Tell me about a country more stupid than America

Tell me about a country more stupid than America

Pro tip: you can't

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>Win civil war against whites
>Kick out all the white farmers and steal their equipment and land
>Realize you don't know how to farm and sell all of the equipment for a quick buck
>Immediately lose all that money in another war
>Food shortages happen
>Beg white farmers to come back after years of ineptitude
>Turn rather well off country of Rhodesia into another third world back water in less than 2 decades


I mean, if you're one of those retards who goes on and on about "muh IQ" we're no where near the bottom of countries. If you go buy our history, we've made pretty good moves with only a few big fuck ups and have been able to dance through debacle after debacle, only really screwing the pooch with the Civil War. We could go by our present but like most things, it will take context from historical observers to really tie the big and ever evolving picture together.

We've had our flubs, but we're no France, Germany, any African country, or China. Are many of us ignorant? Sure, but that's a commonality between most humans in literally every culture, the world is a big place and bias is built into our DNA. For every ignorant American, you could find another one in another country just as, if not, worse.

There's No real point in pointing fingers. We should all strive to make our individual countries, cultures, and peoples better more enlightnted, if not for the greater good of humanity, at least for our own selves.



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O-OK but I bet you can't tell me about another country more stupid than America!

A well-reasoned thoughtful reply that is both intellectually honest and doesn’t reject one extreme for its opposite.

What the literal fuck are you doing here on Sup Forums, bro?

Nice, you had to look at a third world country to find one. Must feel good that some of those countries are more stupid.

America isn't a country, dummy.


>name a country more stupid than america
>t-that one doesn’t count fucking amerifat!!!!

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*drops mic

Mexican here. My country is half retarded
>Rampant corruption at all levels of government
>Cartels doing what they want
>Presidents always steal huge amounts of money
>Elected Peñanieto because he was "handsome" literally people voted him because that
Love my country but jesus.

shhhhhh you're not supposed to remind them....

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>Tell me about a country more stupid than America
Well half of America is a laughing stock, non-Americans can't believe so many libtard burgers wanted a literal spirit cooking criminal witch to be president in 2016, Jesus Christ guys.

Ok Zimbabwean

After living here for 20 years (coming from Japan), I can tell you:

1. Americans are devoid of the concept of shame. It is not taught to children here, and most adults do not have a comprehension of it. "Cop didn't see it, I didn't do it" mentality is widespread. There is no personal honor, value of one's family and name in the sense of bringing shame against them, or a desire to encourage others to recognize the concept.
2. Americans will always go the short route and follow the path of least resistance. You will lose attempting to argue this, and every American knows this is true. There was a time when it was the opposite. That time has well passed.
3. Americans will not do the right thing when no one is looking. Concepts of personal morality, values, and ethics are numbed amongst the general citizenry.
4. Americans view themselves as the center of the world, and their downfall will always stem from their ignorance. NIMBY only works for so long.

And yet the nation that people are breaking down the doors to get into is the USA. Why is nobody trying to get into Africa, the Middle East or Central America?

It's not only America, the countries people are fighting to get into all have a common denominator, they are all white run. The best countries to live in are built by whites. That’s just reality.

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i agree with it all. good list.

>And yet the nation that people are breaking down the doors to get into is the USA. Why is nobody trying to get into Africa, the Middle East or Central America?

From your limited point of view, it may seem like this. but it's not. Other countries strictly limit immigration (my country of Japan is very severe in this regard). And the reasons many want to come to the US are not necessarily for personal prosperity.

>It's not only America, the countries people are fighting to get into all have a common denominator, they are all white run. The best countries to live in are built by whites. That’s just reality.

And therein lies a huge shortcoming of the American mindset - placing one culture as "best", or applying obscure metrics to determine what is "better" or "best" without appreciating the simple differences of other cultures and nations. This mental bankruptcy stems from mass narcissism on a grand scale.

>Tell me about a country more stupid than America

Easy any other country other wise why would you be setting there post about us with so much envy

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