Should i drop nudes of my bitch of an ex

should i drop nudes of my bitch of an ex

Attached: IMG_1299.jpg (2320x3088, 1.39M)



Show us please

Attached: IMG_0814.jpg (4032x3024, 1.39M)

Lord, please do it!


Looks like an absolute whore. Tons of guys have her nudes anyway. Go ahead for all I care.

Post her wins she looks amazing

Show us her tits


do it faggot

should you waste our time?

either post it or dont you faggot

Not id she is the negro\Mexican looking piece of shit in your picture.

Yes you should

Good good, what was she? Dipped in oil? Disgusting pizza face.

Just drop the nudes ffs

Wanna see my ex nude?

Gets scared and doesn't post

you gonna post nudes or what you little bitch

Attached: w_Cope-With-Anything-Step-05.jpg (728x546, 67K)

looks great, keep going

>Doesn't use greentext when calling someone out
Is it summer already?

Yeah... About that.

I just cba

We need more please

Since OP won’t deliver, here’s my ex

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Fucking boss

Damn fucking straight

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So are you really going to do it OP? Or shall we all move on?

My day is ruined

Fucking daddy level