Are you proud to be a geek or do you wait for the torrent so no one will know?

Are you proud to be a geek or do you wait for the torrent so no one will know?

>I am proud to be a retarded consumer of whatever shit that comes out

I'm old enough to know to feel shame and hide my power level from normal people.

Geekbox for only $29.99 a month

>superhero movies are now the most popular movies to release and make 20 billion dollars every time

>the first image is from Star Wars

That picture is as awesome as a cake (that isnt a lie) made out of bacon

More like all things Disney and Warner Brothers, am I right?

>tfw never watched a single capeshit
I look down on all of you. You're beneath me.


Are "the cake is a lie" jokes still popular? I remember back in 2010 every fake nerd spammed them but I can't remember the last time I saw someone unironically post one of those jokes.

>Not getting a Lootcrate® subscription for the low low price of $49.99 a month, featuring epic merchandise from your favourite franchises

I'm not even meming but I paid to see every Capeshit movie that came out in 2016 and both Star Wars opening night

>not watching shit so you can have an educated opinion on how shit they are

>complains about geeks
>probably has a twitter/facebook account with anime/meme related avatars

>Join my university's comics club on the off chance they read more interesting stuff than capeshit and Saga
>It's really an anime and cape movies discussion club
I don't know why I expected any different

how are latest blockbusters and mass produced cashgrabs even remotely geeky?

It's funny how geek culture is now mainstream culture.

20 years ago you'd get ridiculed if you openly watched superhero and sci-fi movies as a teen/adult.

>pride shit
No, thanks.

you still get ridiculed if you look stereotypically nerdish or aren't good looking

I used to love old school doctor who when I was a kid. Read all the target books, most of the VNAs, had a subscription to DWM, went to a couple of conventions. Then I hit about 15, discovered alcohol and girls and grew out of it.

Roll on 20 odd years and I've watched every episode of the new series in secret. I don't even fucking like it.