The Rise of Skywalker was... OK. The ending was kind of a mess and there were some structural issues along the way...

The Rise of Skywalker was... OK. The ending was kind of a mess and there were some structural issues along the way, but all in all, it was a serviceable movie. What did you think, Sup Forums?

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I think somebody needs to post the link so I can watch it.

It's up on most torrent sites. Seems like it full of ads, though.

Like a little watermark in the corner?

I might wait for the HDrip. I wanna se my Day Day in 1080p.

this movies suxx dick, see for yourselfes

Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker 2019 720p HDCAM




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I agree.
Prequels were much better. More interesting characters, better story.

Prequel trilogy Lucas: Anakin IS the chosen one because he kills the emperor.

Disney trilogy: yeah fuck all that.

Also funny was Rey almost dying but not, 3PO almost dying but not, Chewie almost dying but not, Kylo almost dying but not but then dying anyway. Leia almost dy... oh.


watermark, full-blown ad breaks and popups

I would rape Daisy, like real hard.

yeah fuck that then

Original trilogy: There was no chosen one.

3PO didn't almost die, he just had his memory temporarily erased. They knew he would get it back.

It's worth the ticket money.

why did his scar move?

because you are gay

It was a mess through and through, and it really needed the balls to let people stay dead, but it was enjoyable overall.

The ending was fucking retarded. Rey goes to kill Palpatine and when she find him, he gives her the best perfect offer. Kill Palpatine and take control over the Empire. That's exactly what the rebels wanted! Palpatine is giving her the perfect victory! But then she changes her mind because she doesn't want to do Sith things, even though she's been doing Sith things the entire movie? I don't get it. All she had to do was to lie about being a Sith. Then she could have dismantled the Empire and everyone would have been happy. There would be no Second Order, but now there most likely will be.

I think OP is a cock smoking faggot.
But what else is new? lol

Yeah, but you're retarded.

i'm not gay, you faggot

it is garbage and ((YOU)) are garbage op. you have garbage taste and are a low brow, unintelligent, shit eater.
> oooohh another chance for me to spend $10 for 2 hours of weak, stupid, predictable fan service
> same shit rehashed over and over and over again
> oh? palpatine is related to the hero? he's evil, she's bad?? that's so original and really speaks to me as a viewer
fanboy morons like you ruin good things. multi billion dollar corporations know all they have to do is spend a bit of money making some images with big splosions and recycle the same old shit into something "new" and you'll come flocking.



i know you read the part about you being an asshole and you should kys

You need to relax, man. Take a break. Maybe go see the new Star Wars movie.

It's an embarrassment, and once again shows that Monies and fancy degrees don't mean shit when it comes to creativity, imagination, and good writing.

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It's a decent movie . Very very forgettable though. I dont blame JJ at all though. I blame Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson for The Last Jedi. It's impossible to follow up that dumpster fire and JJ did as best as can be expected in that scenario. Just the fact that Rian killed off the big main bad guy in the middle movie , just that by itself, sets up the final movie with no main villain to carry the plot forward

Honestly, TFA was decent until Stsrkiller base subplot and Rogue One is AMAZING, easily up there with the original 3 movies IMO

But yeah Kathleen Kennedy screwed up the sequel trilogy BADLY. There was no plan, not even a basic outline, and giving it to different directors with vastly different visions was a huge mistake.

Its hard to imagine why someone like that wasnt fired for gross incompetence so long ago. Maybe she has blackmail on Bob Iger ?


their plan is something like this:
> monitor social media
> write a script which attempts to exploit hot button social issues
> flip the script on everything traditional
> male characters in the past are now female
> females are now heroes and males are passive because that is opposite of what (((society))) expects even though (((society))) say womyn are stronk over and over
> inspect all casting choices to ensure that every race is in the movie, regardless of acting ability or relevance to the plot.
> try to make the story conventional but also controversial by flipping all social norms but fit in with social media screeds about diversity and gender norms, again not to help tell the story in the vein of the star wars legacy or universe

>What did you think, Sup Forums?
That you're a stupid cuck like Mark Hamill, and have no clue what Star Wars is -- was.

>I think somebody needs to post the link so I can watch it.
You probably also like McDonald's and Spiderman?

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To be fair, watching it without paying is perfect revenge for this shitshow.

You make $10 sound like a big deal. Do you work at fucking mcdonalds or what? Be happy that this movie got you out of your mom's basement this month.

you think i would pay to watch this fucking pile of shit? i won't even watch it for free. i have read all of the breakdowns of the movie here to know it is shit. i saw force awakens and understood where this garbage was going. disney and the people that make these piles of unoriginal shit should all go bankrupt.

I think you're guilty of sucking jew mouse cock for paying to watch that crap

I watched 15 minutes or so this morning when some user posted a link. Same old boring shit.
Action that looks like a hundred other action movies. Incoherent plot that didn't get my attention. Characters I absolutely do not give a shit about.
A movie consists of visuals, story, and characters. When all three turn you off in less than 20 minutes, it's shit.

