Redpill me on Greta Thunberg

Redpill me on Greta Thunberg.

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She's right.

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From sane Corbyn

Save the banks... is this a joke?

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George Soros in disguise

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She must be such a genius, good quote op..

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Literally who? You sound like one of the "libtards" you people so often criticize.
>LOOK! Everyone look!!1!1! This random nobody posted his opinion on Twitter with absolutely no empirical evidence!! LOOK LOOOK!! MY VIEWS HAVE BEEN JUSTIFIED!!1!!1!1!1

created in a lab. from human and alien DNA, engineered to become mankinds savior, and last hope.

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For 3 nights in a row I had had erotic dreams in Greta in them.

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details on your erotic nocturnal eco goblin dreams

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>piers corbyn
>random nobody

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>I'll take any bone and blow it up to suit my need
Regarding climate change, [Dr. Curry] thinks that the IPCC reports typically neglect what she calls the "Uncertainty Monster" in projecting future climate trends, which she calls a "wicked problem." Curry also hosts a popular science blog in which she writes on topics related to climate science and the science-policy interface. In 2019 she stated that she would not “bother with” peer-reviewed journals, in favor of publishing her own papers so that she could editorialize and write what she wanted “without worrying about the norms and agendas of the ‘establishment.’”

Dude... we do this like every day.

How much more shitposting before you stop getting a chuckle?

she's like 16, the only redpill is fucking her

Created by swedish media to get validation points, I believe in climate change and think we should try to slow it down. But I do not believe we should use young people to make ourself look good.

clean ...of oxygen

i've been doing this since 2006

1966: Oil Gone in Ten Years
1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975
1968: Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide
1969: Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989
1970: World Will Use Up All its Natural Resources by 2000
1970: Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by 1985
1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable
1970: Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish
1970s: Killer Bees!
1970: Ice Age By 2000
1970: America Subject to Water Rationing by 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980
1971: New Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030
1972: New Ice Age By 2070
1972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years
1974: Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast
1974: Another Ice Age?
1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life
1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent
1977: Department of Energy Says Oil will Peak in 90s
1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend
1980: Acid Rain Kills Life In Lakes
1980: Peak Oil In 2000
1988: Regional Droughts (that never happened) in 1990s
1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs
1988: Maldive Islands will Be Underwater by 2018 (they’re not)
1989: Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000
1989: New York City’s West Side Highway Underwater by 2019 (it’s not)
1996: Peak Oil in 2020
2000: Children Won’t Know what Snow Is
2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don’t Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy
2002: Peak Oil in 2010
2004: Britain will Be Siberia by 2024 2005: Manhattan Underwater by 2015
2006: Super Hurricanes!
2008: Arctic will Be Ice Free by 2018
2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013
2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months to Save World
2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to ‘Save The Planet From Catastrophe’
2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014
2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2015
2014: Only 500 Days Before ‘Climate Chaos
2019: Hey Greta, we need you to convince them it’s really going to happen this time

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>I'm a moron who listens to tabloid headlines over climate scientists: the post.

>I'm a moron who listens to jewish plant over climate scientists: the post

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I'm curious about that as well. The banking system is fucked with fiat money leading to boom/bust cycles, and it could be something about that.

>Cherrypicking this hard

Wouldn't expect any better from someone who capitalizes 'science'.

She's an autistic teen who thinks she knows it all like we did at that age. She's lead by a bartender who somehow thinks she and herself are qualified to tell nations how to write environmental policy. Don't get me wrong we definitely need to do to something, but how about we leave it to the experts, people with degrees and experience.

>claims to be exposing myths
>uses the 97% myth
There's a strong consensus among scientists in the field that climate change is happening, and a somewhat weaker consensus that it's anthropogenic, but it's in the 70-90% range, not 97%.

Smug and brain washed.

WE don't need to do anything. shit hole counties like china and india and insect hives found in south asia need to do something, they're the problem

Don't leave us hanging user

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She is a shit sprinkler.

wrong. the 97% figure is about humans causing climate change.

Wrong, it's a shit number.

Most reputable studies put the consensus in the 70-90% range.

brainwashed mouthpiece
ignorant and arrogant
stupid and 100% handled by a soros operative we have tracked
insulting to the people being dumb enough to be swayed by this gross piece of propaganda, but hey as long as they ask for it, why wouldnt the psycho jewish fucks deliver it to them?

