What do you think of Harry Potter?

What do you think of Harry Potter?

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I am starting to have nostalgia for a time when every brain dropping an author had didn't have an outlet.

I liked books 1 2 and 3 but thats about it.

Couldn’t get past quidditch, such a pointless sport, obviously made up by a woman. WHo else would put in an aspect that negates the entire rest of the sport. Like if first person to hit a home rum wins game. So dumb.

"Wanna guess which characters are actually gay? ALL OF DEM!"

Meh. It's pretty gay. I don't rate it at all, also Rowling is one sad motherfucker

>also Rowling is one sad motherfucker
What's wrong with the best female author of all time?

books for kids
liking them is okay up to 16 if you're a late bloomer or nostalgic for childhood
otherwise you should seriously kys if you are seriously involved with the franchise past that age, just like with lotr, asioaf and the rest

She's a woman

I read the first 5 and lost interest.

I love fantasy. I’m a total tolkeinhead, but Harry Potter just doesn’t feel like the real thing? It’s like margarine.

I also think it’s annoying when faggy liberals act like Harry Potter is an appropriate comparison or something of politics.

Take that back. I love Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones!

>I also think it’s annoying when faggy liberals act like Harry Potter is an appropriate comparison or something of politics.
I suspect that after yesterday, that phenomenon is going to plummet among the more liberal/leftist professors that had been quipping references to the Harry Potter series, usually to try to exemplify SJW talking points, or to appear to be cool and hip with their younger students and relate with them more to be the fun professors.

It's for loser soy-boy faggots and girls under 10 year old.

JK Rowling can lick every fold of my dirty asshole.

Left-wing cunt.

Same as LOTR, shit tier rip off and ruination of British/Euro stories and characters. Magic /= Schools.

I could never get into it cause pretty much every conflict could have been avoided if they just used guns

Look at qt's tinder profile
> I love cats AND dogs
> 24, looking to settle down, definitely no hookups
> Total Röyksopp fan
> Like to Netflix and chill
> Virgo and INFP
> Make a great spagbol
I'm thinking sweet, she's ok
> I'm totally a Gryffindor
Uggh. Bitch you're too old for that shit. Swipe left.

I could never get into it, I was always distracted by the fact that almost every conflict could have easily been dealt with if they just used guns instead of all those fancy pants faggot spells

Fake and gay

As of now, I have a feeling that this guy does not like Harry Potter anymore. In fact, he may have thrown away or burned his books and movies.

I've never seen JK smile.
Not even once. She needs to get better antidepressants.

Bruh the video games where fire.

What were the best ones?

Chamber of secrets. Best one

It's weird how many adults obsess over it. My coworker is like this even though she's 32. We fuck around behind her husband's back all the time though so whatever.

hahha look at this cucklibturd!!!! Real men only read porn, only drink beer, only smoke meth, and only eat ASS STINKY FARTS OUT OF GIRL ASS!!!!!!!!


>hahha look at this cucklibturd!!!! Real men only read porn, only drink beer, only smoke meth, and only eat ASS STINKY FARTS OUT OF GIRL ASS!!!!!!!!
And only have anal sex.

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