I've been talking with a 14 year old girl (I know irl) about our.. experiences (I'm in my 20s)...

I've been talking with a 14 year old girl (I know irl) about our.. experiences (I'm in my 20s).. and tomorrow night shes coming over my place so we can watch movies and shit. We were both really down talking about our exes

I'll definitely try not to do anything but in case something does happen how can I stop her or what should I say bros?

> pic not related but to get attention

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it doesnt matter what happens. everyone will assume the worst.

Post pics

->We were both really down talking about our exes

oh man
kill yourself
its ok being a pedo but imagine actually communicating with 14 years old and actively believing she has an ex

you should really end it all

>14 year old girl
>talking about ex's
how many boyfriends could she have had?

Just buy a rape whistle and blow it in her face if she makes any advances.

Why the fuck are you talking to a 14 year old?

Get ready to be blackmailed you stupid fuck.

Because that's the only the group dumb enough to not know they can do better

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Welcome to 2019, faghot

silly user, your hand is exactly as old as you are.

You'd be surprised how far kids are these days. Sex and drugs are like breathing air for them

I'm with the other person on this... kill yourself.

say that you have a 2d waifu

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Pedophile faggot.

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> how do teen girls work

14 is good to go. Don't be a fag and just fuck her.

>Is it okay that I wanted to love you this young?
>Of course, you'd be my daughter one day. I guess you just wanted to teach me something in advance.
>I love you very much, Big Brother.
>I will always love your exploration of me, Little Sister.

user is correct, internet/smart phones have really accelerated the growing up process.

And OP As long as you're not being a creep, it's fine, I just turned 24, my youngest friend is 17.

We get it, user. Every time you tried talking to a girl during your school days you sperged out. No need to project so hard.

topkek 10/10

You should kys before you ruin her life. Just eat a bullet, jump off a building, hang. Pick one you degenerate fucking pedo. Dotr can’t fucking happen soon enough.

Who the fuck would accept/write/propagate this story? Holy hell.

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>how can I stop her
You won't need to, she won't be all over you, she's fucking 14. What ever kind of sexual tension you think you felt was just in your sick head.
Thats what pedos don't get YOU might think she's into you, but fuck no, thats all in your head.
How do her parents even allow her to stay with you?
>what should I say bros?
Nothing would be the best.

Im currently cheating on my gf with her loli sister. Shes all about being seceret and shit and loves it. We make out and touch eachother. Life is great

I'll just drag the church into it instead, I don't really care what falls in the path of my fucking judgement, but don't expect that the DEATH PENALTY is somehow a true deterrent for someone seeking permission to END LIFE is that is ABORIGINALLY what I am trying to ACHIEVE.

You humans are, at some fucking point, horrible and need to die in order to be replanted into the human existence.

Die in your sleep, never let memory you be the thing she keeps.

Why keep it a secret, retard? I fuck my sister out in public.

That's BS. I was raped by a 9yo when I was 21.

Also this:
how can I stop her

Asshole. The only one here who needs to be stopped is you. Neck yourself faggot

>no I wont post hebe for you

That's up to you, faggot. I don't care how you stop her, just top interrupting me and thinking I have to somehow help you out of shit you started!

My daughters of time are divine and, yes, a fucking handful. Welcome to their lust, reality.

having sexual attraction for girls around 13 years and older is perfectly normal because this is when their body is biologically ready and they have sexual features that men look for.

The only reason why people disagree with it is because society and feminists made it 'wrong and immoral' and many of you mindless sheep follow along the bandwagon, seriously just look at the fucking media.... Most of those who disagree are ugly fat older women and white knights. Also fags that disagree love to yell insults, threats and the word 'pedo' like a bunch of mindless seagulls but never any factual arguments.

Prove me wrong.
Pro-tip: you can't

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>I was raped by a 9yo when I was 21
And you call what I wrote BS... sure

My daughters will just prove you right, publicly, and we can stop this pointless eternal argument in Heaven already. Fucking hell.

>Reality, agree to the ego of my desire to wake up tomorrow to be with my daughters, not whatever bullshit interruption story you think you can make.

