol
You fucking idiot. Your country is full of shit.

I love when you point out that trump is lying to his supporters and they go l "all politicians lie". So theyre conceding that trump is just another lying politician, and they don't even care because they support him. Sad!

Yeah dude. Like, there are pieces of shit human beings in 'my' political party? Throw them the hell in jaill if you can! Fuck em! I don't like piecies of shit human beings in general, not only the ones on 'the other side'. Seems to be the main difference.

But whatever, at this point there are only trolls left or cult-members, they are both a waste of your time.

“Common Sense” gun control is a scam

>If you think any Dem wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment, you're a retard.
See Beto O’Rourke, the furry faggot

What kind of a stupid fucking faggot are you?

user, he’s not doing anything for jobs or the economy except making things worse.

Because the dude literally dealt with like two mass shootings in a row, guy was fucking pissed at the needless deaths and he didn’t say all guns he literally said stuff like AR15’s which are only built for killing

Nice try bloomberg

Every firearm is built around the premonition that will be used for killing of some sort. Why is the scary black rifle any different from the Ruger Mini-14?

I know right, my icbm with a grade 10 fusion warhead keeps me safe at night. They can take my nuke from my ghoul fried hands

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Hey you stole that post from 4 years ago, it said conservative and Obama... The right cant meme

no one cares.

All the levels of stupid he represents, and you go with video games?

So you're conceding he doesn't want to ban all guns?

Rejecting someone over a single issue is childish and dumb. That makes you a regarded faggot. Kill yourself found the nigger

200% bait and a declaration of faggotry.

LOL too fucking KEK this one got me sir

Ya but...the memes...the amount of memes that have come out of this presidency have been fucking astonishing. 5 more years of trump - 5 more years of memes! Trump 2020

Badass actor with badass roles.
Real life snowflake.

You're getting better but were an idiot to think shit for brains was a better choice than Hillary.

>I'm a strong believer in the second amendment and I voted for Trump because anything was better than Hillary.
Trump has done more damage to the 2nd amendment than any modern democrat could. Background checks have become more intensive and bumpstocks have been made illegal. That's how it starts. Another single irrelevant piece of hardware has now been made illegal. The 2nd amendment has been infringed upon again and nobody seems to give a fuck - so long as it wasn't a democrat who infringed upon it. A bumpstock, one shitty irrelevant piece of hardware that nobody uses, and so nobody cares about. That's the first drop of water to penetrate the dam. What I don't understand is where is everyone's loyalty? If one's loyalty is truly to the second amendment then it shouldn't matter one fucking iota who's doing the infringement. That should've started the goddamned revolution... but no... bumpstocks were the first payment towards the total cost of party loyalty. What else are we willing to sacrifice? Freedom dies with ambivalence.

Don't get me wrong, I don't support Trump in any way shape or form, but that was the tipping point for you?

I mean this man talks shit all day long. He tells unsupported or even falsified statements. You know, when he said that the noises from windmills cause cancer.

The statement about video games, while being clearly wrong, is one of the rather "normal" things he said (as many politicians share that view). So how in the world did this become the tipping point for you? I mean it is obvious that this man will say anything wen he thinks it helps him in any way shape or form, the video game statement being no exception. It's exactly what he is doing all the time.

I feel that many Americans will vote for thr lesser of the rvils no matter who they are. I will be voting for Yang. All hail our new chinese overlords.

To quote the second amendment
>A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Doesn't say anything about bumpstocks. In general, having the right to bear arms does not imply the right to bear any arm. For example you are not allowed to own WMDs like nuclear bombs or biological weapons.

Is this an infringment of the second amendment?

its also a federal crime to put a icecream cone in your back pocket on sunday. Laws have amendments and the constitution has been edited many many times. This isn't 1775, laws change and can be edited.

I think this is mainly due too the two party system. In the end you have only the choice between two candidates (or you throw away your vote for an independent candidate), so you have to decide for the lesser evil.

Honestly, I'm glad I'm not american, because in the 2016 election I wouldn't have known who to vote for. Hillary, the embodyment of the status quo, or Trump, whos absolutely terrible, but at least funny.
I think I would have gotten with Trump


The two party system lol..
Like americans have any choice.
If you're in a western nation, you have zero choice. Period.

"...doesnt deny coverage..."

This case made well known some time back was when the UK government denied a child treatment. Granted it was deemed incurable, but he would have lived longer.


I hated the guy since the late 80's. He one if four reasons I left the party too. Republicans became the cucks who love to be cucked by a strong man... well person. A man would treat people like he does, make fun of the disabled, the dead nir disrespect war veterans and the military. Where my fucking raise? We can't even get a lower co pay with our Walmart insurance they call tricare. I can get the same lvl of treatment as a free clinic in Mississippi.

Then go and sue for it. If this is an infringement of the second amendment the supreme court will going to agree with you. If they don't it's, by definition, not an infringement on the constitution, as they are the authority to decide what is an infringement and what not

>Alfie, 23 months old, had a rare degenerative brain condition that his doctors said was incurable. He had been in a semi-vegetative state for more than a year.

2 years old, one of which more than half he was basically a potatoe, with no signs of bettering.
>Granted it was deemed incurable, but he would have lived longer.
Money is a finite resource, even for a government. Paying multiple thousand of pound a day for letting a two year old potato become maybe a 3 year old potatoe, will be on the costs of others.

If there where any treatment (by accepted medicine) with chances of his survival, or at least him recovering to a state where he wasn't a potatoe, they would have done it. Fact of the matter is, there is no point in keeping a toddler in a vegetative state, if there are no prospects of healing him, or at least giving him anything that can be considered a life.

You often see things like this, or parents suing because the ensurance won't cover alternative treatments. Fact of the matter is, maybe you could help them, but if there is no scientific evidence for the working of a treatment, or any prospects of bettering the conditions, the money is better spend elsewhere.

Would be nice if it was different, but doctors need to eat, the staff of the hospital needs to be payed, and being on life support can costs hundreds to thousands of dollars a day. A government must be somewhat responsible with it's money. Thats just reality.
No matter what, the UK healthcare system is still considered one of the best in the world.

Except that the supreme court's authority is granted by the People.
They are not the arbiters of law. They are servants.
The entire federal apparatus is subservient to, and beneath, the People.
Why would I sue a portion of the federal apparatus at the discretion of another portion of the same federal apparatus?
I dont want a nuke. I think nuclear regulation only makes sense.

that's really the dumbest thing he's said? it's not even the most retarded thing TODAY.

What shit done exactly, other than playing golf and tweeting?

When the supreme court changes its position on a particular ruling, was the supreme court correct in both of its stances?
When the supreme court ruled blacks couldn't have guns, they were right, by definition?
How stupid can you be?

your either w/ trump or with pelosi .. your suckinf stupid if you are behind her.. career politician who is wreaking Ca

Then again if you switched your mind off of one comment your your are retarded.. not Trump. you want higher taxes and no rights, vote dem.. gl