Post animals getting what they deserve
Post animals getting what they deserve
Pets? Treats? The sudetenland?
End yourself, freakshow.
i was severely bullied when i was a child: the thread
Now society has to deal with the monster it created
i was not prepared for that webm. poor cat :(
OP is a big fag
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the reality of zoomers. Zoomers, you are the worst generation in every way. You are a disgrace. Just look at yourselves
OP is a zoomer
what happens actually? shes basically fried after even a short time right? so even if she can still breathe shes impaired
Thanks. I'm gonna kill every snake I find clearing the woods now.
I think microwaves produce heat by friction. Making the water molecules rub together, I think. So the cat is probably pretty fucked. Could recover, I don’t know. Don’t even know why I’m posting actually seeing as I don’t know shit.
Basically her entire body boiled in itself and violently evaporated it's water
I couldn't give less of a shit about the guinea pig, I've got a snake myself and guinea pigs are disgusting. but I hope whoever did that to a cat burns in hell.
This is why I keep bullying tard and weirdos. On monday I'm gonna btfo of the white shy guy on my class because of you. I hope someone makes you bleed too.
Newfags replying to obvious bait: the thread
One day, you’re gonna piss off the wrong guy. I hope to see you in a gore thread someday. :)
Are you just edgy as hell or are you this deranged?
Thanks OP, this batch of triggered normalfags has put a smile on my face. Merry Christmas!
It’s just a big rodent. Would you rather it was a dog or a cat?
They are a product of human engineering and have literally no means of defending themselves. Even cats and dogs can bite, scratch or run. It's like a toddler being given as a sacrifice which makes it fucked up.
he wants to kno why you didnt help him
Yeah fucking have fun with that, wait till that sucker brings his dad's gun.
YOU will to OP