Circumcision is better

Circumcision is better.
It makes the penis angrier, more threatening and bigger.
It increases testosterone and aggression in a man.
Women love it and uncut looks like dog dick.

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Actually looks mutilated, unnatural and you lose alot of sensitivity.

if this isnt bait, that was not the best pic to use to back up you argument

Actually it makes the dick clean and angrier. That isn't mutilation, that's battled scars. And no, my dick is powerful now.
Yes it was, compare the size of my dick it is due to circumcision.

I have free reign to rape a woman in her face. Uncuts don't, they're lacking in testosterone and are submissive.

Yea na bro your dick been tortured

Lol I love how a piece of skin is link to hormones. #logic. You must be a boomer.

My head is bigger, the glans are exposed and it increases sexual arousal. It's the opposite of torture.

It DOES increase testosterone, this is a scientific fact. And so what if I'm a boomer? They know more than you pussy gen xers.

>Cope more

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The head is the same and sexual arousal is reduce due to the glands being exposed constantly.

Femanon, and I've been with guys with both. Circumcised might look nicer but when they are inside they don't feel any different so its not a big deal. Its more for health than anything.

Na actually boomers no nothing of pussy. Your gen settled down with the first woman that would look at you and had 10 kids and fucked the economy kek.

I think he means physically the head grows larger, at least the rim of it becomes more "flared" which does seem to be true. And depending on how tight they are cut, when erect is can contort the penis to bend (upward usually).

quit acting like a femanon you faggot

Health has nothing to do with it. Clean ya fucking dick ya hobo

why would you want to mutilate your dick or your child's dick?

Yep. It's way cleaner too. If I have any boys they're definitely getting the snip snip.

Got circumcised a few weeks ago, my penis feels stronger and tougher. My veins are throbbing, definitely agree OP.

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You mean grew the economy to a point where fragile millennials just can't compete? Yup.

Nope you have an extra chromosome

Looks weaker and gayer kek

Ok fucking dumbass.

Na as in fucked it ya boomer

Yes, because a woman can't possible be on Sup Forums with an opinion like this? Get over yourself.

OP here, millennials are fucking cucks.

Yup and boomers are retarded.

No, we're experienced.

Thats not how an economy works you retarded boomer fuck also no you mooched off of the economy your parents gave you ruined it for the next generation and threw a fit

Sure Jeff now get back to your cubicle


Aww Boomer is angry his little delusions are being challenged go cry about it ya fucking idiot

sigh... this thread again?

i was mutilated at birth, too, user. it's ok to be angry about these things.

but spreading misinformation to make yourself feel better is detrimental to all of humanity. Can you not think so short sighted?

Op is a boomer short sighted thinking is his way of life

It's how you become a man. Fucking faggot.

>we're experienced
Ok sure dumb fuckwit.

tits or gtfo

Fucking asshole dick threads

>"battle scars"
nah bro they snipped the tip of your baby dick off

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This is my uncircumcised cock. Note how much you're coping.

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Looks like a dog dick.

Keep spreading lies.

what the fuck no circumcision is awful. i fucking wish my asshole parents didn't fucking do it. got a fucking piece o shit dick that fucking chaffes all the time. you're just trying to make it look better but we all know, uncircumcised dicks are better.

Stockholm syndrome.


I'm glad I'm circumcised just because I can't handle being anymore sensitive I already cum in 30 seconds