This girl wants to go on a date before we have sex, where shall i take her...

this girl wants to go on a date before we have sex, where shall i take her? i haven't been on many dates before and my social verbal skills are not very good

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uh oh this is not a good sign

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Checked trips

Also, some pointers:

Let her talk most of the time.
Agree with anything a normie would agree with.
Dont reveal your power level.
Don't talk about anime unless it's a shared interest, and dont shit on her taste in anime, if you do anything sperferific, brush it off with a chuckle and a shrug... there is nothing worse than letting something small ruin something big.
Brush your teeth, take a shower.
Constantly ask yourself "what would a normie do?"

Holy fucking autism Batman

i don't want to just sit around talking though, isn't there some fun activity we could do together? i guess she would probably talk during the activity because girls talk to much so i will try to remember your advice but i want to be doing something as well.
normies seem to just lie to each other and pretend to care

take her for a walk and tell her about your innermost thoughts
giving away something personal like that is a good way to build trust

Yes, and?

that makes sense, show trust to gain trust, i think ive heard that phrase before. my innermost thoughts are mainly around wanting to lick her pussy and fuck her in the ass after getting head

listen to this guy if you want to make sure you don't score

Just dont over share, movies is a good activity, bowling, putt putt golfing, hiking etc.

For a guy who doesn't like talking, you damn sure have a lot of bullshit to say.

Normies don't like/pretend to care. They actually care and understand that helping others feel comfortable means sometimes not being a dick about your only personal tastes because at the end of the day your opinions are your OWN opinions and just because someone else doesn't agree with them doesn't make them wrong, that's what makes them a fucking person!

Sorry fuck hole but you seem a bit to neck-beardy to be ready for a date. You'll likely burn it with fire like the moron weeb you are.

Google "[your city] events on [day of the date]" and see if something interesting come up.
Otherwise just bring her to a nice restaurant or a decent place to drink something that isn't a random pub filled with saturday-night kids.
Drink something, have a chat, relax and then go to town afterwards.

Go read your chat and try to find things she said that might be a good conversation starter (like something specific about her job, her hobbies, her living situation or whatever) and use those to ask questions during your date if you are super lost on what to talk about.
Don't be the guy who nods and just lets her talk, say something or you will find yourself dealing with a lot of awkward silences.
First dates are the easies because there is pretty much everything to discover about the other person, you can ask every question and receive an answer that you didn't know so relax and enjoy the night

wow you are angry

ok thanks. i'll have a read back through and see if there are some clues that i have missed.
ye that's a good point, it's like a blank canvas and we are just both chucking paint at it to see how the other one reacts.

I dunno dude, I agree with OP on this one. Normies are usually pretty two faced and usually have ulterior motives when they act like they care, because they're afraid of the responsibility of being honest.

As for OP she sounds like an actually not piece of shit person so points to you for getting her attention. I'm honestly rooting for you, I've been in your place and usually having a relationship with a normie is all you need to gain social skills and all the other jazz. Just please ffs remember persec and don't post anything that'll get you doxxed.

This is some top tier dating advice, good shit user. And like the other post mentioned, proper hygiene and grooming go a long way, remember deodorant and shit like that.

>because they're afraid of the responsibility of being honest.
this annoys me so much, i just ask them directly and if they don't answer my questions i move on because if they can't be honest with me, i can't trust them.
thanks user ye she is nice. persec ok, that's a new word for me but i googled the meaning.

when i first started using deodorant and aftershave i kept using too much, i didn't realise there was a healthy balance in between. i'm glad people told me about it though, one older guy told me, 'it should be discovered, not announced'

A bit of lying is normal, everyone has secrets or does weird things that might be considered strange at first approach.
When you first meet a person you need to establish that you are a normal, healthy human being that is able function around people.
All the other things will come after that, there is no need to "be yourself" and vomit all your deepest problems and issues on the first date, that just makes people run from you.

That doesn't mean you have to lie to their face at every question. If you like X music then there is no need to lie about that unless you are the kind of person that likes to go on a 20minute tangent about how cool that specific underground band best represent that tiny, specific underground genre that you and other 30 people online like so much.
Things like spending your days in front of a computer jerking it to Chinese cartoons should be kept for yourself, as is your extremely niche hobby or anything that you would never tell a stranger when first seeing him/her.

