Molestation thread -

Molestation thread -
Stories of how you, a friend, or a loved one was molested or sexually assaulted when younger.
Victims or perpetrators lets hear it.

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I struggle with it alot. Sometimes I'm cool with it, don't let it get to me. Other times it makes me shut down. I've done counseling but I don't think it worked. Only made it worse bc I felt raw.
It was my step dad's best friend. I didn't understand why he wanted me. Confused bc thought guys only wanted to do this stuff with girls, I thought maybe he thought I was a girl which freaked me out more.
He wasn't interested in my parts. Just made sure I paid lots of attention to his. He did it for what I think was about a year

How old was you at the time

Dude here.

I got molested by some teenager that lived near my dad's work then I was 4 or 5. My parents made me feel like I was the one doing something wrong. We never spoke about it but I grew up with guilt and couldn't let people get to close (emotionally).

It took 25 more years until I understood that I was abused. I still can't initiate sex. I need partners who initiate or I don't have sex.

Still single figures. 8~9
I think I'm going to regret discussing this here. Have done it before on b. You guys are like therapy. Ama I suppose. I may not necessarily answer. Not feeling the best about it rn.

Had my way with a few. I wish I could say I felt guilty. I dont.

aFrom the age of seven to 11, I was sexually and physically abused by my teacher. He carried out most of this in front of the class. He would act out a Bible story and use me as a volunteer and end the story by kissing me, he would grope me and get me to sit on his lap, he would read a story aloud each day and act out the content, and the manner in which he did it meant that none of my classmates, bar one girl who always tried to defend me, thought anything unusual was going on

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So you told your parents and they blamed you at 5 years old? That’s fucked up!

Which one is you?

I had a cousin who took advantage of a medical condition I had, incontinence, to indulge in her sick fetishes. I still have a really difficult time recounting it. Did it a number of times. I talked about it on /d/ once. First time I ever recounted it pubicly. It was a bad situation

Probably told them later in life

I didn't see my mother for several years after that. the net time I saw her, she loudly asked my dad "is he still gay?".

No, my dad "caught" us. Now that I think of it, I never saw that teenager again.

Are you now gay or did it confuse you sexually growing up?

As a pedo, how bad is the emotional pain as an adult?

Plz do tell

What did she do? What was the age difference between you both?

I'm the other poster, the one molested at 5.

How has this affected your adult relationships, and sex life?

on a trip with my parents, brother and a cousin, while on the road I try to get my hand inside her jeans/panties but the jeans are so tight I can only get 2 fingers inside down to the middle of the fingers. tried like that for a good 15 minutes then gave up.she was trying really hard to cover her crotch. I was like 12 and and she 11.

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I'm straight. It didn't confuse my sexual orientation, but I got really into porn since I was 6 or so. This was before we had internet so I snuck VHS tapes of magazines when I could get away with it. And the warped encrypted porn channel on cable.

A lot. She did this multiple times as we lived close enough that she'd often babysit. Most of my childhood to when I was 15 was characterized by molestation. She was six years older than I was. So when I was 7 she was 13 and so on.

She would change me and of course use that as a way to touch me. She masturbated me many times, put one of her vibrators in me when I was nine, forced me to shit myself, etc. Things like that.

Did you tell anyone? Still see her or ever confronted her about it?

I haven't told a soul. I still can barely talk about it without feeling like I'm trying to fish a bullet out of my skin with a rusty knife. I see her from time to time but thankfully I can avoid most family get togethers. Every time we've been together since 15 we've done our utmost to avoid one another.

I think if it was me I would have confronted her by now, or maybe even resort to blackmail, is she hot? Any enjoyment from it all or just dread seeing her?

