Platypuses are fucking gay bro

Platypuses are fucking gay bro

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Nah, they're Australia's version of 50 cent. 20 cents.

Fucking beer at 9:25 in the am and this post is fucking funny

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even the name is not normal
in french, Ornithorynque

I don't know if that's true.

But do you know what is true? Giraffes ARE really gay. And i am not fucking with you here.

Best thread ever. Other than the ones where the blacks tell the racist whites that they have tiny dicks (which of course is true).

Fuck off, Moot

Jesus christ, how do none of y'all know what moot posting fucking looks like?

This is the THIRD time this morning somebody thought i was moot.

Like a Giraffe?

Nah, I just saw you mention how often people mistake you for him in another thread

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Okay good. Good. Was just a tad worried for a moment there.

Platypi all up in this bitch.

Ring ring
Hello Platypus
ey how you know it's a me
Your beak motherfucker.
ey you gonna answer thesa phone?
ring ring
ey, it's a me ringing you
I know that mofo
ey how you know
Your mofuckin ring tone

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I heard you was talking shit

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This lil mf walking like hes listening to this

nobody has ever thought you were moot
you are not a slant eyed, rice farming, shit kicking, goat fucking, dick brained moron

or maybe you are (you probably are), but nobody has ever mistaken you for moot

More than that, i've been mistaken for moot when moot was still here.

they secrete poison from their bills. They're actually fairly dangerous

And they can squeeze your finger tips with their beaks.
It hurts alot

>There are poison glands in the thighs and a hollow spur near the heel. The sting is not dangerous to humans, but is extremely painful and causes rapid swelling in the stung area.
I was wrong about where the venom comes from but I'd let one sting my penis and watch it swell. I'll bet that would be intense

It has two extra eyeholes behind because it makes you zoom in with your eyes. then the microbacteria use the sound waves to travel inside your eyes