What a nice thread
Goodnight aki, sleep well please
Not enough head rub, sosu
It convince to sleep easy
Hapi when do for long time, lazy, force sleep
More pet! When sleep too! Keep pet!!!!
dot gib two munch chowicez ore dayy mite knot parttake. waz uew tinkin sumting lik da gam leedboardz. ifb mak aldayy bread hab bump ett mowst bee onn oder boardz
wun lest pushh tiny fren gett da coffee reedy
pink a dum colour blu beetar
wel yew bout find outt
gnight ebil fren. hab gud slep mak n tri yor bestt
sleep well, Aki
eye knot gibben yew head patz azk icky!!! knot lett yew trick we
It's nice to have company.
Those dubs.
I can't wait ,do your worst.
pink betarre en yew know et!
dot testt we et gowin habben wen yew leest xpect ett, lewd bare fox ship
dubs ofb knot!!!
eye know blu beetar n onlie dum peepol lik pink. eben riamu hab blu sow blu winn
Company ok also unconscious?
If sleep, you can rub too..
Soft between finger, sosu
singlez ob lyes!! riamu hab pink en bloo becoz she ice en tinks alll peepol arr ice! blue en pink guud
know yew hab ulteriore motivez!!!
eye knot fib!!! shee hab pink beecuz dummy hoo knot sea howw greatt blu ez. shee fake ice hoo lobv ice onlie. onlie blu gud
ye yew fibb!! shee hab pink en bloo becoz bothh guud, knot fayk juz ice en nebar ebil! alsow cute pick eye lyk et
eye nebar fib dot lye bout we!!! shee onlie hab pink beecuz dum idoll herr tru color ez blu. yew fake ice alwise bulli we sow yew ebil. yew lik et hab enothar
I'll keep an eye out. Kogasa's umbrella is rude.
Just very sleepy.
cute picks!! knot dum idol ice pink! yew ebil en bulli we, eye em rightt dubs confirme! eye hop yew arentt two sleepey et muzt bee latee
beetar kep two eyez outt. embrella knot ruud hee ice, yuuka ez violant bulli
dayy cute beecuz kogasa ez blu. shee cri baby dum idoll n yew a ice, fibber. ez, ez dat a threat? eye slep suun wen dryar don
Selfish, want rub
It ok, not need this time
Too sleepy... sleep now, sosu
Nap between message, dangerous
maybee blu ez whyy cute, shee ez cri babey butt et okayy, knot ay threat!! sorrey knot juzt worrey coz et mayb layte four yew. alsow anothar cute blu!
I'll give you a pat, sleepy sosu
butt eye kent gib patz ned azk icky ore bunbun
dubs!!! stob dat
dat ore kogasa jest coot, riamu ez littell coot butt cri two much. yew suure knot threat four mak funn ofb herr? knot ned two worry bout we. butt et llate four yew, yew alwise dissappear round dis tim
riamu cri lotz but et okay eye thinkk. eye nebar threat!! sorrey ded knot meean, et knot two layte four we onli 8pm butt eye em gettin sleepey. sorrey iff eye dissappear lotts.. donnt meen two sorrey
Goodnight ebul frend
Sleepy well please :) pat
Goodnight everyone
Goodnight Warspite fren :)
Please sleep well
butt shee alwise scarred cri knot habby cri. eye knoy sur bout dat maybee littell threat. et fiine knot yew hab worry bout et, jest tink yew gow dew emportant tings ore fal slep. ifb slepy go slep
gnight abyss fren hab ice drems ofb patz
gnight bare fox ship fren. hop hab gud dayy twomorrow
shee alwayze scarred cri coz nervouz en shyy en stuffe idk! et cute tho, knot anyy thret at alll promize!! sleepey mightt gow rezt soone, eye hop yew hab good nightt ebil wun see yew wen see yew, et waz ice talken two yew :)
sleepe welll wen yew decidde two slep!
yee et bitt coot fface. eye knot sur tink eye bee carefull twoknight. yew go slep. gnight pinky fren. yew hab ice slep sow hab habby dayy. et waz alsow ice talkin wiff yew ore meen teasin yew
Zzz, Goodnight :)