I used to suck the cock of a guy who said he was molested in the Boy Scouts when he was 14. The adult leader would choose different boys to sleep in his tent. During the night the leader uncovered him and started sucking his cock while he was asleep. He allowed it to happen more than once. Now he cruises for men to suck him off.

honestly I'd rather just forget about the whole thing. Going to court of blackmailing her over it would just be reopening a wound I've more or less closed at this point. I'd probably win but the cost would be far too high. She's pretty alright looking but that's probably me just reacting to our history together. Saying she's hot feels gross to me.

I did enjoy it when I was young. Like I didn't understand it and she was going things that made me feel good. But then I started growing up and realizing how fucked the whole thing was. It felt good but emotionally it was hell.

M or f?

I'm male. She was female.

I played with a girl who was 4.

>6yo cousin straight up started rubbing my junk through my jeans one day
confuses me to this day

My cousin was raped and murdered by three guys. They decapitated her and burned the body. Last I heard one of them got his skull stomped on in prison though.


I was about 7 or 8 and the neighborhood teen used to babysit me and some other kids. We had these plastic toy cars we played with on the floor. He used to try to take my pants off and I let him pull them to my knees. I didn’t know why at the time. But he used to try to touch my butthole and I’d panic and pull my pants back up. Another time I woke up from sleeping with him fondling my balls. Again pulled them up and shrugged. As an adult now I obviously know but as a kid I didn’t understand. He tried to friend me a few years back on fb and I didn’t accept and blocked him. Never told anyone about it.

How old was she? Where was this?

She was 13. They were in their 30's, I believe. The U.S.

Neighbor, adult son of a police officer, double bound me into sex acts through animal abuse. Made me do animal crush videos. Like to pinch my nose when he made me fellate him. I think about it every day

Show your tits

That’s fucked up! Did you tell anyone?

Excuse the slow (you)
Well I'm straight. But there have been times I've felt compelled to relive the experience. So have hooked up with a couple guys. I never enjoyed it, just let them use me. I wouldn't even get off.

Much prefer being with women. But I can't do relationships anymore. Or not normal ones anyway. I'd like to. But I can go months cringing when I get touched. Or just shut off completely.
I mean I haven't been able to sleep in a bed for years. So that's difficult. Just makes me panic.

I teach English in China, I have a 19 year old assistant who now helps me teach private lessons. Every now and again I will put my hand on her leg or stroke her back nothing too far but enough that she's doesn't freak out but enough that she freezes up.

No, he said he would send me to prison lmao

Kids are retards

not a single hot story, step it up /b u can do better

Did he even return the favor?

you m or f?

Licked a 9 yo. The sexiest thing in the world is making a kiddie feel so good her back arches.


Orally? No, but he manually attacked me often bc it hurt

Any relation to you? Do you think she will tell someone one day?

Neighbor kid asked if I wanted to come over and play NFS on his gamecube. I was like 11 or so and he was 13-14 at the time, and was like "fuck it, I love NFS". Went over there, played for like 30 minutes and he had to get up to use the restroom. Came back with a baseball bat and his mom's panties. He demanded I wear them, less I get hit with the bat. I did it, he ended up hitting me in the stomach with the bat anyway. While I was hunched over he ripped them off me and just started going to town. Dude was fucking huge for a 13 year old too. Like a solid 6 inches. Shit hurt like absolute hell til he pulled out and grabbed lube. Ngl, it actually felt fucking amazing after that, but was still traumatizing. He killed himself a month later after my dad found out and pressed charges.

