If the "6.5 is an normal penis average size" meme is true why cant i get to the bottom of any girl?

If the "6.5 is an normal penis average size" meme is true why cant i get to the bottom of any girl?

I dated 4 girls who were less then 5;2 tall and I could not reach there bottom even with the deepist positions?

Whats the catch? The average must be much bigger?

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Let's see how many people falls to the bait

Well have you tried fucking dudes?

What bait?

its true...

No im not into guys, and guys tend to want more then girls

Im not a V fag I have had sex with a bunch of chicks but I can bere sem to get to the botom on virgins and non birgins makes me feel like a degen.

yeah the average is 10 inches but most people over 7 arent insecure enough to get them measured for averages

10 inches is obvously a strech, but lets be real, if your less then 7 inches how does a girl even feel you penitrate them?

like seriously?

-2 inches for entry and thats 4 inches you cant even hit there deep spots at 6 lol fucking sad lol.

I don’t get it. I’m 6.5 and I’ve hit the cervix of several girls. As a matter of fact, my wife hates it when I do so I have to be really careful when she’s on her hands and knees. If you’re with a girl with an IUD, consider yourself lucky. There’s a string that sticks out of the cervix. It’s more like mono filament. You hit that thing just right and it’s like a needle hit your dick. Shit hurts.

6.5 is more than sufficient. Getting your cervix slammed for 10-however many minutes is NOT pleasurable. Girls prefer girth over length anyway.

too bad for you girls want fat dicks more than long xDDD faggot

you fucked horsecunts
try a human one next time
8 2/3" here, only girl i could really fit in was a brazilian
first gf left 2 inches out
second wife was almost full
the brazilian fit me perfectly though
arousing a girl matters a lot though

dick size isnt everything
>not every harp owner is a harpist

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weird how they are all different, my wife loves it and can only cum if I hit her cervix - there's gotta be a warm up to it though... and on all fours I can hit it better - told her anal would mean I can hit the cervix in a different way but she aint having any of that - doesnt even let me touch her starfish,.....

Girth is where it’s at boys

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Your the same guy from yesterday that was a virgin. You just want us to shame you for kicks

nice LARP


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is this pic supposed to be an example of girth? kek

>If the "6.5 is an normal penis average size" meme is true why cant i get to the bottom of any girl?

Because you lie about your penis size. Hitting the cervix should not be desirable for either of you.

Spent my younger years fucking through the hardcore scene around the world. Solid 7.5”.Every pussy is different.

Some small girls have proportionately shorter canals. Others have longer. Same for tall girls/shorter. I don’t discriminate when I fuck but there is no real race difference other than phenotypical traits.

It also depends a lot on how much foreplay you do to let their body prepare. The more turned on they get the deeper it gets. If you go in raw with no notice out of the blue, just spit and push all the way in there is a good chance you’ll hit a cervix no matter the size.

Iuds are chill and all but as user said, I can feel them. Honestly 1/10 girls likes it being hit and even then it’s just psychological really (what part of women isn’t tho.) it’s been more of a problem for me. Most women don’t like it which means no going hard as shit if you want to fuck again.

Also I’ve only got 1 inch more than Avg apparently but I get told I have a huge dick by a disproportionate amount of women. Not top 2%, but still enough for me to question the geographic, dietary, and confidence-shame distribution’s affects on the statistics you might be referencing.

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Are you a turbomanlet? Looks bigger than 6.5

ITT OP reveals the inferiority of the metric system. Too bad your centimetrkic cocklet is not an Imperial Hog.
Also next time try inb4 mandingo.


Thank you for doing my job for me.

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got a 6,6 to 6,7 and i got to bottom on almost all of them. none of them liked it so dont worry if you are smaller than that. from behind and go in from "above" just get up a bit and you get it.thats how i did it.

Lol. That’s fine with me. You all
Bore me.

>If the "6.5 is an normal penis average size" meme is true
it's not, the North American average is 5,5.
>why cant i get to the bottom of any girl?
you can, but you fail to understand the anatomy of the vagina.. it's not a brick wall at the end, it's soft, spongy tissue that moves to accommodate your penis. In a normal vagina, anything beyond 6-7 inches can be slightly painful, especially if the dick hits the cervix.. I have a inch dick, and have tried this a few times. Also, vaginas differ in size just like dicks.. maybe the chicks you fucked just had deeper than average cunts, mate.

>If you’re with a girl with an IUD, consider yourself lucky. There’s a string that sticks out of the cervix. It’s more like mono filament. You hit that thing just right and it’s like a needle hit your dick. Shit hurts.
well.. shit, that explains a lot! Thanks mate, now I know why fucking chicks with an IUD tend to hurt my dick, when I hit from behind.

>told her anal would mean I can hit the cervix in a different way
user, I..

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>Also I’ve only got 1 inch more than Avg apparently but I get told I have a huge dick by a disproportionate amount of women
that's because you actually have two inches more than average; average is 5,5.

>I have a inch dick

7 inch dick

Depth of vagoo has more to do with body shape than height. I briefly dated a short (5'4?) girl with big hips/ass and never hit the bottom. Later dated a very skinny 5'10 girl and I would punch her cervix every time we fucked. My cock is a hair under 6 inches. I believe size and shape of a vagina has more to do with hip structure than height

Could be that you just didn't feel it. The tip of a penis has very little nerve endings, so when your dick hits the cervix it might feel different than you expect.

I'll post to save the sad boi's who don't know any better, I've bottomed out in 2 of my 3 last gfs with a 6inch dick. They love it just fine, calm down with the autism.

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cute kitty! Name?