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97% of literal NPCs...

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"climate change" propaganda isnt about the environment, it's a wealth redistribution policy

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nope, of CO2 production

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last night i dreamt of jeden pterstein
he was teaching though, no sex

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such as? the article you linked is not a study. the author seems to have no credibility whatsoever, and she "debunks" four papers, none of which are the prominent ones, spews incorrect facts about what the scientific model is about, and concludes by saying that the 97% is propaganda propelled by profits and spread by media. having never seen her name before, my initial reaction is that she is a complete lunatic, like the rest of you conspiracy theorists

>climate change greta propaganda isnt tabloid headlines for the moron i am, it's SCIENCE!
good goylem

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She wears glasses?

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The climate changes every day and always has since the beginning of time but she doesn't get it. In a nutshell.

even jewgle hasnt whitewashed it yet

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The 97% you cited comes from a study that has zero credibility, and has been thoroughly debunked. Instead of defending it in any way, you're trying to deflect attention by claiming it's important that you recognize the name on the top of a different article, which is completely irrelevant.

Yep. There is no 97% consensus. That was a flat out lie for the gullible and easily lead.

Read this article, it’s posted on a very liberal website even.

she has spent hundreds of hours discussing climate and environmental science with the world's leading experts and you probably formed your opinion after reading tweets by climate skeptics. who seems more likely to "not get it"?

ofc it is
everything about environmentalism is a political scheme and a hoax
it was started by the rockefeller and rothschild even before the soviet union fell

the most ridiculous one is the ozone layer: it's produced by sunlight hitting oxygen in the atmosphere. So duh, every winter at the pole, it's depleted...
environmentalism is 100% globalist propaganda

people who care about the planet are not the oil barons whom are destroying it, but go explain that to greta and her dumb followers

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She's being used to try and push the narrative that climate change is man made when there's zero evidence that is the case but the people pushing for climate action are seeking a payday more than anything else. They want carbon credits to become a new tradeable commodity so they can cash in. It's a big $$$ business.


Remember when more than 97% of experts agreed the sun revolved around us and that the earth was flat? Majority consensus means nothing to science.

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I cant believe that it's 2019 and yall have legitimately started thinking climate change isnt real because of the trump administration holy canoli this is embarrassing!

He is a random nobody though. He's got exactly _one_ peer reviewed paper, which basically fails to satisfactorily predict gales.

This. There once was violent consensus that the earth was at the centre of the solar system, but that didn't make it true. It's why consensus is never considered as evidence.

Nobody mentioned that orange blimp and me disliking this autistic protest sign that some Swedes are waving around has nothing to do with him.

She offers no solution .

>Redpill me on Greta Thunberg.
>Tell me what to think about X.
More likely just polbait. Get lost.

>adults getting triggered by a teenager to the point of wishing death upon said teenager
small pp vibe

>climate change isnt real!!! using less fossil fuels is a SCAM by the JEWS!!!!

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Global oligarchic totalitarianism.

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Nobody ever denied climate change.
Change is the natural state of the universe.
However people deny the bad popular science and propaganda rhetoric used by politicians and (((climate scientists))) to secure multi-billion $$$ funding and tax the population.

fake and gay

Do you think that the lobbying fossil fuel and oil giants arent using bad science propaganda and manipulation to secure multi billion dollar deals from politicians? I'm confused lmao.

Nobel Peace Prize when?

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nice drawings but the argument they're making is stupid. She doesn't represent Time Magazine firstly. And secondly print media is slowly disappearing.