>be 12
>tight shota body
>mommas boy so soft and feminine
>people constantly tell my mom how cute i am and how much i look like her, other times they tell me that same thing when shes out of earshot or whatever
>already got caught with friend naked playing weird cock to butt and butt to butt games by the time i was like 7
>used to streak around because I didn't know what to do with my boner but I was so horny so I would do crazy shit
>pretty sure step dad saw this
>used to take pictures of naked shota self on family camera multiple times
>pretty sure step dad saw at least some of this
>find old sex therapist book in my older brothers stuff who left to college
>theres a page with the corner bent down
>its the one where it talks about anal sex for guys and how men can actually have multiple orgasms because of it and whatever other pro anal sex stuff it would have said
>I had already been sticking fingers up there for curiousity and other stuff
>begin to try harder
>step dad and mom break up one summer, he goes and gets his own place
>me and my mom go to see him a few times but it slowly stops
>one summer night my mom is drunk like usual and i'm out raisin hell on my bike
>end up at my step dads
>doors open and i go in, hes passed out drunk like usual
>i chill and eat and drink something and watch tv
>he had someone with him
>its a guy
>he leaves and my stepdad sees me
>he tries to explain and i brush it aside saying cmon i know what i saw, its ok, i know all about it, i know everything about it.
>tell him i've actually been trying to have an anal orgasm that i read about in this book
>much later on i peice together that he put that book in my brothers stuff to find with that page dog eared for me to see. get the shota curious about anal. i peice that together much later when i find out thats not my brothers book and what happens next.

I'm sorry.

>So have hooked up with a couple guys.
closet fag

>tell him about how i've done stuff with my guy friends and i could be gay if i wanted. girls are cool too. but since i've already done stuff with a guy i'm already gay but i dont know i dont see much point if i dont even orgasm with my butt so i cant even be gay
>he offers to help me
>I say yes
>he tells me to sit on his lap
>we make out and his mouth tastes like cigarettes and vodka and his stubble is so rough and pokey it kind of hurts but i bear it
>his mouth gets wet and my mouth still tastes like starbursts and he is doing weird things with his tongue so i stop minding so much
>he tells me to stand up then lay on his lap
>he starts to spank me
>i laugh at first, then i complain, then i moan
>this surprises him
>it surprises him because me and a boy used to watch cinemax soft core porn on tv late at night when i was real young and do gay stuff and one of us would pretend to be the girl and we would try to mimic those sounds a girl made during sex
>i would practice when i was alone
>i moan for him and for the first time in my life im not pretending
>he tells me to call him daddy
>cliche i know but this was my step dad and i never called him dad once
>i called him daddy and i loved it, i loved that i had never called him dad in a normal setting but in this naughty secret way i did.
>as i started to moan oooh spank me daddy i love it daddy oohh ohh he started to spank me harder
>i started to get kind of annoyed by it and didnt really get the point so i say i thought he was going to show me how to cum with my ass
>he says you have to get warmed up, asks if i'm hard
>i remember being surprised that i was
>i didnt understand what he meant by warmed up because he said it has nothing to do with being hard really and he tried to tell me some stuff but i wasnt that good of a listener if i thought i knew already and or if i wanted something.
>he tries to have me finger myself

Bet that was awkward as fuck with his parents being your neighbor after he died

Yes she is. After 2 years of play she did. Talked my way out

>what why i can do that myself, i want you to do it
>after some argument and some of my fingers inside me i get his big fingers inside me
>and he starts hitting that spot
>it feels so good like heaven
>it builds up in my cock and in my balls and deep inside me
>i tell him idk feels weird i think i have to pee actually
>he tells me whatever he would say to keep me going i dont remember but he tells me thats where i'm supposed to rub, keep doing that and i'll cum
>tells me to uses my thumb
>like this
>omg it feels so good
>i reach back and try
>say it feels good but not as good as his
>i was kind of standing on the floor with my knees against the lower part of the bed with my ass out
>he says something i dont remember but thats when he stuck his dick in my ass
>it hurts
>i say ow wait
>he pulls out and i rub my ass for a second and he puts some more of the slippery stuff on his dick and rubs my ass a little and then sticks it back in
>it feels so much better going in this time and i bask in how good it feels
>i think about how it hurt the first time and i know it hurts the first time for sex for girls and probably for gays i knew that much but i thought i handled that with my fingers but this meant i got that part past me and i wasnt a virgin any more
>i ask if this means im not a virgin any more as hes fucking me
>i dont remember what he said or much after that
>i remember it kind of hurt when i came but it also kind of felt good
>i remember pooping out his cum
>he had remorse and tried to take it back and wanted to turn himself in or tell my mom or whatever but i calmed him down and made him see reason
>im actually the perverted one i seduced him yatta yatta ya
>i think what got him to keep quiet is that i said the worst part of him coming clean is the kids at school would find out and i'd get made fun of
>or maybe he was using reverse psychology on me seeing if i'd keep quiet i dont know

