If you vote for Trump you absolutely deserve to have the fucking shit beat out of you

If you vote for Trump you absolutely deserve to have the fucking shit beat out of you.

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Okay faggot

You are probably some dyed haired fat skank who needs the shit beaten out of her.

Bitch I will vote for who the fuck I want.

If you vote democrat you absolutely deserve to be shot when they try to take away the second ammendment. Good luck in the war commie

Kek if this wasn't the internet you'd be begging for your life right now.

Doesn't matter who I am. If you voted for this criminal shitstain you need a beating. By all means, be a huge faggot about this and prove my point.

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if i vote for him twice will that cancel it out?

i feel bad for the dozens of you that feel this way

>if you vote democrat
doesn't work that way trumpshit
step to the front of the line for your fucking beating

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The next 5 years of Trumps Presidency are gonna be tough for ya, pumpkin. Stock up in your psych meds.

You will be begging for your life if you vote for that shitstain.

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ok im here, now what are you going to do?

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Bu who? You? I would love to see you try you literal faggot.

>If you vote, you absolutely deserve to have the fucking shit beat out of you.

Hows it feel to know he will be your President for another 4 years?

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You're going to feel bad after you have the holy fucking stuffing knocked out of you trumpshit.
Shut up.

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Kekked, well the second time means you deserve to have the shit beat into you. Which just sounds much more unpleasant.

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that is very unreasonable, incendiary one might say

>next 5 years of Trumps Presidency
If you literally want this, you deserve to be beaten hard by a crowd as you walk out of your front door.

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republicans, i beg you

pls pick fucking anyone else, anyone. trump is a god damn retard.

>Saying people need the shit beaten out of them for having an opinion
>Calls user faggot for not agreeing with her opinion
>Doesn't give any logical reason why other than "hims a bad bad man!!!"

Maybe you need the shit beaten out you ya fuckin retard.

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It's funny watching you not disagreeing with the point, just getting rustled as your macho bullshit is threatened by a series of fists and kicking.

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So you are begging now after you start shit you can't finish? Time to finish all you faggots off.

Righty: I'm such a badass. I'll kick you ass anywhere, anytime. Just try it.

Lefty: [knocks him the fuck out]

Righty's Friend: No fair! He wasn't ready!

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How does it feel to utterly prove my point, that you would deliberately vote for the stupidest most corrupt President in modern times?
Step to the front of the line trumpshit.
Front of the line.

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Didn't I just shit on your head over on Reddit yesterday? Yeah, that sounds like you.

Shut up trumpshit. You aren't in control here. We are, and you can bet that your stupid faggot greentexting bullshit wasn't read at all.
Shut up.

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What's the matter fatso? Scared of a real American ass whooping? You'll probably die from blunt force trauma.

You lefties aren't as bad ass as you think you are either ya know.

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Step to the front of the line trumpshits
the front of the line
to collect your beating

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if i was going to get in an actual fight, i wouldn't waste my time arguing with you thats for sure.

All you trumpshits keep doing is mouthing off

shut the fuck up and maybe you'll only receive one beating as we kick you in the balls and send you off

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ok boomer

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Let's let him twist in the wind a bit longer … sure to be entertaining!

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I don't even support Trump you fuckin retard.
>You aren't in control here
You aren't either... Despite your delusions, Trump is still my and your president. He is actually the one in control here ya damn snowflake.
>You don't like my green text?????
>Says my green text wasn't read
You clearly responded to it. God you are clearly autistic.
>shut up
No you.

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You're lashing out because you know I'm right:
you're a stupid trumpshit lemming who bleats like a fucking sheep that TRUMP DINDU NUFFIN TRUMP DINDU NUFFIN TRUMP DINDU NUFFIN
step to the front of the line trumpshit

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lmfao at the nigger he didn't even fight

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so you're a pathetic homophobic dipshit too
front of the line trumpshit
front of the line

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Post a timestamped picture of yourself before you take your meds and realized this thread was a mistake

article 1 for clinton was actually 18 U.S. Code §1623 , ya goofball

this whole thread is some lefty whiney-baby throwing a tantrum and fake threats, im just saying if we got in a fight i would'nt be doing all that posturing you're doing.

