When I say slavery you say sorry

When I say slavery you say sorry

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You missed your boat ride home

sorry :(



>Ya here to challen' me, darkie?

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sorry, Slavery

Autistic hispanic virgin femanon here. How do I go about entrapping a white man in impregnating me? Can I just lie that I’m on birth control and get away with it? Will he inquire any further than that?

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sorry, Sir

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Sorry it ended, you niggers need putting in your place again.

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Where's his bulge?

Also OP is a nigger

If you're a descendant of a black slave, you were sold to Europeans by Africans who enslaved your forebears. Take this low quality bait to Reddit where they fall for this shit. Niggers invented slavery and Europeans weren't intelligent enough not to know any better at the time.

Finland says sorry

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slavery saved your people from the brutality of Africa, you were housed and fed. given employment with on the job training. you were educated, and house trained.
and yet, you complain. it's tome you reflected on your ingratitude. and begged us to enslave you again.

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