Actually yes. Very much so. His mom was "not all there" if you know what I'm saying, so I don't think she fully understood? She was in and out of halfway houses and psych wards until she died a few years ago. The dude's dad was fucking LIVID though. He blamed me a ton and went out of his way to scream "you killed my son", even though his son had, yknow, raped me. The dad moved away when my dad had caught him screaming that shit at me and beat the living fuck out of him.
The whole family was just fucking nuts.

My sister was molested, by whom? It shall always remain a mystery; howbeit, she needed an outlet to practice these learned things, I was the subject, and I have felt absolutely nothing ever since. In particular, I've hurt many people.

My (female) babysitter started molesting me (male) when I was 7. I didn't know what the fuck was going on, I just wanted to make her happy.

When I was around 9 or 10, I was molested by my step-father. Really really fucked me up. fifteen, I was fucking my female cousins (who were 13 and 16), fingering them in their sleep, trying to fuck their asses in their sleep. 16, I had lost my virginity to my 19 year old babysitter (who caught me rubbing one out in bed). I'd continue to smash her until I graduated from college and her 'real' boyfriend knocked her up. 17, I had knocked up my first girlfriend. 25, I had three kids, a string of shitty relationships (when you're raised by a narcissist, you don't know what's right or wrong, and you tend to date weak women who let you manipulate and abuse them).

Before I turned 30, I'm pretty sure I raped a few different women (and then I discovered I like to sleep fuck...violently), and then ended the job that I had for about 6 years that took me everywhere and I started staying at home, going to therapy, and made myself not really want to be a monster anymore.

I'm 39 now. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing -- other than know that I'm in a toxic relationship right now (she's completely reliant upon me for everything and doesn't want to leave), I really can't complain. I don't talk to a lot of my family (but, honestly, that's my choice), but, I'm ok. Not being happy is my normal.

How the hell do you talk your way out of licking a 9 year old relatives vagina lol, sorry I just slipped and fell between her legs and tried to get up using my tongue

When I was 14 I raped my brother's friend. I convinced him to help me rehearse a scene for drama class. The scene involved him being cuffed to a chair. I used that to secretly give him some V pills and then I started to give him a lapdance and suck on his cock. Then I rode him till I came. I told him if he tells anybody I lie and say he forced himself on me.

When I was a freshman in college I used a dildo to take my roommate virginity when she was drunk and the told her she slept with some guy all because I hated her and her boyfriend.

Spent the last 20 minutes greentexting about how an emo 16 year old girl drugged me and I woke up to her fucking me, but instead of posting, it vanished. So that's awesome.

M or f?

Long story. Basically her moms a moron. Her dad's a drunk.


I don't know why it matters so much to me, but I feel like people really need to include m/f in their introductory stories.

Do you still see this girl, does she ever mention it or you bring it up to her?

Show your feet

These two stories seem so extreme that there has to be more. have you done a bunch of other fucked up stuff?

