Can young/old collage be a thing?

Can young/old collage be a thing?

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Post full tits please.

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It should be a thing

How young? More? Any of her sucking cock?

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Blow your brains out, scammer

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Aged like wine

What happened to her tits?

Not that there is anything wrong with the younger picture, but damn, she aged well.

Kids and time, I imagine. After a woman has stopped producing breast milk, her breasts will reduce in size but the skin has already been stretched. Age is also a factor as always.

Please more

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My wife - 20 vs 30 years old.

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damn dude... i'm sorry

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Aged like milk

I mean honestly, that started off bad, got worse. Pretty evident though, if the shape on the left is 20, that is not the body of the 20 year old you want to fuck.

Most likely, having kids. My sister in law had this issue after having her two kids. Her tits shrunk down to absolutely nothing. She got a tit job because of it.

However, my wife experienced the complete opposite. After kids, her tits actually got bigger and have stayed that way.

i dont see why not

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Did she get hit with an ugly stick?


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omfg kill it with fire

Why chicks shouldn't get tattoos, vol. 2355

I would rather fuck brian peppers

Dubs says that’s a shame.

Yes, a whole bunch of times. They're called called a tattoo needles.


This can not be the same girl, holy Christ