Try the wrench trick if it's a padlock. Just find a couple open end wrenches and leverage the heads of them against eachother with the shackle of the lock spread by the "forks". Open end wrenches come in all sizes so I'm sure you can find something that works.
Nathan Anderson
No one believes you op, sorry.
Jordan Mitchell
i couldnt care less if people believe me or not
i just need safe methods to get out of this predicament
Easton Thomas
How do you have the nerve to call someone a retard when you got yourself in this situation. Fucking autistic fucking idiot. Don’t worry about the cage. To get it off simply wash your mouth out with a shotgun shell you fucking sperg baby.
Isaiah Edwards
>i couldnt care less if people believe me or not >i just need safe methods to get (You)'s out of this thread FTFY
John Taylor
drill lock and just fucking open it with a match or some other bullshit
Adrian Collins
>Taking the bait this deeply
Julian Nguyen
Cut your dick off. Problem solved.
Kevin Rodriguez
The locking cylinder has 3 pins, and opens with a 90 degree turn counter clockwise. Bobby pin can help with tensioning, for picking just use a bend paperclip.
Jayden Hernandez
>go to hardware store >buy boltcutters >??????? >profit
Sebastian Thompson
Hey retard there's no magic fix. You deserved this if you're going to be so gay about it.
Leo Lewis
alright ill see what i can do and hope this works
Thanks anons
Aaron Rogers
My wife had a chastity belt with that exact locking zylinder, when we lost the keys I had no luck picking it, we got it off in the end tho. Here's what we've done. - Inserted a bobby pin into the lock. - Filled hole with superglue - with some plyers I ripped the pins right out of the fragile locking mechanism. - the cylinder was destroyed afterwards, but I got my wife free.
Christopher Richardson
it worked user appparently i just drilled through the hole and it fell off like an apple out a tree
thanks again
Joseph Wilson
now that you're free what are you going to do about the ex
Elijah Gonzalez
Jason Carter
Go KILL that cunt
Kevin Ramirez
Chainsaw works best
Charles Walker
If it were to be true, go to the police IMMEDIATELY before that fucking bitch does.
Sue her fucking ass and block her on all media after taking pictures and logs of everyfuckingthing. Report to the police what she's done and show them your dick because that way they will just believe you.
If you don't do this, you'll have to tell the story to a lockpick anyways and it'll be worse if she decides to me2 the shit out of you. Be quick, and tell to the police. It's not gonna be made fun of past the first impression, because it's literally genital torture; do it or you'll feel raped for the rest of your life.
Hunter Thomas
Call the police you gibbering retard. That is sexual misconduct at the very least. What are you stupid?
Aaron Clark
>wife You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.
Parker Garcia
you couldve just bought the exact same make and model its not like these are made with security in mind, all of the same model will have the exact same lock.