I drew a swastika with nail polish on the bathroom counter of my grandparents house on a dare unsure If we have nail...

I drew a swastika with nail polish on the bathroom counter of my grandparents house on a dare unsure If we have nail polish remover . What do I do Sup Forums

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>on a dare

wow.. your grandparents are still alive, shouldn't you be in school?

Use more nail polish to cover it up, retard.
Since you're already that much of a faggot, they wont even ask how you would spill nail polish on a vertical surface.

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I wish mine were still alive.

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If I was your grandparents I’d smash your head on the counter, who does this kind of thing? Are you missing a few neurons??

if youre going to ruin someone who loves you's belongings at least do a symmetrical job you useless piece of shit

You mean neutrons?

Nice dubs, same here , user.
But it's fine, at least neither of them had to suffer.

Grow up, kid.

Would love to see the look on their faces when they heard about trump

shouldn't you be at work?
>me replying to my unemployed loser self

use permanent marker then wipe it clean.

Shut up Satan.

Rubbing alcohol can take off nail polish worh some elbow grease.


razor will take that thing right off, so will paint thinner, acetone you can probably find in their garage. a scour pad or brillo pad. steel wool and water will work too. counter looks like marble or granite you could probably scrap it with your finger nails.

Paint more over it....

Nice satan trips, but they weren't american and died before 9/11.

I bet that gift user, loves reveling in the tears and pain of jelly anons. Hence why he gifts shit like 60 shekel RE3 games.
Delightfully devilish.

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thanks man ill try that shit

thanks user you're a fucking life saver i guess i thought that nail polish is so permanent that a finger nail couldnt take it off but no scraped that shit right off thanks man

>nail polish remover
Rubbing alcohol should do
Kerosene if you have nothing else
FYI check the garage for acetone, which is paint thinner but actually the same thing as nail polish remover


no problem user

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wait for it to dry and peel it off. Assuming it's not an unpolished wooden surface, it should come off fine.

You guys are retarded, my grandparents died in 1908

If your Granddad shave there will be a Razor somewhere, most easy if its a straight razor .If he uses disposable razors break the plastic head ( you might wanna warp some TP around it to not get cut ) to get the razorblades out. No razors? Looks for anything thats hard enough and not rounded on the edges to scrape : Small Mirrors, Beltbuckle, Wristwatch... even a Coin might do the job ... get inventive

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