How can some angry losers hate two human beings who simply love each other is beyond my understanding

How can some angry losers hate two human beings who simply love each other is beyond my understanding.

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it's decadence

it's degeneracy

IMO i don't think being gay is even a way life, i mean how are you gonna have a child. You could have the baby carried for you or get one adopted but then again it's not completely your baby. Nature didn't intend for the same sex to produce, therefor i see it as invalid.

I truly don't give a fuck what other people do. Moralfags can only trigger others if they are moralfags themselves, either with disagreement or confirmation bias. Get on my level chads and don't take the tantrum train to little bitchville.

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You obviously have no idea what's going on IRL

kill all homosexuals

being gay is normal long observed behavior, it just sucks that a community has formed around it full of insufferable people that would never be tolerated otherwise. I'm bi and feel so alienated by the gay community that i just say im straight to avoid being associated with it

I dont get that either. People go apeshit when me a 28 yo is with my gf 15 when go are outside and kiss .

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I'm gay, and I completely understand why some people hate gays because of stuff like pic related.
Sadly, people tend to generalize and think that every gay is a BDSM VIH Positive Flamboyant Pedophilic Sodomite.
Not everyone is a degenerate slut.
Thot patrol.

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>muh nature
Nature doesn't have any specific purpose you fucking brainlet.

2019 isn't about following nature you fucking amerifag. You use technology every single day that defies the complete meaning of nature.

Is it the time i post sexy teenagers?

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Those aren't gays those are faggots.
People consider gays to be faggots.
Faggot might aswell be straight.
Faggot is a state of mind.

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Yes, please!

Sexy teens it is then.

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Because they are fags

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I won't deny it is affection. It's just unnatural affection. "How is it not natural?!" Ffs.
It's "natural" in the sense that as human beings we are inclined to do things that we want to do or like or get pleasure out of. However it is unnatural in the sense that clearly the human species is meant to procreate. And clearly 2 people of the same sex cannot do that. To take it a step further, not only can you NOT procreate via gay sex, but your chances of contracting a potentially life threatening disease increase considerably. While I won't disagree that their "feelings are real", I'll also BE REAL and say that they aren't natural.

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Agree, Gays bring this on themselves. Had a gay colleague who was openly gay but the only way you'd know he was gay was the check to cheek photo of him and his boyfriend on his desk or the fact he would talk about social things like, "Me and my boyfriend saw that movie last night" Nobody cared. As opposed to another colleague whose gayness was his entire identity, would frequently discuss giving blowjobs and was so "flamboyant" he got numerous comments about "turning down the gay" and this was in a psychology department full of flaming liberals.

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The man in that picture would have looked at those fags, shook his head in disgust and disappointment, and walked away.
Probably wouldn't have uttered a word.

makin me gay

What about this?
Most gays are bi anyway.

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Allow me to explain: *godtards*

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im not gay in anyway. but i really want to suck his dick

younger looking

When it affects other people is the problem. When people do their thing no one cares but if you continually act like a flaming communist faggot and insult peoples opinions and stuff how the fuck can you not understand how people get mad.

yeah im not gay or anything but god damn would I chug on his hard dick smegma

Exquisite taste user
I'd have him suck mine

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You ever smelled something really bad, so bad you were on the verge of puking in a milisecond?

Same for me when i see Gays, its revolting to me...

On a concious Level, sure be Gay, more Pussy leftover for me ....but do it in your subcultures clubs or at home.

She better start telling that story or I'll rape her twice as hard next time.

Suck a nigga dick or something.

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get over it. it's just genitals touching body parts.

Am the joka baby

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how can you not hate it? it is a crime against nature and God. They will surely suffer in agony for all eternity. Have a blessed day

The Pulse Nightclub murders were the best thing that ever happened in Florida

It's beyond your understanding because the gay mind is too cluttered with penis

Repressed feelings my dude.
No one who is comfortable with their sexuality actually gives a fuck what anyone else does.

Dare i say samefag?

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It's jealousy fueled hate. Notice how its always the anti-gays who get caught sucking off some Filipino twink or whatnot. Theyre just frustrated that theyre living life in the closet like pussies and dont have the balls to step out of line.

Dont be mean to them.
They are probably subs anyway.

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Defires how. You got some organism that adapt and learn, like wasp build nest and beaver build dams. Hell, even ants make fungus farm with dead grass. We just brought the game to another level. Nothing is agaisnt or out of nature. nature encompasses everything.

Literally every living thing on the planet lives to carry on the species, except faggots. This alone tells you being a faggot makes you defective


It's also not natural to get pleasure from playing video games, eating processed food, etc...

Lots of fags have kids. Certainly bisexuals do and you consider them fags anyway.

Mods what.

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Yes, but fags that get with the opposite and have kids do it because of pressure

Because that's gay as fuck


No no some people just want to raise kids. Kids are fucking expensive and a lot of responsibility, and there's still alot of prejudice against same sex parents. There's no real pressure to have kids.

Unless the joy and fulfilment of Parenthood counts as pressure.

