Why is no-one talking about the lesbian kiss?

Why is no-one talking about the lesbian kiss?

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Because it's the smallest thing this movie does wrong, and people are more homophobic with men than with gay women

Lesbian kisses are not that controversial if you think about it, is pretty much vanilla stuff

'cause it doesn't matter.

Lesbians are hot. Gays are not.

Why was it in there?? It wasn’t needed. Why is Disney pushing an LGBT agenda?

It’s Star Wars, lasers and spaceships and action.

Not gay rights. Get Fuct

Because nobody went to see this shit and if they did they are retarded brand whores who were too busy sobbing through the whole thing to notice

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because they barely drew any attention to it and neither should anyone else. at this point shit like this should just not matter to anyone not everything is pushing an agenda

Lesbians are hot

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the lesbian kiss was mostly just for the american market, and an easy way to cut it out for others.
Typical 2019 cancer

Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker 2019 720p HDCAM




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Does anyone actually still watch this fucking abortion of an SJW-infected franchise?

I saw it opening night and really liked it. Way better than TLJ.

Somebody edit this so the dicks are red, blue and green lightsabers

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As individual movies, episodes 7, 8, and 9 aren't terrible. But as a cohesive trilogy they're a dumpster fire. Each movie spends half the film undoing and contradicting the movie that came before it.

This one is less SJW and more incredibly stupid and cringey. Nobody should pay to see it.

8 is like a film student wrote it to show how much of a woke male feminist he is, and how rebellious he is by doing the opposite of anything that makes sense or is pleasing to the audience.

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Because it’s Star Wars not a fucking coming out film.

Yeah, it takes everything that was interesting about 7 and throws it in the garbage instead of expanding on it. Then 9 tries to put it back together, but it's too late.

wait was there an actual lesbian kiss in it?
You don't just mean the kylo/rey one do you,coz he's a woman,? i can't remember the lesbian kiss.

wait who kissed, im not ppaying to see this dumpster fire so tell me

That's why you can stream it here, if you can bear this turd

Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker 2019 720p HDCAM




Jew Jew Abrams isn't nearly a good enough storyteller to patch that shitshow up.

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people are still going to watch this cancer

havent seen the film

and shouldn't

Don't get excited. It's this woman

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goddamnit, its some random fucktard.

It was just a boring collage of nerd bait... just like the last 2. Ya another girl character. DIDNT SEE THAT COMING in 2019.
5/10 movie

No, she's a relatively prominent role. She's got more screen time, total, than Wedge, and he's considered pivotal to the entire universe

Speaking of Wedge, did he show up for the battle at the end? I think I saw him.


Wedge is in it. So is Han Solo

James Earl Jones, Andy Serkis, Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor all have audio cameos

Hux is 'the spy' but dies anyway

Rey flies both Ben's TIE and also Red 5

Rey's surname is Palpatine, but adopts Skywalker when she returns to the moisture farm on Tatooine.

No Gungans, Mandalorians, baby Yodas or Hutts

Billie Lourd's beginning to look a bit more like her mum.

Maz gives Chewie his medal, from Leia

Ben acheives redemption, but is too far gone, and has done too much bad shit to survive

Rey & Ben kiss, and it fits for their characters

JJ fixed the last movie. Guy deserves an award for that alone

Yep. He's in the Falcon's gunner seat and has one line, which pisses me off because Denis said that he didn;t want to appear in Force awakens because he 'didn;t want to appear on screen for 5 seconds so the fans can point and say ;hey, it's Wedge'. He wanted a bigger role, but i guess money talks, or he was so impressed with the re-imagining that he was happier with participating. That and they probably paid him £2,000,000 per hour for 2 second's work

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I thought Disney couldn't do LGBT because of the rules in China?

They did it anyway, and China cut it. It's a half a second moment that can easily be excised.

Ah. I see. Thank you user.

they literally put in the background and drew no attention to it to pander to boomer spergs like you.
be grateful

Women can be gay all they want. Men can't because that's called being a faggot. Are you a faggot user?

The alphabet people seem upset over it.

Haven't paid since the first of the prequels. Watched 15 minutes of one of the streams posted above and couldn't stand it.

Come on. It last like 2 seconds in a 2 and a half hour movie.
It was totally a pro LGBT shot, because not a single heterosexual couple is shown in the whole movie
Also how the fuck did Palpatine fuck up his attack so much that he killed no one? He's supposed to be a mega bad guy and he just throws an EMP. Ben survives... Well that was pointless

Stick with it. I loved the movie but the first 20 minutes are a frustratingly incomprehensible nightmare and I was worried where the fuck it was going, but it balanced itself out

>because not a single heterosexual couple is shown in the whole movie
Ben & Rey. Ok, they're 'a couple' for about 20 seconds, but it still fits.

>Also how the fuck did Palpatine fuck up his attack so much that he killed no one?

Because Luke was right.

>“Your overconfidence is your weakness”

Just saw the movie last night and I enjoyed the hell out of it. If you didn't like the movie just move on with your life. Not sure why so many adults are obessed with attack a movie made for 12 year olds.

Like I said earlier, the opening half an hour scared me, as did the bizarre opening crawl that could have been a movie on its own, because it was so fast-paced & disjointed that it was hard to tell where the fuck it was going

A quick two-second segment, as if engineered to be easily removed for release in dissenting countries.

I saw it on the opening night. I enjoyed

Palpa tazer-blasting the fleet of "just people", and Rey frying Chewie before they bullshit him back to life. Didn't give a fuck about anyone or anything else.

because no one saw it

i saw it, but was happy that it was a throwaway moment. It was normal, and part of the world

>Just saw the movie last night and I enjoyed the hell out of it.

you're what's wrong with the film industry. No standards at all and just turn off your brain when seeing a movie.

Welcome to Michael Bay movies

I rolled my eyes when I saw that like eugh ffs do we really need this

No. Love isn't needed, but that shit happens anyway.

No I actually hyper analyze all aspects of Star Wars and I really enjoyed it. Grow up kid people have different opinions then you.