What do you think about Mars?
What do you think about Mars?
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we are all going there
It's the future for whites and asians to live and prosper for human kind
let the Africans have it they know what their doing
The attempt to terraform will be the downfall of Mars.
it was the cradle of humanity
I think I need to get my ass to Mars.
Still can't believe the Russians have had secret military bases there since 2001. That's why President Trump is creating the Space Force.
They can venus. Their superior melanoma can absorb the harmful rays.
Back when our solar system was a binary star system it was perfectly habitable.
The destruction of our second star is what destroyed 'planet x' and scorched mars, rendering it naturally uninhabitable.
Stupid fucking planet. Too small and cold to live on for now anyway.
In what? Even if we could get there, why would you want to? I don't want to exist in a fucking space suit.
I'm a new fag Sup Forumstard, So is Mars flat like the Earth or is it round? Pretty sure humans cannot live on a round planet.
You could build domes over craters, or excavate underground cities. There might be some lava tunnels you could live in. There are options.
Its spherically shaped, roughly speaking.
cuz its fucking interesting
what do you do here, work a 9-5, fuck ugly bitches and play vidya. On Mars you could collect samples, analize them, build greenhouses, homes, explore
Your reply shows how little you know about the basics of our solar system. Shut up you racist incel
If it weren't for niggers we'd already be living there
I'll take a breathable atmosphere, thank you. Guess I'm just picky...
It’s a hoax.
Pretty cool, bad atmosphere in the place though
It might be cool for a short period of time. Once the fascination wears off, you'd realize it's just a barren shithole.
I think the sandniggers would love it there.
I want Bungie to bring back the old map at some point to Destiny 2. That is right about where my opinion ends on mars.
I think they should send all the transgender faggiots there.
hella gay
earth is way better
Sup Forumstards in outer space
It makes me wonder if one ethnicity of humans were moved to mars assuming they weren't an inferior one like blacks, jews, or mexicans how long it would take for them to feel racism towards their earthbound brethren.
I'd guess 2-3 generations
Earth niggers are bad enough. Do you really want space niggers? Because this is how we get space niggers.
There was an attempt user. That's all we can ask of you. Good job, better luck next time trollbro.
It's full of a stuck up dusters trying to make knock off Earth.
Melanoma is cancer you fag but otherwise 5/10 joke.
This fag.
It's dry.
It's ugly.
It's boring.
I mean really, Revolution could break out there any second.
Get your ass to Mars.
The sooner we get a large permanent colony there the better.
this,"diversity" won't want to go to Mars.
we don't need to terraform it we just glass dome the whole thing. we can work on terraforming it too but that takes more than a human life time so in the short term large glass domes will have to do,most of the time people will live underground.
I too am in favor of dropping all diversity off at venus
It will suck at first that's why nogs and spics won't want to go. Colonizing Mars is going to hard and dangerous work,that's part of the appeal of doing it.
Just rewatched this the other night, fuckin got me good
Mars is a pretty cool guy. Eh lives in space and doesn't afraid of anything
Dude, you live in your head.
This shit ain't gonna happen.
This God among men is going to make it happen.
New fast growing Discord Sup Forums server, quickly join before the jannies cuck us.
discord gg/JZRkGh
No, no he's not...
Mars was once the size of Earth but was destroyed, leaving only the cores
you don't know shit.
Musk has explicitly stated over and over the only reason he started spaceX was to start a permanent mars colony
He's already build rockets muck more advanced and economical than anything nasa or anyone in the world has ever seen
he already resupplies the international space station regularly
he already is launching thousands of internet satellites around earth so we will have global high speed broadband anywhere on the planet
He is already building and testing the large man crewed shit to send to mars
He has a maned moon landing or maned moon fly by scheduled for 2022 and Mars will be a few years after that
Sounds like another Cohaagen.
I know you're full of shit. Are we even close to building a spacecraft that can store enough food and water and other
essentials for a minimum 9 month one way trip to that shithole?
Answer: No.
I'll stop right here since there's no reason to go any further.
>answer yes
They are building and testing the 2nd prototype of
Starship (that's it's name) right now.
It's huge, it can hold 100 humans or 100 tones of cargo
and musk plans to build thousands of these and send 100 tons of cargo to Mars for the next 20 years to send all the supplies for a million person city.
That's just the ship part btw it sits on top of a rocket twice as tall
Yes, yes he is...
Dream your futile dreams, chump. Musk isn't anywhere near ready to head to Mars. We don't have the technology, period.
Jesus is also coming soon...
the jannies don't have to cuck you, God did it for them
un mars et ça repart
Its red
Musk's best work-in-progress rocket still has a lower carrying capacity than a Saturn V. Literally all he's done is make things cheaper. NASA funding is required for Mars colonization.
I had a dream years ago that I encountered aliens there, but they lived *underground* which is why our machines didn't detect them. One of the aliens in particular was like a Medusa.
Either way, the future for humankind there is either played out in Doom or Red Faction, and Mars itself hosted intelligent life many eons ago.
yes, that intelligent life was us
Nah. Rocket propulsion doesn't work in deep space. We've never been to the moon. It's impossible. Space agencies are money laundering schemes.
oh yes, yes it was
A great cataclysm struck Mars and brought our species to the brink of extinction. I'm not going to go throwing numbers I am not sure of around, but suffice to say it greatly throttled our gene pool.
They came to Earth with nowhere else to go, but it isn't quite conducive to our survival. All but the most basic of technologies were lost as there were too few survivors spread too far apart.