The problem with this logic is yes, although they're physically mature. They're naive and damn near retarded. I honestly feel like I've only matured when I hit around 22 or so.

Um... read my post again. Try to concentrate this time. HINT: I'm not OP

Some people here seriously think 14 year olds don't date and have sex. I always thought people called teenagers "children" with a wink and a nudge, but people actually think they are literally children, unbelievable.
14 is legal where I am from btw.

You share the same power, retards!

Exactly, sexual maturity is the lesson I've been providing the whole time.

get a load of this faggot lmao

You're most likely responding to a schizophrenic, it has that distinctive disjointed raving. You can distinguish several of his posts in this thread.

How come no one is actually answering OP but just getting butthurt and sensitive?

i understand what you are saying. its not like they are called Childagers they are TEENagers so they are technically not kids HOWEVER! their mindsets are different. I work with teenagers every day as a teacher and you would not believe some of the stuff that they say and do its stuff kids would do so I guess thats why they are called kids still.

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All I'm saying here is, yeah, they're definitely ready to take some dick, but they're fucking retarded. You know better, they don't, it's just wrong to take advantage. Let some equally retarded teenage guy take the reigns on it.

Enjoy dick in that ass in prison you pedo.

Because some people just look to blow their emotional load, no matter how deep the fart smell they sit in.

Holy shit, just let children seduce you in public already. Can't think of a better test. Or they can seduce everyone else and then you'll realize everything is chill

If it is in public and pretty fucking vocal, it isn't being taken advantage of. It is proving Alpha Teaching.

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OP, this wouldn't have happened if you weren't trying to make advances so knock off the naive BS. Putting her at fault is alreadt beta cuck status and shes like 10yr younger than you so don't be a huge pussy. Now, If you would just be sensible and admit to yourself you have feelings for her youll make more rational decisions whether it leads to sexual advances or not. Who knows maybe her parents would approve if they thought you weren't retarded. That's best case I guess. If you're just upfront about it, imagine this.

Her mom: "why are you hanging out with her shes too young for you"

You: "I know shes so young, but it was kinda easy to hang bc we like the same stuff/have the same friends/etc, etc. Maybe this was a mistake.."

What could she say? Most adults could empathize. It would either be "ok fine but dude gtfo it stops now" or some degree of acceptance and perhaps permission

Why would you want to be that judge or have that judgement as a required experience for healing or heaven to exist?

Why would you reference the opinion of any woman, retard?

>t. incel fat faggot

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Btw kissing isnt illegal anywhere AFAIK just don't try'n grab a titty if you're scared of chris hansen

I'm 24 if i ever feel i'm grown up i'm going to kill myself. The moment you stop learning you stop living.
Also OP she's 14 she doesn't know how to use words everything she says is just practicing talking at this point, she'll say shit that isn't true to see how it sounds or makes her feel because she's a stupid fucking child and hasn't learned to have a conversation with herself in her head.

>Asks his 2 and a half year old Singaporean daughter, Olivier Lew Cosgrove.

Well fuck me, look at that. I've reproduced. What an amazingly RELEVANT argument.

While I'm here

>of any woman
Or her father for the matter you sexist fuck

I can agree with this, my girlfriend, 19, far better job (Paramedic) than me, career aspirations (surgeon) and college workload far exceeding anything I'd attempt. Despite all of this, is still 19, and some of the shit that comes out of her mouth sometimes is straight up fucking retarded.


I am said Father, you fucking retarded Universe. Why would I, Father, take ANY fucking advice from UNIVERSAL RAPE ARTISTRY?

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>Why would you want to be that judge or have that judgement as a required experience for healing or heaven to exist?
How context do work even words sentences?

Is that male contraception or something? The fuck?

Because submission preference retard filter poop out brain scoop.


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>internet/smart phones have really accelerated the growing up process.
nonsense. this has always gone on. it's just that with smartphones there is more evidence these days.

when i was in middle school, there were four 13-yo old girls in my class who were confirmed fucking. a bunch more were fucking a year later.

as 13yo boys, we were perfectly content with jerking off.

so 14yo girls with older teens has never been unusual. a 20yo could be just days beyond being a teen himself. it's not unusual.

