The President of the United States

The President of the United States

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The (Impeached) President of the United States

So was Bill Clinton and he still served two terms.

But Clinton committed no crime. Nobody cares because it was pure partisan politics.

Oh wait, he's not impeached until the articles are sent to the Senate

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Kinda like how it is now?

The differences here are that Clinton was impeached in his second term and his charges were mild in comparison.

Yes, that appears to be him.

That's not how that works. There are two processes: impeachment (house), removal (senate). The impeachment process passed in the house, he is impeached regardless if charges get sent to the senate for trial and removal.

Why is this like a big story in the news I don’t get it... they’re obviously going to send them after they try and get a more fair look by senate. Even if nothing changes and senate obviously will not remove trump, they’re still going to send it eventually...

Wise man

No, what's happening now is the Republicans are ignoring actual crimes because of partisan politics. I can see how you got confused.

January 23rd

Again, having an affair is not a crime. Trump commits at least one federal crime every single day. His private business holdings profit daily from him being President. That is a violation of federal law. It's called Emoluments (effectively bribes, for you ignorant Trumpanzees).

House Resolution 755 declares that he IS (Not "will be") impeached, and was voted on and passed by the House, numbskull.

An obese, loud-mouthed, braggadocious sack of shit who's conned his way to fame and was handed everything in life, yet somehow managed to convinced Joe Trailerpark that he understands the plight of the working man.

In short, the perfect American avatar.

fuck dems

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Fucking faggots shitting up the board with your facebook normie bullshit
No one gives a fuck about your toupee monkey man

Perjury under oath is a felony you drooling retard.

Say it with me: IMPEACHED!!

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I thought we were discussing Trump, not Clinton.

>The differences here are that Clinton was impeached in his second term and his charges were mild in comparison.
I agree that the charges were mild in comparison, but he did lie under oath and he did abuse the power of his office to cover it up.

I will never understand why Democrats in the Senate didn't take the high ground and vote to let Gore finish out the term.

Eh what’s it matter if it was really just a House vote of who hates trump?

Damn and that even came from the soyboy faggot professor?

It matters because he IS impeached.
Keep up.

Hurr, rightytard making the same joke for 30 years, hurrr.

I'm really disappointed that this wasn't an article of impeachment, but that's waiting on a ruling from a lower court and Trump is stalling it because that's his gravy train.

lying about it after being sworn in is though. How are libfaggots this stupid he apologized on national tv afterwards.

No, he didn't. He was impeached for banging that Lewinsky broad. Lying about it on TV is not "perjury". One does not swear an oath before going on camera, dipshit.

The actual act of impeachment is the literal delivery of articles to the Senate. Impeachment is not official until it is declared in the Senate by a House representative upon delivery. Until then it is incomplete legislation. All incomplete legislation will expire on January first and must be re voted. The constitution allows a president to be impeached by one Congress and removed by the next, but the actual piece of voted legislation will expire if not delivered top the Senate and completed this calendar year.

I’m saying because it was so partisan and because there were no FACTS to support their claims. All they did was slap a label on him that nobody will really care about and will cost them 2020

Literally nobody gives a shit except for the people that’s wanted it since day one.
But I have to admit, it’s about time career politicians delivered what they campaigned.

And when he wins the next election he will be legendary. The only president impeached then reelected. and the Dems have no one to blame but themselves.

His "lie" is only untruthful if you play semantics games and the context of that situation was a press briefing where he was on a podium. If the Democrats had a supermajority and were willing to sink to the level of Republicans then Trump could have been impeached for lying under oath nearly as soon as he took office.

But they’ll blame Putin

>context of that situation was a press briefing where he was on a podium
In case it's not clear, that's what bound him under oath: A podium and some reporters.

At least his mail order bride used to be cute.

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no u

All other previous Presidents have disposed of ALL personal business holdings, no matter how small, before running for office, until this arrogant asshole who thinks he's above the law.

Not that it really matters. He would have sold out to his partners had he actually thought his election scam would work, but still would make certain his former businesses benefited. This is why career "businessmen" should be automatically prohibited from holding elective office, let alone the Presidency.

