Bisexuality is the superior sexual orientation. Change my mind

Bisexuality is the superior sexual orientation. Change my mind.

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It's the only orientation. Everyone else is in denial.

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you the guy in the middle, OP, or the back?

I could see it.
Middle. Objectively the most fun.

how about here?
i wouldn't mind taking my turn on my knees

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I feel like this is the kind of shit the free Mason's really do. Like they all meet in there lodges and blindfold the new guy tell him it's a initiation ceremony and to trust them. Then they take pics like this. Hold them in secret and tell their members if you speak of our shit we will show everyone the pics. The shit old men do to get off. Just get a normal hobby like everyone else

> having sex is good in and of itself for no external reason
good argument faggot

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The reason is that it's usually fun and pleasurable to all parties involved. What's your argument besides 'muh god?'

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you might be right, but it's just a little to gay for me

Agreed. I was in a bisexual relationship with a couple for a while. I would be the guy in the middle, on the right, or one on one with the wife or husband. It was awesome.

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Sounds hot.

Totally get it. But I’m not attracted to dude. I just want two girls. And I’m in between

>I've just been brainwashed by society into being too insecure to explore my own sexuality.

Straight people are bigger faggots than faggots.

> fun and pleasurable
vain. also, gross.
they are. They use contraceptives and murder their own babies, then they put away their gfs and take another, only to use more contraceptives and murder more babies. Fagfags are at least honest.

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what the fuck are you talking about.

sex is great, you should have sex with your gf and give her a baby

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>vain. also, gross.
not an argument

Not sure if this is b8 but I don't give a fuck about your flying spaghetti monster morals. Humans have gotten to a point in evolution where we can prioritize hedonism to a degree.

OK Satan

If you stack everything in the what is best for me category & completely ignore lesbians then yey. Yes! Being a gay man can work out if you. Lesbians take the bitching out of the equation & if your okay w/ dick in ass or your dick only in an ass then sure. I agree w/ this statement fully.

life is short and the pleasures of this world are fleeting. The only way for our nation to avoid God's wrath is for us to repent and seek His face, and that starts with us, accepting His promise of salvation.

Freemason here. I can assure you that nothing like this happens during initiation. Yes it's secret, but no gay shit.

God isn't real.


religious people should just die already and "go to heaven" (they should thank us) instead of fucking up earth with their bullshit.


> God isn't real, so I'll just fornicate and commit sodomy until my nation has no babies and foreigners pillow me in a nursing home
-t. Boomer

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nobody cares.

You fucking brainlet, bisexuals have the option to procreate.

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Been there, done that. I was early 20's, they were in their 40's. Pretty sure we fucked in all possible combinations. I'm normally that into guys, but it really was fucking great.

I bet that's really turning her on.

'Fun' is something children do with action figures. Use another word.

Agreed, however I have a strong preference for men, mostly because my physical characteristics are unattractive to women

theres no such thing as a bisexual relationship. what you were in was a polyamorous relationship

>Objectively the most fun.
Unless your ass doesn't feel anything.

ok, satan

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You're retarded.

What makes you unattractive to women?


>4.5" (erect penis)
I think that clearly puts me at odds with women

I guess I'm technically bisexual. I have had sex with afew different girls and managed to fall in what I thought was love with a girl when I was in highschool.

I have no real interest in them sexually though, girl hasn't given me a boner in years and years, and would never date a chick again. I wanna wake up next to a smelly boy every morning.

I like trans guys though so I guess that's kinda bi of me.

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it's why traps are so hot cause boy parts and femininity also asian boys are so cute..

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At your lodge maybe.....but they are others lol

>also asian boys are so cute..

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I don't think bisexuality is healthy. You really oughta commit to one or the other or else if you get into a monogamous relationship you'll always be thinking of the other side.

Imagine having a wife and then be dreaming of dick or a husband and dreaming of pussy

>Freemason in faggot thread
>tells me this shit doesn't happen in his swamp
>I am not buying it

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>you really oughta commit
why the fuck would i want to commit to either i do what the fuck i want and those that don't like can fuck off

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>I don't think bisexuality is healthy.
based on what considering how many no homos have STD's

manass isn't sexy.

>manass isn't sexy.
neither is a lot of stretch marked flabby womenass

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Women don't care as much as you think
She's hot, take her and be a family, find one on Reddit ftmspunished
These are fine, they should be married

its true

more femboys..

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>implying I don't find both types of ass sexy

if theres a hole to fill i'll get a thrill

wtf does that even mean

I like fat chicks and thin boys.

>Women don't care as much as you think
The facts say otherwise. These thing matter to them immensely.

My best friend in college had a huge cock. He did a lot of opiates and we would hang out with girls and do pills together and he’d be overtly sexual because he had 11/10 confidence and he’d often end up fucking the girls in front of me. Eventually this turned into threesomes with him fucking me as the guy in the middle. It was incredible the first time it happened. We never spoke of it when we were sober. But it kept happening every time we got high with girls. He died of an overdose, I miss his cock.

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we agree on one thing..

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>I miss his cock.

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So do strictly faggot couples. What's your point?

Whats gayer?

- Being the one fucking the girl while having your ass plowed?

- Being the one asserting your dominance on the other guy, but not getting pussy?

the real question is "whats more alpha fucking two at a time or just one"?

Dude its almost 2020. I'm married to a woman and still bang dudes. She doesnt fuck women, but she does cuddle with them sometimes.

Marriage is what you make of it.

Imagine you are balls deep in a girls warm moist cunt feeling her orgasming all over you while your asshole is being stretched out by a thick cock, your prostate being pushed in, and being cummed in at the same time. It may be gay but I don’t want to live any other way.

when all you want is a nice woman to soft femdom you and massage your prostate, but you have to avoid that shit to keep a decent woman or she will leave you :(

god damn right

having been both it really doesn't matter at the time it's just fun and not something you think about

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Oh damn! Moar!

more here
syukyoupan dot tumblr dot com

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>syukyoupan dot tumblr dot com

My hero!

I crave to be fucked by a fat cock and take it in the fucking mouth tho sadly I have a gf

me too man. me too

post more twinks, femboys, cute boys etc..

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I thought omnisexuals were generally the best.

No he’s right, initiation ceremonies are completely different, you could say have ur bear breast with a sword or dagger poking it, is a little homoerotic, but the gay shit happens far later on and gets far worse than just gay shit.

Bi tho havent had a bi threesome yet

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boyish looking femboys are hot

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Asexuality is actually the best. sex is revolting. I plan to change my brain structure to get it off my mind

Electroshock therapy only works 69% of the time.

>Asexuality is actually the best. sex is revolting.
sex doesn't have to include penetration i had a bi relationship with a TV friend and we only had oral sex and mutual masturbation.

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What is a TV friend and how do i get one?

Regardless. I can;t figure out what part of my brain i need to remove to become truly asexual.

If you want to get fucked no prob, why would i change your ming stupid bitch