Fuck niggers

Fuck niggers.
Fuck jews.
Fuck whites who convict whites for killing blacks.
Fuck rap.
Fuck r&b
Fuck hiphop
Fuck wiggers
Fuck ms13
Fuck the triads
Fuck coal burners.
Fuck oil drillers.
Fuck the EU.
Fuck NATO.
Fuck all white traitors.
Fuck Muslims
Fuck Zionists.
Fuck Chinks.
Fuck Weebs.
Fuck Gang Members.
Fuck criminals.
Fuck diversity.
Fuck multiculturalism.
Fuck vegans.
Fuck gun grabbers.
Fuck autistics
Fuck Jerusalem
Fuck cuckolds
Fuck liberals
Fuck faggots
Fuck trannies

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mang what about the sand niggers and wetbacks

No Op, I'm ok, I'm not a degenerate faggot to want to fuck all those things.
But you do you I guess.

MAGAttes suck turds.

thanks im not op

Fuck white incels.

Lol, calm down there mutt.

You're not white Amerimutt.

Chads don't say this kind of stuff.

>Fuck oil drillers.
I'm with you except this one. Civilization requires cheap and efficient energy. Oil worker fuck your gf or something?

Black people fuck your gf or something?

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I don't get it.

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>thinks niggers are civilized

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why do you hate yourself so much OP?

What would you do with this brown slut with massive disgusting tits

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Dump her in a no-go zone in Sweden.

>Thinks white people are civilized

What will happen to her there?

Tie her up in the woods and let whoever's walks past use her and fill her up

fuck OP


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>rape capital of the world
Probably raped and beaten to death by mudslimes.

I'd love to see that! Gangraped? Tied up with legs spread

he got some results

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It sounds to me like the person you really hate is yourself.

Aaaaaah ha ha!


Africans and Chinese a mix made for entertainment

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>Tied up with legs spread
Uh, no. More like a raw steak thrown into a pack of starving dogs. I love seeing disgusting brown sluts torn up by a pack of rabid apes.

Man, all that energy spent on hating those people must be tiring.

fucking kek. This is a matchup you don't see often.

>blanked out face
What, someone going to steal his identity and buy a house with it?

Fuck I'd love to see that

its the beginning of the age of the Asian and may the non existent god have mercy on us all

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nah he has a secret sideline helping Belgian crocodile hunters

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You can make it happen, user.

Agree with 21 out of the 29. Good job user!

discord gg/JZRkGh


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When you hate enough things, how long does it take before you realize that you're more detrimental to human existence than your entire list?

I'm sorry you collect pictures of black cocks.

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Only for white dudes, huh?

Weebs and gun grabbers.

I am sorry, Master. Please forgive me. I will kneel and let you beat me while you fuck my wife.

>why fuck white men?
a working car
less violence
fewer niggers in the house
good father
speaks english

Fuck this whiney ass op

Try solar

my master!

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That's quite a list you got there OP

If I have something like THIS in my pants I wouldn't need to carry a gun!

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>cheap and efficient
>Try solar
Already have it. Have to in CA. It's bullshit and the opposite of those things. I'll have to replace them in a few years and I don't know what to do with them. No one takes them, including the dump. I'm going to have to bury them out back.

>I wouldn't need to carry a gun
>I shoot other niggers with my dick
>pew pew, pew
>"ah, you got me. right in my mouth"
>das whachoo get for touch'n muh granmumu's brownies.

I'm just saying I wouldn't need to carry a gun to feel like a man. Face it - all whites are carring a gun as a penis extension, same with big cars

>niggers got muh dick
>don't need a gun
>niggers=high gun crime
The truth lies in there somewhere.

their reason for carring a gun is different, they don't carry it to feel like a man.

>their reason for carring a gun is different
Small dicks?

to kill

>to kill
Why do they need to kill if they feel secure in their masculinity?

other reasons
why you would need to kill if a burglar came to your house to rape you?

Send me some money on paypall, idc how much

paypal: [email protected]

i thought you didnt like jannies?

this thread probes that us whites are insufferable

I nigger wants to rape me because of his inferiority? Well I can't have that. Maybe we wouldn't need guns if niggers weren't shooting and raping with their yuuuuge muhdicks.

White boy is just upset because he missed out on feedin time. But i got you, big boi...

Open wide. Here cums the train!

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the blessing!

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haha know why his semen is white?
so it will work!

how come whitebois cum is white while most of them shoots blanks cuz of the lack of testosterone?

too bad your semen isn't working, incel

English you faggot!

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Faggot you english!

>your semen isn't working
topkek you stupid shit. Do you even know what semen does?

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I hate anyone who lumps everyone from a class all together based off the actions of some of the members of said group. You know, OP. You.

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>not working
yeah. user semen is lying dormant at the bottom of his tiny scrotum because he is an incel.

imagine needing an explanation

>how come whitebois cum is white
>while most of them shoots blanks
It's like you have no understanding of how any one part of your body works.

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Fuck women you stupid fuck.

>at the bottom of his tiny scrotum
Holy fuck. I thought it was just shitty English but you really don't know. Semen is produced in the prostate you fucking mongoloid.

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I guess I should clarify before I get called out some chimped out faggot. It's actually in the seminal vesicles, which is right near the prostate.

>what he said
>you smell like poop
>cuz poop
>stinky poopy head
Fuck the fuck off.

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non-stop black cock

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Except if someone paid you to do it.

black cock is expensive!

How does it feel to still be a virgin?

Is that why they're always stealing? Low on cash?

fucking based

salty milk and coins

soft furs

Lmao what a bitch to existence. These are the people that shouldnt be.

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