He lied under oath and was impeached for it dumb fuck go look it up. Youre on a computer and are too stupid to fact check your retarded arguments. The apology came after his testimony where he perjured himself and why would he be under oath for a tv appearance you moron learn reading comprehension or a little history at least.

You’re actually an idiot

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More rules made up by the losers. Whats next no Republicans are allowed to hold office?


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Lying to the public on tv (ooh - from behind a podium!) is politically foolish, but not "perjury", dumbass.

I agree with you. I'm pretty sure keeping held up in lower court until he left office was his plan for dodging emoluments from the beginning. The fact that so few people have a problem with this is indicative of some pretty big problems with our society.

Your an autist if you think a vote to impeachment = the actual impeachment

>Moonie Times
Okay, sure.

Lying about it under oath tho...

Are you retarded? It was made by the founding fathers to prevent people from doing what Trump is doing.

Still spamming that opinion piece from the jew in the moonie times? Can't you even wait until it passes through the Faux Nooz puke funnel?

Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998 on grounds of perjury to a grand jury (by a 228–206 vote; 223-5 R, 5-200 D, 0-1 independent) and obstruction of justice (by a 221–212 vote; 216-12 R, 5- ...

Suck it snowflake.

>Whats next no Republicans are allowed to hold office?
Domestic terrorists and traitors should be barred from holding public office, yes.

You mean when he lied under oath?

So no Dems in office, gotcha.

Lying in statement to the media is not perjury, no matter how much the Trumptards try to say otherwise.

Yeah, like that Democrat that mailed all those bombs!


He lied under oath...are you fucking retarded?

The past 3 years have proved conclusively that the Democrats are the only ones to put "country" before "party".

You weren't even born yet fagbait. Why not bring up the impeachment of Andrew Johnson in 1868?

no u

You mean God Emperor of the Universe

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Lying on television is not "lying under oath". No one swears an "oath" before going on camera. What is so fucking hard to understand about that?

He was in front of a grand jury and sworn in at the time but you wannabe democrats are so used to corruption in your own party I can see how you wouldnt care one way or the other.


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I win. You lose.

>In case it's not clear, that's what bound him under oath: A podium and some reporters.
Actually, the context was his appearance before a federal grand jury.

Is today literally Opposite Day?

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He was testifying to a grand jury. You have to take an oath when testifying to a grand jury.

Keep telling yourself that if that's what you need to cope, snowflake.

ok boomer

Why do liberals try and change history by repeating lies over and over


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No, the most official context you can argue is a deposition

you're not under oath talking to media you dipshit.


The level of dumptard tears in here is awesome.

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For a women her age, and an eastern european one on top of that, she looks fairly great now. I wouldn't mind fucking the shit out of her even if she was just my next door neighbor. She always looks so angrily depressed, probably because ol' Donnie can't handle that pussy with his tiny pecker. She is in dire need of a real bratan who fucks her brain out

Is Dead! And don’t you ever! Ever! EVER! Forget it.

Yes, the place that reported the quote somehow changes the content of the quote itself

So when your being filmed while testifying you’re not actually testifying?

Melania has a mean squint to her eyes. Not sure if its that tatar blood or years of Dumbo whoring around right in her face.

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I mean, all the Dems did to “prove” GEOTUS’ “guilt” was have people give verbal opinion pieces before 2 committees

What does the opinion page of the Batshit Crazy Post have to say?

It certainly does change it. Right-wing propaganda outlets routinely alter the "quote" or at least its context. So much so, nothing published in such shitholes can be trusted.

Sondland was an eye witness bitch. Say it with me: IMPEACHED.

Its not even a quote. Its an editorial.

he still yo prez'den

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>Its an editorial
Even worse, then. "Opinion" articles have no requirement to be factual.


Who later said he only presumed there was some sort of bribery scheme

Neither does the president apparently

How's the multi-year, multi-million dollar Benghazi investigation coming along?

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I want to think most these comments are bait but sadly it's libtards who only consume what fake news media tell them. I can't wait until Nancy and the do nothing democrats get what they fucking deserve!

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So again, they only propped up opinions

He did, though.

>fake news media
and your opinion goes in the trash