>I don't even support Trump
Then shut the fuck up. Delete your posts and get the fuck out of this thread. You're still a control freak retard. Fuck off.

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Millennials are the most pathetic generation in EVERY POSSIBLE WAY. Get that through your head than get a bullet through your head because you can't handle the facts.

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can your trips make me? i don't think so

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That's all you want is mouthing off user. Believe me. Your kind has yet to see the repercussions of starting battles you cannot finish. Some of us hete have nothing to loose and enjoy coming up with creative ways to dispose of bodies. See ya in the funny papers....kid.

No. Shut the fuck up trumpshit. You aren't in control here. We are. Step to the front of the line for you beating. Now.

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shut up nigger

So triggered....

Control freak? No. I didn't start a thread saying that anyone who does a certain thing I don't like needs to be physically harmed. I'm just having fun here, but you.... I think you just missed your meds this morning. :)

I hope nancy pelosi gets mouth fucked on television. She looks like she has cancerous rack of methtits.

Who wants to sniff Ivankas twat sauce?

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>, im just saying
that's the fucking problem
shut the fuck up trump shit
we're sick of your crap
sick you saying "I'm just saying"
it's time to shut up before you get shut up

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here i am, try to beat me up i'll fucking rape you

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Thanks for offering nothing of value to the point.

Holy fucking shit shut the fuck up.

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There's nothing better to vote for though, American politics is fucking lame.

i wish we were standing face to face while you monologued at me, and then somewhere in your screeching mid-sentence, i just punch you in the mouth

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Yeah. Be scared. Fatty. The wood chipper is calling your name then the pigs will shit you out.

Me vs everyfucking person here, let's go, meet me at high noon in town square, PARTNA!!!

Fellow trumpshit here. With that kind of threat I am going to punch you really hard.

I read it.

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kek n chekd

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so once again, you don't deny that you deserve to have the holy living fucking shit beat out of you for supporting this CRIMINAL, you 're just rustled that someone DARE threaten you for doing it.
Step to the front of the line for your beating trumpshit. Front of the line.

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you mad he's not getting impeached huh? he lives in your head rent free while you have fantasies about this great man.

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Name any crimes hes commited

You gonna be the one to beat the shit out of them, cutie?

I notice the leftist tough guys went back to the internet after some right wing jocks kicked their shit in: Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, 3%'ers. Kek

the value was that whomever made that meme didn't even know what united states code he broke because they didn't include it in his impeachment, at least for articles 1 and 3(not 2), which i assume he meant, as those were the ones continued on to the senate.

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Lol tough weeb goy

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You wish nothing. Shut the fuck up control freak. We're calling the shots now. Not you.
You literally deserve to be beaten if you still support Trump or plan on voting for him.

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You would punch someone who doesnt agree with your ideology? So sad

not worried. My keyboard is much tougher than yours.


Wel we are on the subject of current issues with politics and society. Might I just say I don't like Trump but I hate him less than the nigger loving libtards.

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Faggot you ain't tuff keep typing

so start ww3!?! he is PRESIDENT

You are the literal shitstain... So mad you can't fuckin see straight haha

Step to the front of line to be beaten Trumpshit. Front of the line.

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obama ass sniffing cocksucka... you people were more likable when you were constantly slobbering on obamas dick. pathetic. go lick sor0s ass fuckface

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you'd hit the ground, tears welling up in your eyes as your entire face turns bright red, you'd stumble to your feet, your heart like a bird being shaken inside a cage, your voice shrieking as you take a step forward, right into the hardest uppercut i can throw

again, 0 values given

What will they all do when there's no more cock to suck?

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the value is that it is wrong in multiple ways, yet people are too lazy to either think for themselves, or fix it, and a secondary value of it, is that you are a faggot.