Which friend has the superior body for breeding?

Which friend has the superior body for breeding?

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Breeding? Left.

You think she’s aware of how wide those hips are?

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Left, no question, Though fucking right would be more fun. Actually, I'd gladly impregnate them both at once if they like

Agree. Left all the way.

Breed left, Pimp right

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left would give birth easier but right would give taller better looking kids

I would be happy to breed both as well.

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Nudes of left or gtfo

Left for sure. Hips are wider which means that she would be able to carry and give birth to children much more effortlessly than a skinnier girl.

However, if given the chance I would be sure to shoot a couple gallons of jizz into both of them while holding them upside down to ensure they are impregnated.

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I really need to breed triplets with gabby

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Wow she’s yummy

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I guess it depends then?

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Young face, tight body, freckles, short, nice tits, red head

what's not to like

Should I?

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This question is actually a really good test for homosexuality.

Straight men have no problem with this - they take one look and say “left!” Without a second thought. This is because straight men have the biological wiring to recognize certain features (wider hips, a bit more fat) that are better for childbearing.

Gay men and women lack this wiring, so they often revert to cultural stereotypes about female beauty, without any consideration to the biological imperative. In fact, studies of straight and gay men rating women body types have shown preferences similar to what I’m saying here (and I actually didn’t make this shit up). Thus, they’re more likely to say “right!”

So it’s all about the hips?

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This is true

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Unironically? Yes.


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I actually think there’s some really solid truth to this anons statement. On a primal biological level you’d instantly say gabby, left, without thinking about it

do you have disc? I'm about to leave for a bit but I don't want to miss any pics...

I completely agree

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I'd pick the left for breeding, but I'm attracted to very thin girls too. Most of all I like girls that are slightly smaller than landwhale. small tits large waist, preferrably short. they look like icecream cones my guy

She makes my balls expand

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The first thing i notice about gabby is how her hips are so wide

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She makes me feel primal. Her thiccness and body are sexual in nature

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Yes. Now. Thx.

You can totally still be attracted to thin chicks, but that’s why OP’s phrasing “Superior body for BREEDING” was so good - note that he didn’t say “more attractive.” The “breedable” part is important - it asks your brain a very straightforward question that, on a primal level, it immediately knows the answer to.

Drop yours and I will message you

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She for sure triggers my instinct to reproduce, like I feel it literally in my balls

That’s evolution, my friend. Your primal lizard brain appears to be very functional.


Finally, someone who uses the phrase “thicc” properly. It’s a cringe phrase, but ya know what? I’m giving you a fuckin pass.

I think we all want to pump Gabby with everything we’ve got

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I bet her boyfriend has lots

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I want to see her naked. Post nudes.

My brain is short circuiting and my balls want to burst

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Her reaction

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I’d also call her doughy.

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Appropriate for a chick who looks like dinner

Idk how to take that facial reaction lol

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I really want to lick, bite, and sniff her. Taste and smell as much Gabby Bruno as possible.

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Right has much better genetics. Who gives a shit about hip width, right can still pop them out no problem.

Look at that fucking hairline

Bump for more

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She is very tall. Long sexy legs.

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Yea, I'm saying the other girl is fat and has a terrible hairline.

depends what sport you want your kid to play

Which sport for her?

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Anyone want to chat and fap

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I think that your argument is wrong. You're omitting that you have consciously (and factually) learned that bone structure and certain proportions/angles denote strength or fertility. For instance, how hard do you think it would be (given the absurdity) for an elephant to give birth to a human?
Not hard, right?
You didn't come to that conclusion because you want to fuck an elephant, it's because the proportioning and size are indicators.

You can mostly likely only tell if a person is homosexual by having them look at members of the same sex. Since homosexuals aren't necessarily "repelled' by the opposite gender (as far as we know) you could only measure neutrality or attraction.

What's really gonna fry your noodle later..

I'd nut all over that face.

I would love to see her get a huge nutp

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Actually add me


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To Gabby or her big sister Natasha?

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Gabby. Sent you a disc friend invite

Nice. Anyone else?

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praise our goddess gabby

Mmm. Another fellow Gabby Bruno worshipper.

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Gay word but left would have a nicer body if she lost some weight. Couple of pounds off and she can be thicc

she is just the best of all

Is this better? She was younger and was less chubby.

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Yes, she makes me squirm as I stroke and ooze warm cummies

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it's incredible that we've been having this thread for years and yet it still manages to be identical every singel time

For breeding? The one on the left. For fucking until she can' walk? The one on the right.

i cum for her every day, thinking about how her hair smells.

They're women. You can get them both pregnant at the same time. Biologically, you don't have to choose. Faggot.

i bet even her friends want a taste of her pussy

The fertility goddess

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Bump for more gabby

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Do you want clown children?

Who is this? where are their pics?