Who else here avoid or simply doesn't use any social networks?

Who else here avoid or simply doesn't use any social networks?
I'm not into it because basically only stupid people are there and 99% of the time they have nothing to say so they post some stupid shit not worth the time waste to check all this crap.
I'm not even an anti-social person or a contrarian I'm just done with this fad.

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we are on a social network you fucking retard

This is a social network. You don't need identities to socialize.

damn dude

I follow artists on instagram, deviant art, and tumblr but that's about it.
I don't post anywhere but here.

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You guys are really bad at this. You just prematurely ejaculated everywhere. Calm down.


al spcial networks are one big hivemind of stupidity, you lose nothing

fuck you nigger i dont like you

The one social media I (rarely) use is my fetlife account.

I've only ever had Facebook and I'm deleting it in just a little bit. I've had enough of big tech's spying and manipulation, so I'm going to get as far away from it as possible.


the only thing I use is facebook and even that is rarely. it's just nice to see what friends and family are up to now and again. the rest of them are just complete trash

I think the idea of trying to get a bunch of followers or likes is retarded and if you use it at all it should just be for personal utility not clout chasing.

>humanities last hope


I only have a fagbook account so that my friends and family have a way of contacting me, I don't use it much and mainly come for social interactions on imageboards. I just love the anonymity concept and being able to express yourself without any restraint, but on fagbook you have to put on a facade that you're constantly happy and living in a bubble, I guess that's why chicks avoid me because I post depressing shit and spew my mental illness on there. Here though? EVERYONE is depressed and mentally ill so it feels as if I have a place to fit in with my fellow misfits

No, this is an anonymous imageboard

No it isn't

I'm super confused. Have an osaka

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Gonna move up country?

Okay, sure. Have fun not socializing on this website. Like when people talk to each other, like right now, we're not being social. I have no idea what your thoughts or opinions are. Ideas are not being exchanged. You are not deriving knowledge of my identity through this communication - for instance, no one is able to determine by my actions that i am a faggot. Nor am i able to determine through your communications that you are a moron. Because socializing isn't happening.


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Social networks are a fucking social cancer
It’s kinda akin to giving people their own “open mic” show where people can feel like they can shine and validate their pathetic selves by trying to show to the world how they would love to be seen as
It’s pretty much a fucking dick measuring field where everyone tries to one up each other about who “looks” best

Fuck social medias and fuck people who unironically think “hurr i only have one to keep contact with people”
Fuck you faggot, we all know that you broadcast your goddamn pathetic life for everyone to see just so you can get a false sense of acceptance
Fuck you

bro...bro hey, wait bro

this is an argument, theyre always arguments you look out hard for people talking to each other because it's thinner than a newborn cunt hair

I don't know you and i could give a fuuuuuuu k bro, aint social

Project much? I only post images of my family on there. You're a fucking faggot ass bitch and you should probably shut your fucking dumbass mouth.

Says the butthurt narcissistic piece of shit rationalizing his inherent stupidity
You don’t need a fucking profile on a gay ass website to keep contact with close ones
Ever heard of something that we call a cellphone? Try harder you dumbfuck

yes I have heard of a cellphone you shitdip. I use it to talk to my close friends and family. But I don't talk to my extended family or other friends every day and it's nice to see what they're up to and the pictures of their own families. Why are you such a fucking faggot as loser? I dislike 90% of social media because it encourages narcissism but it is good for keeping in touch with people on your outer circle. Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, etc are all fucking utterly pointless in my opinion. You're just a faggot and you can lick my balls bitch.

Big boy here trying to earn internet points for not using social media, congrats bro do you feel better calling everyone who goes on fb a faggot simply because you know you'll never get friends or family on there? Big boy only uses the chans, big boy has no time to fuck around with popular social media because he thinks he's too good for them. Big boy looks like a spastic while trying to act cool, good for you boy you're so special and different because you don't use a website to keep in contact with others besides a cellphone. How courageous of you

You’re mad cause i called you on your bullshit and now you’re damage controlling hard to not lose face
We’re anonymous, just close the thread and go back to fagbook jerk your dick to your own profile and move on already you dumb shit
>muh social presence
Pathetic, spoiler alert: nobody cares about you, it’s all a bunch of bullshit make believe and people are actually being kind to you so they can expect your loyalty to lick their asses and raise their like count you fucking fag
Don’t even bother replying fuck face, i’m done with you

>nobody cares about you
When you project your own insecurities on anonymous people online. That's pretty sad bud. Go make some friends.

I got rid of Facebook cuz of ppl posting reposts of old posts that were just reposts of other people posting posts.


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>Don’t even bother replying fuck face, i’m done with you
Big boy thinks he dominated the argument, big boy ends it thinking he won. Big boy doesn't realize how much of an idiot he made himself, big boy went defensive mode so he can go back to choking on dicks instead of arguing. I love you big boy

Dude stop.

Nah I'm good, are you a big boy as well?

>Look at how happy I am bro
>Look at all the stuff I own
>Wanna see my daily 200 photos that look the same?

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it's your fault for following stupid people then. follow people who post shit you like.

Internet went to shit when the Jews found a way to get profit out of it and the faggot Jobs made the dumbphones and gave retards access to it, giving non enthusiasts/informatics access to the internet was a big mistake

I use to do it for the memes, but even they are getting to normie tier now.

I started using instagram and my depression skyrocketed
which is ironic given I only shitpost but the fact that I get less than a half of likes than my follower count is is quite depressive
I'm deleting it soon, I was made for cavern life not the one under the sun