Do yourself a favor and look up the diameter of Mars...
Now compare it to the diameter of the outer core of the Earth.
>rocket propulsion doesn't work in space
No but it does work in the atmosphere of Earth you retard. It's used to build up velocity to escape the planet's gravitational pull. Also you CAN have explosions in space, but you have to provide oxygen as well.
Shit explodes in space all the time, Jesus Christ.
Fucking Mars ... fuck Mars right up its red fucking ass. I hate Mars.
Moon has 17% of earth's gravity. A rocket to the moon will just orbit the earth and get stuck in its gravity field in space. Voyager 1 & 2 are all lies. Every planet pic are matte paintings and cgi.
Mars is 'moonier' than the Earth.
Don’t be stupid. Nobody but Bob Ross could paint that convincingly, and he’s been dead for years.
Yeah we weren't talking about the moon though, we were talking about rockets not firing in space, which is not entirely true. You are wrong and so now you are trying to change the subject.
When I assume power people like you will spend time in prison for willfully spreading false information. You are retarding our species with your faggotry.
Leave my Mars alone
>No people
>Destroys human technology
>Keeps inhabitants secret and safe
>Has no cringe water or cringe plants
Most based planet
Fuck off, Ann. Your shit's all retarded and I hope the quick decline gets you.
Why would anyone want to live there?
It has nothing going for it, and yet assholes want to colonize the shithole. Humans are so fucked up...
This. Mars stinks it's a freezing desert -50 degrees Fahrenheit as the high, no breathable atmosphere, nothing to eat, it just stinks, perfect place for criminal niggers and beaners
My thoughts exactly lol, fucking adorable retards
Could solve our natural resource problems, either by raw materials or we invent cold fusion as part of a decades long Mars Project to colonize it.
no you're wrong per usual
tards want to live here breathing their canned air and freezing their asses for the rest of their lives.
You'd be screened out actually. The closest you'll ever come to this is watching it on your mom's phone.
you'd move there if you got paid 6-7 figures and you know it
This faggot ruined the thread just as it was getting good
It seems pretty cool and interesting. I wonder what's there?
>build domes over craters
You still need to seal the ground - rock is not airtight. It's kind of simpler to take tin cans and live in those. Which is a great prospect.
average surface temperature of Venus is 864 F.
Certainly nothing life sustaining
Sure, sure, no problem, we'll just invent cold fusion. The only 'exotic' technology we have is the laser, and that's been around for almost 60 years. Face it, we're not intelligent enough to create cold fusion or any other esoteric tech at this point in time.
>we're not intelligent
Every 20 years we come up with something awesome. For something this scale on Mars with the endgame of even saving the planet through resource extraction, we could do it. The most brilliant minds on the planet would be in on it for a dream goal of a lifetime.
What awesome invention was created 20 years ago? Your inflated optimism needs to be tempered with some stone cold reality.
Utube “remembering the end of the world”
>Your inflated optimism
look shut up
if you don't want to be part of this, go scrub some warp plasma manifolds
What do you think about Mars?
>It is smaller than Uranus
>It is not as red as Uranus
So did they discover underground water on mars? Not just locked in the polar ice caps?
Mars might be a nice planet in a few billion years, I didn't do the math. If it can hold an atmosphere.
I think we'll be there sooner though (well we already are in a way, all those probes and robots) we just need to get our asses into gear and start the funding and building of an actual space program.
There's a thousand comedians out of work and you're trying to be funny?
Hey, fool yourself all you want. Jump up and down about technology we don't yet have and maybe never will. You have every right to be a four star buffoon.
its ok but i prefer uranus hehe
Mars will indeed be a prison slave planet to build the next earth
Organic inorganic perovskite based solar cells.
Liquid metallic hydrogen.
Self driving cars (Boston Dynamics etc.)
Directed energy weapons.
CP violation and CPT symmetry.
Bose-Einstein Condensates.
Type 1 vs Type 2 superconductivity.
A few things off the top of my head....
A few things off the top of my head.
Any response user?
>They are building and testing the 2nd prototype of
>Starship (that's it's name) right now.
>It's huge, it can hold 100 humans or 100 tones of cargo
Incorrect: the prototype they are building can do none of that. It is projected that the final rocket will be able to -- but they have not built it yet, and one thing a quick look at the history of rocket design will show you is that rockets often have a lot more lifting capacity on paper than they do when built. Me, I hope Musk builds his mega-rocket. But he hasn;t yet, and until he does, saying it "can" do this or that is incorrect.
>and musk plans to build thousands of these and send 100 tons of cargo to Mars for the next 20 years to send all the supplies for a million person city.
Sure, and Von Braun and NASA planned all sorts of pic related stuff, too. Plans are easy -- and intentions plus 5 bucks will get you a moderately over-priced cup of coffee.
But maybe this time somebody will actually do all this great stuff. If so, I'll count the Mars-chickens then, after they've been orbited, landed and hatched.
>Martian Republic
Bow down to your queen...
>Rocket propulsion doesn't work in deep space.
>>rocket propulsion doesn't work in space
>No but...
Rockets work everywhere. Push mass in one direction, you get pushed in another direction. Push expanding exhaust gases out the back end fast enough, you get your rocket pushed forward.
My ancestor!
Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids
In fact it's cold as hell
And there's no one there to raise them if you did
Has anyone made the chocolate joke yet?
Thank fuck for that.