ITT: People you look up to

ITT: People you look up to

Attached: keemstar1.jpg (768x1024, 143K)

Attached: varg-vikernes.jpg (1100x671, 124K)

Attached: hitler.jpg (649x365, 20K)

Can’t decide which one is edgier

Attached: 32F1C7BC-C489-43A6-81C9-87A964262993.jpg (19x19, 1K)

Spoke to soon

Attached: 5cefd8f011e2053b713345b2.jpg (1443x722, 188K)

Attached: greta.jpg (2400x1196, 331K)

I wish I could diddle children and get away with it like he does

Attached: onision11g.png (448x428, 165K)

Attached: GG Allin.jpg (498x588, 28K)

Attached: A180F124-A5F4-4382-BDB5-A3EDFA3A0224.jpg (521x938, 462K)

if image is related

congrats on being retarded

Attached: CE138151-6C91-4A76-B3A8-FF8DAAAAAD22.jpg (444x784, 280K)

Attached: 1.jpg (416x416, 31K)

Attached: 7098D751-A26C-470A-A879-4312AE4F49E5.jpg (456x852, 289K)

Imagine idolizing a legitimate retard.

Attached: 1547838179620.jpg (400x196, 25K)

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Attached: j467j66h6r.jpg (822x617, 44K)

I don't idolize anymore

Attached: cyber pepe.gif (750x750, 1.87M)

There never seem to be blinds in cyberpunk distopias

fetal alcohol syndrome

why do you look up to him?

somebody has too

Attached: 356325656.jpg (658x370, 37K)

>my supreme great grandfather

Attached: 1565982597123.png (680x880, 583K)


Attached: Its coz you a giant peepee hole.jpg (256x256, 19K)

Attached: MRG_StephenMerchant.jpg (268x285, 8K)

It's because you can flip a switch and the glass turns opaque, come on.

Attached: CB2766D0-4D34-42DB-ABFE-51D3FDFA63A6.jpg (1200x1200, 420K)

how are you supposed to look at the colors of Neo Tokyo with blinds covering it all up

Attached: neo_tokyo2.jpg (1024x724, 479K)