5-6 yo. Babysat from day 1. Happened at a home daycare run by schoolmates mom. Sat kids so their rents can go to work early. I'm always in the basement playing SEGA or transformers. Slightly older girl sees her opportunity. The only thing I want to do with girls is build forts. She's always riding the furniture or a pillow or the remote control. One day I clue in and ask if the remote is supposed to be my thing. So she jumps on me and starts trying to rip my clothes off, get in my pants, grab at me and scares the shit out of me in general. Scared, ran, traps me in a room, fight or flight, I think I may have hurt her trying to get out of that room. Ran upstairs sat in the middle of the biggest room, silent, until it's time to go to school. Never see her again and I guess no one ever noticed me behaving any differently. Never said anything except to a psych when highschool ended but she just wanted all my money, and she got it then I never saw her again either. Thought about trying to find the girl years later, I think her name was Alex, Alexandra, but no one seems to remember there ever being an Alex. Also, parents used to make me and sister sit in the steam room naked with them in the basement, also bathed and showered with us until we were well through puberty, although nothing sexual ever happened I always found it very uncomfortable, although I do remember my dad used to make fun of my pubic hair when it started to grow. Both of them loved to humiliate us in front of their friends or ours, just in general. It seemed to be very enjoyable for them to make fun of their kids, even if the audience didn't agree. I don't trust people. I never leave my house, and usually not even my room, except to bring food back to it and use the bathroom. I've never had work or friends outside of a shared activity. That includes school. I have no social contact with the world outside except for internet & my parents whom I'm dependent upon, no neetbux or anything

Why didn’t you just offer sex to him instead of rape, he probably would have been fine with it, ever feel bad about the roommate? Do you think you would do anything like this again or have you got it out of your system?

Not anymore. I saw her a few months after it stopped. I apologized. I've played around with a lot of girls but she'll always be my muse. My only regret is that she told. I never hurt her. Well, not physically.

The girl was molested too, or really fucking smart.
Get her in your life.

Kek, that sucks. It's happened to me before so I feel your pain.

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When I was 5 or 6, a neighbor girl my age would 'french kiss' me and would turn on her TV while we were laying naked together and we would rub together.
I didn't know what this was, and it didnt make me feel any kind of way. I wasnt aroused or anything when it happened. It was mundane to me. Looking back now, i don't know how she knew how to do those things. I bet she was probably molested too, early on.

Then when I was maybe 7 or 8, my cousin Tony who is 7 years older than me and was living with us at the time, not sure why. He started touching me and hanging out in the bathroom when i was taking a bath. One night when my younger brother wasnt home, Tony was in my brothers bed and told me to stand above his face. I was always a really small kid, so even while standing all he needed was a few pillows to put his mouth on me. I remember it was slimy. I was a tomboy and I didn't want him to see my reactions. I learned early in life that any reactions are bad and I should never show how i really felt or i risked getting the shit beat out of me. When he was done, i hopped off the bed and cleaned myself up in the bathroom. My mom eventually caught him naked under a blanket with me also under the same blanket (not actually doing anything) playing Spyro and she told him to get the fuck out.

Then when I was 12 or so, we got a new neighbor who was maybe 16. He said he would give me his runescape account if i let him finger me. My brother was his friend so it was no problem having us both stay the night with him. I slept on the couch in their living room. He came over and pulled my underwear down and went to town. It was agonizingly painful. I could literally feel his fingernails scraping against my insides. I didnt say a word. I didn't enjoy it. i kept waiting for it to be over, i was staring out the window nearby for like a solid 20 minutes. I got the password though. It was like level 72 and I was level 20 at the time so it was a big deal for me. Wasn't worth it though.

When i was approx 5 I used to hang with a kid a couple of years older than me. went for a sleep over at his and he shared a room with his younger brother who was my age. We were playing playstation when his younger brother just walks in the bedroom, pulled his brothers pjama pants down and started sucking his dick. My mate sat there are carried on playing playstation with me, all the while encouraging his brother and telling him he was a good boy. After a while he told him to do it to me without question an pretty enthusiastically he grabbed my little 5yo pecker and started sucking on it. Needless to say it felt pretty good but the whole thing was very weird and unexpected.
When i thought back on it in later life I realised he mustve been abusing his brother for years.

