What does pussy taste like?

What does pussy taste like?

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Warm milk and salty coins.

a bit garlicy and a bit like snot
but you dont really lick it for the taste, but for the feeling

It does kind of taste like coins but not as metallic

Like cock.

Kek it does indeed taste like coins

Skin with a vague hint of piss

Winner lol

Like a penny but a newer one

It varies. Some girls it tastes like old mac and cheese but with some girls it tastes like skin and nothing else.

Lick ur hand and smell it that's pretty much it


what does pussy smell like

Lookit all these newfags.

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Imagine licking a sweaty armpit. It's kind of like that.

It just tastes like clean skin. Completely flavorless.

Warm bags of secrets.

Like a bag of sand


What the fuck are all you dorks doing tasting coins

taste horrible

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Like kissing yourself after a dick's been in your mouth.

Coppery chicken grease.

Ever eaten pussy ? Kinda tastes like that

The last pussy I ate tasted sweet and it was the only one that tasted that way.

Ok...this guy is right listen to him you virgins. This smells like pussy.

different pussies can have a variety of tastes. the texture of their cum can vary as well. Ive eaten some nice tasting pussies and downright disgusting ones.

Lowkey like coins and piss

you must be gay then