I wish I had white guy pubes. Having curly pubes sucks, I can't grow a good bush

I wish I had white guy pubes. Having curly pubes sucks, I can't grow a good bush

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Either way, pubes in general suck. My gf won't blow me if they grow out too long.

owo what's this?


low t faggot

white people do have curly pubes you stupid nigger

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>showing his pear shaped nasty ass stomach as an argument

gonna throw up real quick

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shut up nigger bitch
this is what I do to black "men"

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It's obvious I meant the pubes black people have

Good, I'm all for breeding ass. But you're still fat.

Are these the pubes of that racebait spamming lol that's too much I can't take you seriously when you're all flubber

i could still beat your ass

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That's fine, doesn't make you less fat though. Probably just distract you with a mcdonalds happy meal.

whatever you say weak bitch

blacks have lower body fat than whites on average but they are weaker

>but muh leanness
>inb4 he won the rematch
Ruiz knocked his lean nigger ass out

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I'm white and not op, tubby boy.

Can you see your small dick when you stand up? Or is it covered by the fat?

post your dick
bet you mine is bigger you scrawny bitch

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lol so you're a white twink who sucks on black cock cause you're a cuck faggot

i guarantee you are 5 8 manlet

jesus fuck that's the whitest dick i've ever seen

think again needle dick

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Just because you like to post gay porn doesn't mean I want to add myself to your collection

A. not yours cause it's reposted on every board all day long
B. that's 7 inches by 5 girth you deluded retard
not the monster cock you wish it was

you're in here looking at a man's pubes

No its mine but thank you for being so impressed that you cant even believe it

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post your cock op

and you use it to stick inside of men you lanklet cuck
i would lay your faggot ass out

Doesn't mean I need to give you my black cock

post your address Ill knock you the fuck out scrawny faggot

Lol changed your tune. Seething because of your tiny dick that you cant see over your gut. Yikes!

nobody wants to see it. we're not gay like AIDS infected niggers

cope faggot
post your address ill knock you out

trap fucking lanklet queer
you like nigger dick up your pale faggot ass

The gay porn poster wants to talk about Aids, lmao

SEEEETHING. My cock is like, double yours in length. Embarrassed for you. Admit you're horny.

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meet me somewhere and I will kill you you fucking faggot
post your address

Do you have a retort that isn't you just screaming about how you would beat me up, needle dick? Admitting you're completely fucked, pilsbury dough boy?

post it faggot
I will literally kill you
I will come to your house right now and beat the shit out of you

says the weak bitch
tell me where you live

consider reincarnation, you might be reborn white.

meet me in person and say it my face pussy
i will show up to your house and the shit out of you. don't believe me? then post it

baby dick mad

tell me your address, pussy

>but muh dick means I'm masculine

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baby dick mad. Tried to seem superior and couldnt. stay mad, maggot.

You should see our iqs

tell me your address weakling
you're inferior cause you can't fight you pale little lanklet sissy
you have weak bones
guarantee you've never been in a fight
guarantee you've never called a nigger a nigger to his face

i can smell the diabetes on your breath, noodle dick.

you will never reproduce


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I can smell the knee sock wearing trap cock you've been sucking

this is literally you

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Imagine coming into a thread to post your pubes and then getting triggered when people call you fat so you start racebaiting because that's all you know how to do

unlike you I've actually touched a naked body that I've not paid for. danny devito lookin ass

sorry you will never be an alpha male even if your dick was 10 feet long

bitch I got laid this week

you're pale
people think you're gay and like black dick up your ass simply because you're so pale and scrawny and hairless

a hand job from momma dont count

Getting laid isn't what it's called when you get put on bed rest for chest pains, captain angina.

People might think that about me but people don't think about you at all.

>admitting people think you're a sissy nigger dick loving faggot bitch
i think I just won the argument

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didn't win the genetic lottery though, wide load.

made me stronger and smarter than you

says the pale sissy boi who will never reproduce and who admits to getting fucked up his ass by niggers daily

the only thing you've lifted is a burger to your weak chinned face.

shouldn't you be taking your hormones pale boi?

post body lets compare which is more masculine

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what are you gay?

lmaoooo thats what i thought, pillsbury don't boy.

that you like to look at naked men and send them pictures of your body?

you are skinny fat fyi
you have a thin frame but no visible muscles

you've posted about 20 messages about my body and how i get fucked by men, you're the one who seems to be gay, snorlaxative.

Better than the fat fat that you are imo

you have a high body fat percentage skinnyfat


I have more muscle than you and i'm skinnier.

I could easily beat your ass so that makes your body inferior

where are your muscles? I don't see any

>high body fat percentage
>can literally see my abs

guess there's a reason you're fat.

look at your stomach
you have no abs. it's just caved in

you're an ectomorph but you have no muscular definition

it's that thing that makes my legs look big without having to eat 5000 calories a day. you cant relate.

I can't relate to your massive level of insecurity from your dad fucking you up the ass as a child

did it hurt?

went from regular gay sex to child abuse. Dang you really are a weird type of horny, lord blubbington.

you claim to be so confident in your body but you just put up a shell because you are insecure
you are a mentally weak person. you'' probably commit suicide

I'm not claiming anything about my confidence, I'm not not fat like you.

These are the type of pubes I want js.

you are a gay nigger

you are insecure
you're gonna commit suicide
John Holmes had a huge cock
he died of HIV/AIDS

And you're a fag who likes to jerk off to having "arguments" where you post gay porn
Pobody's Nerfect

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oh shit are you the black gay ama poster?
he uses that webm

You have a lot of gay and trap porn saved

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It's because he's gay. That's why he's in this thread about pubes