[Previous post was me, i ran into character limit)

Other than these instances, I have a hard time remembering anything from age 17 and under.
Our dad was extremely physically and emotionally abusive and i think i have a lot of trauma that is just blocking me from remembering shit.
I've never had therapy or counseling or anything. I learned in like 5th grade (age 12 or 13 i guess?) that if you talked to the counselor, you might get taken from your home.
As shitty as my home life was, i knew how to handle it. I knew what to do to avoid getting hurt as bad. I wouldnt know how to work a stranger, or worse, if that stranger ended up being a child predator or something.
What became of me now? I have some pretty fucked up interests. I have had severe penis envy most of my young/adult life (i am 24 now). I dont want to transition or anything, i just want to have a penis and to hate fuck someone. I want to cause them sexual pain. The worst part is fantasizing about doing it to a girl like i was done to. I hate that THAT is what gets me off, but it is.
I am married now. Been with the same guy for 5 years, married for 1 of those years. He knows it all. Doesn't really have an opinion other than 'wow thats terrible.'

i hope god chokes on a hot turd straight from muhammeds ass while moses fingerblasts his sons handy holes.

How did you know?

> have you done a bunch of other fucked up stuff?
Somewhat. Most recently I spent 4 months working to convince to an old high school friend to cheat on his wife. I've also slept with a co-worker's boyfriend. In my defense, she constantly brags about how great at sex he is. You can't brag about how great something is and not expect someone else wants a taste.
>Why didn’t you just offer sex to him instead of rape
He was very religious and very committed to his girlfriend.
>feel bad about the roommate?
Not quite the opposite. After what I did she and her boyfriend broke up and she started being more open with her sexuality.
>Do you think you would do anything like this again or have you got it out of your system?
Probably will.

Because there were 4 men

What was her name?

I mean. It is terrible, lol. What else can someone say? How does your past effect your sex life with your husband?

I mean... Being a homewrecker isn't super cool, but it's at least consensual, even if the person was manipulated into it. It's good that you aren't out here raping mofos anymore

I'm not quite that stupid.
Her hair was a light brown

>Being a homewrecker
The goal was to do a cuckqueen thing. I felt like his wife would be super into it.

Yo Dad probably made that teen go away lmao hope his parents never found the body.

why are these all depressing.

where are the fun getting molested stories like in my animes

That’s hot.

That thought is kind of comforting, I'll be honest.

Does it bother you now to think about?
Do you have trauma surrounding it?

Do you run one out to it every day?

Tell us how it feels being an incel. Are you also neet?

If it makes you feel better, its just role playing stories from middle-aged male coomers. So if you want some, just make up your own.

So what exactly happened? Do you feel any remorse for the family? If you want me to believe you then I'm going to need some more information.

When I was 19 I was mugged and forced at gunpoint to suck a black guy's cock while he filmed it. Pretty much, everybody, I told even the police just played it off like it didn't happen and I was a whore.

No you're totally right, I don't really know what I would expect someone to say to all that mess.
Sex life isn't really affected. He has a very very low sex drive (i found out from his mom that his dad also has low sex drive).
We have sex maybe once every two weeks or something. He doesn't last long. 3-4minutes tops. It's always been like this too.
When I was 17 I gave my virginity to my boyfriend at the time. First serious relationship, he was air force. Like 4 years older than me. He was really great in bed. In both instances my past never really affected me. I think it has to do with the abuse from my dad. I literally had to teach myself to have a blank face, no emotion, do what you're told, sleep, school, repeat. It happened so often, it was my norm. Go to sleep, forget about it. That was my process.

My daddy diddled me when I was a little girl. It started when I was almost 3yo and ended when I had my first period and we had to stop.
It was great, it was so good being so loved by my daddy

When I was 11 my uncle walked in on me fingering myself. Told me its nothing to be ashamed of. Told me it feels better when someone else does it. I let him finger me and eat me out. Felt good. He wanted me to suck him. I didnt. He hacked off and came on me. Did it a few more times over the years. Didnt screw me up. Fun times. It is wierd seeing him now.