Yikes, enjoy your last (you)

Imagine being in alabama with this preachy prissy mumble munchkin

You pull up to the candlewood suites in a fucking dodge challenger with aftermarket headers and parts that get you 6 miles per gallon

One rev of the engine and she's already getting inexplicably moist in her room from the sound of your massive fuel-guzzling V8 roadboat

You get out and take a minibike running on a 2-stroke lawnmower engine through the parking lot and into the lobby of the hotel because FUCK walking, we didn't invent internal combustion to scuttle around with our dicks in our hands

Moonwalk down the hallway to the elevator while turning every thermostat you see on full blast and spraying CFC-saturated aerosol air fresheners everywhere

Check your phone in the elevator and hit up your broker app really quick to buy a thousand more shares of exxon, bp, and shell stocks while shorting anything that has to do with solar and wind because solar panels look fucking gay and windmills are for dipshits

Reach Greta's floor, backflip into her door, breaking that shit down and sending splinters flying everywhere setting off fucking car alarms and barking dogs

Her primal scandinavian woman survival instinct kicks in and she immediately presents herself to you from all the viking raping and pillaging burned into her nordic DNA

You put a plastic non-biodegradable bag from walmart over her muppet face, set a rack of slow-smoked-over-charcoal barbecue ribs on the small of her back, and go to town, throwing the cleaned rib bones at the back of her stupid cantaloupe head in between thrusts

After blowing your load and covering the room in non-vegan protein, you wipe your monolithic dong on her priceless handmade native american uber-sustainable fairtrade honestly sourced hippie sweater

Jump out the fucking window into a Sprint Cup NASCAR and cover the hotel in black rubber as you burn out and blaze off into another american night

global warm deez nuts, bitch

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Milankovitch cycles have more to do with climate change on this planet, than ANYthing human beings could ever do to it.

Also, how about everyone concerned about the fucking climate move to China or India and start by fixing those shithole countries. America has already done more than it's share; certainly more than enough to "lead by example" ffs

You're gay.

No doubt!

Socialist detected

>no retort

This. She thinks taxing the working class and flooding the World with Negroes will change a natural climate cycle.

She's an idiot, a fool and wasting peoples time.

>flooding the world with negros

do you retards actually believe the dumb shit you say

The same people who say “hurr dis study was funded by da oil companies” can’t even fathom the climate studies they’re citing also have certain political interests with ulterior motives backing them.

no you

if this is copypasta, it's delicious

I've said this so much thank god there's another real human here I thought it was just shills.

>the perfect story doesn’t exist...

yes its easy we do what the rich elites want
kill 90% of the world population so they can have MORE,


The increased co2 emmisions have greened the earth by 2 USA,s worth over the last 24 years.

Carbon emissions are making the earth greener.

Climate disaster is a commie conspiracy. Because oh what's the answer to this problem? Oh you don't say? Communism???

Red pill me on dumb fucks that keep asking us to Red Pill them on Greta Thunberg

Must Watch Top 10 Reasons Why Greta Thunberg Is a Fraud

TLDR Version:
She is being exploited and taken advantage of. She has aspergers, selective autism and obsessive compulsive disorders.

Greta's rise to fame was not organic promoted by a host of globalist elites from day 1 and they met with her mother scouted her 3-4 months before promoting her and did not happen across her protest they were told a week before.

Artificial Massive media Attention, the elites person of choice at the moment because it serves an agenda timestamp She pretty is much scripted .. when something off script happens her image evaporates

34 minutes in you she it not the 1st time they used a girl to sell climate change back in 1992 they did the same thing

they have been screaming doom in 10 years since the 1930’s
and have been wrong over and over and over again.


Greta Thunberg caught with tons of plastics inside her Tesla

do as I say, Not as I do

Most of them couldn't admit their hero is actually a big hypocrite.

>flooding the World with Negroes
It's the opposite :

End foreign aid of all kinds, let the poor die, millions of Somalis are never going to fix climate.
End immigration from countries with lower carbon footprints, pretty self explanatory.
High tariffs. Those tanker ships are a nightmare.
Domestic manufacturing and recycling. Those Chinese factories are shitty and polluting.

Fixed, and at virtually 0 cost and no socialism.

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So if both have motives backing them, then we should go with the one that has better environmental consequences. Glad we can agree.

Are you even dimly aware of the global population shifts happening?

Give the things you say at least a second of thought you fucking ignorant fool.

They either don't keep up with news (like a retard) or are shills just trying to bait people into debates

This is so fucking true. "The Models" were predicting the coming ice age - if we followed the dire warnings and predictions in the 70s we would have burnt all the coal and oil just to stop the heat death of billions of people. Keep the sheep scared it is how you can herd them into the pen.

>End immigration from countries with lower carbon footprints

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