>assuming he paid
i think you're guilty of being retarded

it's because of the rise of the movie sequel. this is a new thing since the 1970's - 1980's and it leads to these big blockbuster type movies that are pretty much the same old shit movie to movie in the franchise but with minor tweaks in the stories. but sometimes you can get a good couple of movies out of a trilogy of sequels. it really became unbearably bad for me with the rise of social media. now you can tell that writers and producers craft their stories quite often based on the loudest groups of people in the social media sphere. this leads to unwatchable bits of fan service and shipping. they have to practically throw out the plot and spirit of whatever original story they craft that got people interested in the series in the first place, to have a bunch of vignettes and subplots to satisfy the social media screamers. i guess i am just getting old and to people that are ~20 now this is normal and they like it.

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Same. Ben Solo's death was awful because it was so forgettable.

it was weird because in the original script, leia didn't die

fuck this jew money grab. they ruined the original trilogy. palpatine was a jew and the jews who own disney killed the goyim heros and let a jewess win


Yes its "art" through committee and its books as well as movies. The quality stuff is made by creators who create for themselves first, that tell a story a certain way because that's the way the story is. But people who aren't willing to have their vision completely rewritten rarely see the light of day.

What does Finn need to say to Rey

have some standards OP

That she's a Palpatine. Leia knew and told Finn for reasons

Lol imagine thinking Tim pool is an intellectual. He’s what stupid people think is smart. Point proved.

Rogue One bad. Force unleashed better. You know it to be true.
and Rey isn’t? Fuck off.

i think they finally found a good storyline 2 films too late.

An overarching background plot being alluded to throughout this trilogy would have been enough.

Ending didnt do justice. Unclear if that was Palpatine real body or a clone(wouldve been better if he did a lightsaber fight).
If they got ghosts of Solo, Luke, Leia why not get Anakin for his grandson!!!

I think Ben is hot and I want Adam to "drive" his red lightsaber into my butt hole while I tongue kiss him oh god

They took to long to focus on the lesbian kiss, that NO CARES ABOUT!!!
And characters that have no importance

decided not to go watch it cuz fuck disney

>it was a serviceable movie
it is sad that this is the highest praise that can be given to Disney's finale trilogy

It seemed more like a good start than an ending.
my only thing is who was crewing the billion ships palpatine pulled out of his asshole?

They were drones piloted by all the randos in Palpatines crowd that you really couldn't tell if it was actually spectator's or just a bunch of rocks.

Rise of Skywalker can suck my dick

Its so bad it makes me feel bad for shitting on the prequels so hard.

I'll ask the only question anybody cares about
Did Rey get blacked?

anyone who doesnt hate Disney Wars was never a fan of the series to begin with

Anakin was the chosen one, but it had nothing to do with the emperor.

The prophecy was that he would bring balance to the Force, and he did just that by bringing down the Jedi.

Palpatine told her that his spirit will live in her, you retard

I think I hope they get sued for retconning the EU and then copying it so poorly

i thought it was because he killed the emperor in ep 6. ignoring the fact that they ran out of original ideas when disney took over. i know in some versions of the stories the emperor still lived but i don't keep track of the different versions some of which are not "canon"

no, dumb. The Jedi way is about to keeping balance in the force; the sith way is about ambition, to accumulate the Force in a single person.
Destroy the thousands Jedi across the galaxy, and concentrate the Force in two siths, isn't bringing balance at all.

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Dont think anymore, nothing good comes from it.

The prophecy was fulfilled after episode 3, the Jedi had become a bloated farce of what they were supposed to be, they had achieved great power and influence by their use of the Force.

Destroying the Jedi brought balance to the Force, the Jedi's arrogance in not seeing what they had become and what was coming was their failure.

Yeah, like how obi-wans spirit lived within Luke, dumbass

The Force is about balance.

Jedi seek to be a conduit of the Force by killing all emotion

Sith use emotion to fuel their connection with the force

Its about order vs chaos, order had gained to much power so the Force rebalanced things through Anakin

You faggots dont know dick about Star Wars, no wonder you like the Disney garbage

No, he probably meant literally

Palpatine was the big baddie in the EU for ep 7-9, becuase he had learned to use the Force to transfer his spirit to other clone bodies he stashed away throughout the universe.

The Disney movies have been thinly veiled copies of the EU despite the fact it was wiped out when they took over. I hope someone has the balls to sue.

No. Obi wan is one with the Force, he can appear before whoever he wants. But not into them.
Sith' spirits literally live in their sucessor, viewing trhought they eyes, and stuff.

no... you're retarded

The EU is 100% non-canon. The closest you're going to get to EU stuff is Darth Maul surviving.

That was the Darth Plagueis' secret. And in EU as in Disney canon, Plagueis literally lives in Palpatine, and so on.
Thats why Palpatine tells Rey he will live in her, no near to her, or haunting her

The EU was always canon until Disney took over, that is why real SW fans hate the Disney shit so much

The EU was Star Wars, the movies were a small fraction of what Star Wars had become, then Disney comes along and said naw that shit doesn't count anymore but we're copy it anyways but fuck it all up in the process

citation needed

It was never canon, some fans just wanted it to be. A minority, I hope. Lots of stupid biullshit in the EU, even by the movie standard.