AOC laws are still needed, because without them, old farts would fuck children left and right, and that would be VERY harmful.

First of all, very beta and pathetic of you to even be in this scenario, and beta of her parent figures for letting this situation happen.

Some people in their 20s have bachelors degrees, but you? You're a fucking pedophile trying to fuck a minor.

Also: talk about your exes? Motherfucker she's 14. She has the life experience of a house fly stuck in a mason jar, you fucking cringey twat. Seek therapy.

And through that confirmation, it's in turn become more acceptable.

Why would ANYTHING require MORE ACCEPTANCE. What sort of BULLSHIT judgement do YOU carry, you FUCKSTAIN?

You're the older, more mature person in your dynamic. If she starts making advances on you, firmly tell her that you won't reciprocate. Explain to her that being in a relationship of that kind will hurt not only you, but also her. Hell, she's 14. Where the hell are her paternal figures? Try be a big brother to her, you weirdo. Take her out for ice cream, listen to her problems and convince her to take care of herself. She's just a fucking kid. If you feel anything resembling attraction to her that's just the horny nigger inside you speaking. Jerk off three times and come back to the situation. Ask yourself what the right thing to do would be.

You really shouldn't be alone with her in a place that's not public, anyway. Her parents would probably call the cops on you if they found out. Think about the image you're giving off you basement-dwelling virgin

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Personally I believe 13/14 should be AoC.

That is the most complex grooming fetish I've ever read. Do you have more?

Why the fuck would it matter, if the child will publicly claim that they wanted to fuck someone older and could everyone fuck off and let us get comfortable.

13 is NOT a child, they're HOT & SEXY TEENAGE girls

are you genuinely retarded? the sort of shit that pops up in snapchat ads and pop culture would never fucking fly just a couple years ago. yet its being blasted at impressionable minds 24/7 on an app designed to hook their little vegetable minds in and tying their self-image to what niggers in LA and related do or say. its no wonder zoomers come out retarded.

>I was raped by a 9yo
these things happen

the kids who are sexualized this early are terribly screwed up for life, and therefore anyone who sexualizes them should be locked up for life—but it does happen

there was this 9yo in my buddy's school who kept telling pretty much everyone who it wasn't fair that everyone in her family was already "fucking", but she wasn't allowed quite yet. she had sisters 10, 11, and 12yo. dad was fucking all of them. she was being groomed, too. she bragged how she had 5 dildos and 2 vibrators

First of all, very pathetic of you to even be in this scenario, and shameful of her parent figures for letting this situation happen.

Some people in their 20s have bachelors degrees, but you? You're a fucking pedophile trying to fuck a minor.

Also: talk about your exes? Motherfucker she's 14. She has the life experience of a house fly stuck in a mason jar, you fucking cringey twat. Seek therapy.

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The right thing to do is that which increases or maintains the most sum-total happiness of all parties involved.

>14 is legal where I am from
but, and be honest now, how many of the 14yos who already have sex have anything that could be described as healthy relationships?

i grew up in germany (aoc: 14) too, and yes, we had a bunch of girls who'd been having full sex since 14 or even earlier, but they were all screwed up

First of all, very pitiful of you to even be in this scenario, and trash of her parent figures for letting this situation happen.

Some people in their 20s have bachelors degrees, but you? You're a fucking pedophile trying to fuck a minor.

Also: talk about your exes? Motherfucker she's 14. She has the life experience of a house fly stuck in a mason jar, you fucking cringey twat. Seek therapy.

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First of all, very worthless of you to even be in this scenario, and shameful of her parent figures for letting this situation happen.

Some people in their 20s have bachelors degrees, but you? You're a fucking pedophile trying to fuck a minor.

Also: talk about your exes? Motherfucker she's 14. She has the life experience of a house fly stuck in a mason jar, you fucking cringey twat. Seek therapy.

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