Keep the weird things to yourself, there is no need to be mad at this, it's how things work. You wouldn't fully trust anybody on the first date so there is no point in arguing about people not sharing their whole lives at the first occasion

>A bit of lying is normal, everyone has secrets or does weird things that might be considered strange at first approach.
that's not lying, lying is when you mislead someone, which is what i am refering too. keeping secrets and being weird is expected.

>When you first meet a person you need to establish that you are a normal, healthy human being that is able function around people.
lying to get those results is just going to cause problems, if you are not able to function around people, the other person needs to know, to either choose to help you, or so they can move on.

how to make conversation? Just keep asking her questions, then relate her answers to your own experience, then ask another question, rinse repeat till you have a proper repertoire between the two of you. There will be moments were you can inject someone charming, e.g a joke she might find funny or subtle compliment. You want to be funny, charming and kinda aloof. When thinking about questions to ask, think about things that make you look good. e.g you ask her about her job, what challengers she faces and you then say something about the challenges you got through and that makes her see you in a positive light. You wanna be subtle with this, play it of as not a big deal. Be humble.

This and this

If you are not able to function around people it will be absolutely clear regardless of what you say.
What I meant was that you need to show that you understand what normal, average people do and understand why they may find such things enjoyable, even if you don't enjoy them yourself.

If the other person likes to go to concerts and you absolutely hate it, for example, you don't have to just roll your eyes and cut the chat short. Ask something as if you wanted to be convinced that concerts are good, ask about good and bad experience and stuff like that. You get to drive the conversation and you show some interest in what the other person has to say and in their experiences.
You could argue that this is just fake interest, I say it's a way to show that you care, to drive a bit of the conversation and to know the other person. If they didn't convince you that concerts are fun, then no Biggie, next time avoid the subject entirely and try something else.
No two people will ever agree on everything so when you end on a boring/uninteresting subject, just roll with it for a bit and then talk about something else.

>If the other person likes to go to concerts and you absolutely hate it, for example, you don't have to just roll your eyes and cut the chat short

I mean if you have even a shred of empathy you could always start a conversation that way. her "i love going to concert's. him "i hate going, but why do you look them so much?" her "i look them because of the people around me the energy and its great see your bands in person" him " okay, so whats your favourite concert to go too" ect ect.
Its not rocket science, as long as your just not either a. in your own head, or b. a complete narcissist. Its not the hardest thing in the world.

Take the hore to a fast food place use one of thos feed 2 for the pice of one coupons you konw the onestimate you find in the. Weeky news paper that's the way to do it son if you get some cunt you can spend a bit more chash next time. Get a red pie with cheaz or some shit bro let's be realy I can't be she'lling out shit if. She's not up to fuck I'm not some chump

look should be like, dyslexic and whatever

Go somewhere that's interesting that brings up conversation points. Zoo, museum, etc.

Go for a walk in the park and rape hre this. Works 100% of the time

Crazy golf.
I have never taken a girl to play crazy golf and struck out.

That's exactly what I was saying.
I didn't mean you have to lie saying you are the biggest concert animal around just to make a good impression and to show that you are a social person just like them, because you will be caught in the lie eventually.
I mean, you can absolutely do that if you know there is no way for them to catch you and you already know you need just enough time to get you dick wet and then disappear, but that wasn't the point of my argument.

This guy is on it though.

This is unexpectedly wholesome for Sup Forums

What the fuck is crazy golf

its mini golf but with like "monsters" and shit

Nice trips... Where the fuck are you? How can we suggest where to take this lass without a location?

TLDR: Take her to a nice restaurant, go for a walk, visit an animal shelter and look at dogs, take a painting class...

Crazy golf is the pinnacle of western sports.

Attached: crazy-golf.jpg (550x345, 67K)

i mean lying can be fun. but you should really only do it you know you're never going to see them again. e.g who are you? I'm the queen of England and just got my brain transplanted into this new body, and who are you to tell me i'm lying? Lying can be fun, you can be anybody and stuff being that person when you leave, great way to increase your social skills at no risk.

>TLDR: Take her to a nice restaurant, go for a walk, visit an animal shelter and look at dogs, take a painting class...

I feel like thats a plot to a movie.

So miniature golf then . Never heard it called crazy golf in my life

Women want to know that their date is a good person. You should be a good person already doing these things.