Bbw/chubby thread!

bbw/chubby thread!

pic related: my gf

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Anyone want to jerk off to this chubby whore?

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op here. i will gladly. what do you think of mine?

if she gets me hard, i guess. Show me her cunt

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Post more

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Already fapping to her fat saggy tits! Here's my wife's cunt

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Keep going

post something yourself too lol

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damn. very nice

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Here's her cunt user

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jesus christ thats nice! more?

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Stay tuned for more then

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shes fucking great! goddamn

I will say tho, she absolutely hates her face being in with her nudes and yes it bothers the shit out of me.

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Glad you enjoy her

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what do you think of her?

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Damn you got more of her?

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Got more?

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Come to this vola for chub/fat and or sagy tits.

Posting tons there and will repost also good content of this thread


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I come in here all the time to see if there's any of my soon to be ex wife. Fat cunt.

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share some of her if you got any, man

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Jerking hard

share some and i'll be sure to spread em around


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Love to get a tit fuck from her god damn

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Any interest in ex gf?

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Share some pics my guy, can't spread em if they ain't posted first


Want more?

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My ex, wasn’t my proudest fap

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20yr gf

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Like? She loves creampie n playin with it its soooo tight too bros.. l

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Now that's a fucking view, she on BC or just loves the risk that creampies bring and bonus points on her playing with it as well

Na she loves the risk. I'm almost 30 shes 20 she loves calling me daddy shes a slut

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I really want more of her if you got it

I would bust a fat nut in her cunt while she is ovulating

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Damn wish my slut loved the risk enough to cream her everytime we fucked. She does however call me Daddy

Any tips for a lonely user for getting a thick babe like this thread?

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A WEBM of my slut

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Holy fuck more?

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Every fucking thread. You fucking stupid, unimaginative retard.

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Chayla slut

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