What are some books that are very fucking good? i've been reading some straight up trash recently

what are some books that are very fucking good? i've been reading some straight up trash recently

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Good omens!

Calculus made easy. It's from 1910.

magicians of the gods

Attached: 81DZxJcakBL.jpg (1524x2327, 490K)

the man without qualities
robert musil
it's unfinished, just like gogol's dead soul's which is another very worthy read.
both still very much worth your time. the first more so than the latter.

if you like fantasy, I can't recommend the King Killer Chronicles enough by Patrick Rothfuss. I don't often recommend media/art. I'm a die hard fantasy fan and this is among the best

crap. I really need to read that fucker.
highly recommended in several circles of mine. But he same shit heads who always told me that american gods was the best thing since sliced bread. So, I waver.
(american gods is shit. a steaming pile of shit -- it's a quick read though, got through the stink in about 6 hours)

read magicians of the Gods fucker

>magicians of the Gods
that some ancient aliens shit?
user, I...

Dark tower series, best ever

the four Otherland books by Tad Williams are a slow burn that will blow your dick off

Don't listen to this, Rothfuss is terrible. He has a pretty nice prose and the first Kingkiller book is passable, but it shits the bed so hard during the second book it's actually impressive. I have no desire to ever finish the trilogy, whenever he ends up finishing it.

Whats a good book? R u looking for real science, documentary, or some bullshit? If the last - just play computer games

These topics are always too broad. It depends on what you like. If you would like something mild and folksy, read Travels With Charlie. Its about Steinbeck as an older man taking a road trip with his dog.

Was it recommended in the circle jerk, you fag?

The book i recommend everyone to read is " the alchemists " by Paulo Coelho

If you like hard sci-fi, 7 Eves is excellent Really anything by Neal Stevenson. Or the Mars books by Kim Stanley Robinson.

basically the same who convinced me to read american gods. i'm this idiot and so far, i'm still sure i'm the least idiotic poster around here.

You're an idiot if you believe in IQ.

The Bible

U r an idiot, if u dont
>ooga booga i aint need no edumation, i got the street smarts. Smart ppl r dum

This aint ylyl

just read it faggot he just presents the facts

I actually understand and tentatively acquiesce your standpoint.
not entirely sold yet, but i'm not against it at all.

You know it.

Attached: Harry Potter.jpg (960x960, 102K)

IQ tests are biased. What does when does honey expire have to do with how smart you are? I used that as an example because i barely took one 3 days ago just to waste time.

and it actually has to do with music and mathematics. More so, than the bland talking points that idiots tend to lean on. And intuition, but mostly under those constraints.

I read the first one like 7 times in jail

You're a fag if you listen to classic. Wannabe.

again... I'm that idiot. I I've read and watched and wasted lots of hours in the electric universe theory. Still unconvinced, as always, but it was indeed fascinating. I'm not one to dismiss any theory just because it goes against the grain. But it has to be a good theory to begin with. At least make it entertaining. ancient alien bs is stale as fuck.

classic music, eastern yuro music (which Sup Forums of old introduced me to), indie stuffs, but mostly a head banger. If there's one thing no one should ever limit themselves to, it is music. hear it all user, if it's shit, you lost 2 minutes of your life, if it's good, you just won. Not a bad deal. Not at all.

If you like fantasy novels here's a list.

Magic kingdom for sale, terry brooks
Dragons gold, serpent's silver, chimera's copper. (Forgot author)
Xanth series by piers Anthony.
M.Y.T.H. series Robert asprin
The changewinds trilogy by jack l chalker
Enders game series by orson scott card.
Shannara series by Terry Brooks

Those will keep you busy for a year.

Reasoning, ability to connect facts and think logically? I have no idea...
>its biast
cuz u say so? Yeah, nah u a cunt

Metal music & Bachata. Depends who I'm around.

these Gor books by John Norman will keep you going for a while

Look it up. What score did you get? How "smart" do you think you are? Lol

Forgot to add, the ultimate hitchhiker's guide by Douglas Adams. And the dragonriders of pern series by Anne McCaffrey

IQ is just some kind of a test of cognitive ability to solve puzzles. I think you take it quite emotionally. I have done few IQ tests and they gave me a wide range of results. Mostly depending on my emotional state or level of my English - I am not a native speaker. When I did my first IQ test, I just started learning English and I got 97. I felt depressed and probably because of that I lost a lot of motivation. Then later I did it and I got 127, later 137 and now I just don't bother to read that deep into it. Also the test is not an indicator or how wealthy you might become in later life - I am financially poor but never really sought wealth just knowledge and meaningful relationships.

House of Leaves

Attached: houseofleavescover.jpg (306x406, 20K)

Im in 2nd sd, is how smart i am
Look what up? Some sad, dumb nigger, who lucked out in a lottery trying to undermine intelligence, by implying every smart person is supposed to just succeed no matter what?

You also absolutely must read The Time machine and the first men in the Moon both by H.G. Wells. I'm currently reading Tarzan of the apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs. His Conan books are amazing.

the head banging i'm very conservative. The big 4 and shit and circling from there, all very well known.
but to repay an old user from this very shithole (and I mean Sup Forums circa who's counting?), this one opened up an entire world of different things to myself: youtube.com/watch?v=bhC_ca8A96Q

Why did u take thest in english?
Results r also dependent on the test. Different tests have different scales

I read William Gibson's Neutomancer at least every 2 years. The Running Man by Stephen King is also a constant favorite.

Yeah Johnny mnemonic wasn't the best movie but in the book Molly gives me a hard-on

Highly recommend this one. The movie follows the book closely, but the book explains so much more. It's about 400 or more pages, I picked it up at about 5:30 one friday morning and was finished by 8 Sunday evening. Couldn't put it down.

Attached: themartian.jpg (253x400, 21K)

And ginnie granger is hotter than hermione, but they flipped it in the movie...

I will never not recommend 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. It can be difficult to get into, but once you're there, it unfolds into one of the best novels ever written. You could also try Grendel by John Gardner. It's brooding and cynical but poses some really fascinating philosophical questions.

because I moved to English speaking country?
>Different tests have different scales
Did you assume I would be taking tests on different standards and then try to compare them? -_- I did statistics during my physics training.

Isn't that the version of Beowulf that's written from the monsters point of view?

Gibson did the screenplay and deliberately changed the character of Molly to Jane to avoid the producers fucking with her.

oh, I'm the big idiot here. I've been procrastinating that one for a log time now. Mixed opinions though. I actually heard someone I respect very much saying that it was the absolutely worst read of their life but still very much worth the effort. It's one of those that has been in my back log forever.

Douglas Adams helped with the screenplay of hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy and while truer to the book then some movies it was still pretty much a shitshow.

Did u say u moved?
i didnt assume - i gave u the benefit of the doubt

Horngods speech.

1. Don Quixote
>massive powergap
2. Ulysses
3. Hamlet
>big powergap
At this point it's just personal preference. Too stacked to rank

anything james joyce is for cool boi points.
did that and used to be a huge fag for him, nowadays, i'm just, the fuck dude, just say what you want, there's no need to subvert the field of established logic just to write a novel (finnegans wake -- which you should read along a logic professor post comments otherwise you're just reading random words that may or may nor sound entertaining to you).