Bestiality Thread time !

Bestiality Thread time !

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I need vids to show gf.

Trying to talk her into being a bitch?

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tfw no horsecock loving GF.

Feels bad man.

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I need to show her dogs cumming in women and being mounted. Porn links are too long, like 20-30min vids and she gets bored.

horsecock is too big, try dogs

Depends on the horse

I blew my GFs mind when she saw a horse cumming in a chick. She told me months later that it was the single hottest thing she had seen and didn't want to ruin our relationship by talking about it lol.


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this counts?

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Dogofcum. put a [dot] followed by "com"

mostly 2 min vids... mounting, knoting, bj, handy, cum... it's there.

pornsocket dotcom

bestiality vids are garbage, there's never hard penetration or hard fucking, it's always just an ugly whore sucking a flacid horse cock and a boring cumshot. and the actual "vaginal" is just a flacid horse cock penetrating 2 cm in lol.
don't even bother with dumb dogs, can't even get it inside and just hump air. also 240p HD

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I've seen
cheese pizza with better quality than most beast stuff, how is fucking a dog harder than cheese??

>I've seen
yeah sure

Where get cheese , I'm under 18 so it's ok

Only seen it once or twice on a loli discord sever that was taken down soon after

Got a clip so I can show my gf?

Is that a rule or something because if so.... I may have some things to look up...