Is it time to talk about this yet?

Is it time to talk about this yet?

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to think she never triforced on Sup Forums in her short life

This is true.

Dude No, why would you think it would be ok.
Its too soon.

OP, show some fucking respect, will ya?
It's just too soon.

Sorry Sup Forumsrother, just thought it my be time, ya know.

it still is TOO FUCKING SOON
Sup Forums you disappoint.

context who's the thot


You're new. Lurk more.


Fucking newfag, lurk moar.

wise and intelligent

I bet her fingerbox collection was massive

No, it’s kind of fucked up if you think about it. Just dont

I lurk for sometimes but still unable to identify the hoe, captain obvious anyone?


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No dude, we can't. It's too soon.

Too soon. Story I heard it was a party girl that drank some homemade shit the was basically antifreeze. The guy that took the pics has some ultra rare nudes. He took these undressed her took a few nudes then realized she was kill.

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I heard but I shouldn’t say. It’s too soon...

i am amazed by perfection


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Wtf is your problem? Way too fucking soon

So in all these pics she's dead?

we can't talk about this yet

It's going to take some time before we can openly address this on.

Leave it alone. Way too soon.


fake n gay

Talk about it? We don't do that here

Too soon.

Much too soon

If someone creates new post of this dead chick on b I'll pay them $25 you must have PayPal tho

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Still too soon, OP

Too soon

Being this new

Way too soon dawg

no no no...

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>>Wtf OP way too soon ..
I remember this like it was yesterday .. sad day for b/ that day

Yeah yeah yeah. "Too soon." Don't you fuckers have anything better to do then do this same thing over and over again for years?

Also kys

I still think she looks too young

Now that I think about it, you probably don't have anything better to do. Carry on.