Yes, but fags that get with the opposite and have kids do it because of pressure
>a gay person
>wanting kids
There are gay people
and then there are faggots.
Also there are you but you dont have sex so thats not really important.

>Also there are you but you dont have sex so thats not really important

Lol okay, bruv

As long as any two persons aren't literally fucking in the goddamn street, then who gives a rat's ass?

i'm fine with people fucking in the street as long as they're attractive and let me watch

Because of the disgusting degeneracy faggots have been peddling. If all you queers did was get together and live your lives no one would give a flying fuck. But since you assholes like to parade that shit around and take children with you then it becomes a problem. Understand faggot?

As a gay man, I hate faggots

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I don’t give a fuck what you want to do in your home, but when your have a parade where you’re waving your dick in a kids face and expect everyone to clap for you, you deserve all the hate you get.

Based and gaypilled.

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Show me a fag who hasn't been molested and I'll show you a black who hasn't thieved. JKJKJK but really every gay I know has been raped by a man as a child.

How about i call you a faggot and you tell me how in the world does have that anything to do with the thread.

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Cause being molested isn't natural fag...

And how exactly does it relate to them being gay purposefully?
I mean they didint molest themselves.

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Because we're jerks
and it's cool to be a jerk

get with it fag

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It's like being addicted to a drug, you know you shouldn't but you still do. I don't hate either but I know it's wrong.

Because only religious people have grievances against home of sexuals*

Being purposefully gay cause you got addicted to males instead of getting to females or being molested as a child.

so by your reasoning we do things that make life better for the human race, we're currently over populated as fuck so having gays not making more kids is helping.

there's a reason why we have pussies and cocks

and why should I care?

nature's all about molestation and rape what the fuck are you talking about a lion doesnt take lionesses out for dinner before fucking them he beats the shit out of all the men around then starts fucking, hell he fucks the other men just to prove dominance stop using nature as an excuse because its a fucking shitty one

anger comes from within

most humans are very angry

most humans will never understand their anger and will be controlled by it until they die

I am not most humans, and I love kissing boys, too

They sit in a far away place, spreading hatred with their fingertips, ranting and raving online with this reason and that reason on why it's so wrong, so bad, so harmful to kiss a boy

they will live their whole life consumed by this rage, and what will I be doing, far from them, far from their anger and discontent?

I will be cuddling and kissing a boy.

The world keeps turning without you.

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It's ok user, many people feel the same as you do. Don't identity as straight though.. people rely on level headed gays like us to set an example. I've been told by some people that they like my company because I'm "not like other gays, i don't shove it in your face"

we have to lead this example otherwise the cock-parade lgbt folk will become the example

not every queer dude wants that shit my guy, I would personally punch one of those pride parade freaks in the face this very moment if I could

Either one, or both. Depends.

That’s because you are simple minded

Because most people don't actually give a flying fuck who you screw. The problem is fags have to bw so outspoken about how "opressed" they are by a society that openly encourages gay couples.

By the way saying PDA is gross if its two gay people isnt hating on gays, any and all PDA is generally frowned upon.

Not saying there arent gay haters in the world, but they are a much smaller minority than anyone would lead you to believe. And its just a bunch of stupid old hags that everyone fuckin hates anyways.

So stop complaining so much.
- From a fellow faggot
(Just so my sexuality cant be used against my opinion I am openly bisexual and a cum guzzler lol).

Does that prove that being gay is natural since its a natural occurence. Far more natural than radio waves and sattelites just saying.

The human purpose is to grow beyond our animal instincts so maybe "natural" isn't the best term of phrase. To compare us to lions is a but of a stretch imo. But yes it is wrong in a society to rape children.


I know right? Pedophiles truly are oppressed aren't they?

Who said that's the purpose? We tried to "grow beyond our animal instinct" by creating the modern toilet, because squatting to poop is far too bestial.

With that in mind, we've been pooping incorrectly for hundreds of years. We've been hurting our bodies for hundreds of years because we want to "appear" less animal

I fucking hate humanity. retarded creatures more focused on illusions than reality.

yeah, man, we're not animals at all. We don't need water, or food, we don't have packs, we don't have mates, we don't have behaviors and patterns.

we're, like, a whole different species, myan.

enjoy your early onset IBS from your "modern" toilet

This is beyond gay, user

That kid is gonna end up as a faggot too, we should kill the entire faggot family

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The fact that you see yourself as "Different" tell me how much full of yourself and how basic of a human you are, the world TRULY would be better without fags like you

So how about two 75 year olds, a man and a woman. They cant have children, should they be denied as well?

I can't really understand what you're trying to say here

I know I'm different than most people. Im not consumed by hate and rage. Most people are

that's not an irrational statement. Look at the majority of threads and comments on any website - it's mostly hate, anger, rage

I was like that for a long time, too, but then I decided to let go

everything in life feels different when you let go of the Anger. Have you tried?

duh, user

reproducing is the ONLY purpose!! muh blood line! muh eugenics!

me animal
me make baby

this is my HIGHEST purpose! Jesus? Buddha? fucking useless! They didn't MAKE FUCK