What does Sup Forums think

What does Sup Forums think

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is that superman?


Fuck henry cavill

niggers ruin everything/10

not watching

Haven't watched it. Haven't even finished the game. I'm into it but all the fine detail stats and their management kind of turns me away before I can get good at the game.

To be honest this but unironically

how are there niggers? isn't the game this is based off of taking place in primarily euro nordic countries?

It is a fantasy world based on Polish lore so yes all characters should be white. Of course that's not gonna happen because Jews


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Binged the whole series immediately. Loved it!

double digit IQ racists

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>a fantasy world
>everyone should be white
bruh it's a fantasy world. there's ghouls and ghosts. whocares if there's a black person?

yeah but on that same note if its a fantasy world why do blacks need to exist?

just more racist white people oppressing niggers

Predictably this thread will be full of people that do not und that boats existed in the past, and sometimes people got on them, went somewhere and decided to stay there.

Seriously how fucking stupid and immature do you have to be to not watch a fantasy series because there's black actors in it?

Sup Forums is fucking embarrassing and full of retard rednecks. It didn't used to be this way back in my day.

There doesn't need to be black people there. But why does it even fucking matter? How can this trigger you so much that you don't watch a series?

It's pretty fucking good

IF ...........

You can get over the nigger problem

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>But why does it even fucking matter?
thats what i'm asking you

Sup Forums cancer. Also, I'm pretty sure after the election a bunch of retarded, inbred kids flocked to Sup Forums in the masses. They live in isolated areas where the only women they see are their mom, sisters, and the porn on Sup Forums. It's sad to think Sup Forums is all they have going for them.

Couldn't agree more.

"Why is my fantasy story with magic, elves, and monsters include characters with varying skin color".

Fuckin' cheeto dicks.

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Because. It's ABOUT ghouls and monsters and alternative pasts.

It's not about random black people showing up in Poland in the middle ages.
What the fuck is wrong with you.

Doing something BECAUSE it's PC and that's the sole reason is fucking dumb, and something we should all join forces in eliminating, whether on the left or right.

I mean I sure as fuck would raise a ruckus if they remade that slave boat movie (that sounds like amish) with a bunch of white characters thrown in as slaves because muh PC. Seriously. How do you not see anything wrong with this?

Sup Forums is Sup Forums faggot. All boards. All threads.

Why do you need to exist?

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Yet you don't make these same comments when blacks, Asians women, etc complain that there aren't enough black, Asian, women etc characters. If who the character is isn't relative to the story you should be fine with every character being played by whites.

If the original didn't have any black characters why do you care that people complain about putting in blacks just for the sake of "diversity" rather than story.?

This. What if a random asian dude was in the cargo hold of the Amistad?
It makes no sense, it's dishonest to the creator, it is done solely to please fucknuggets who want to be offended, and it's just.... fucking dumb.

kill it with fire.

Other races do explicitly exist in The Witcher's setting, they are just geographically quite distant. That being said, an occasional foreigner was not uncommon at any point it human history for at least the past few thousand years, and its a fact that the entrenched white supremacist elements on Sup Forums like to conveniently ignore.

>alternative pasts

how new are you?

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because i live in the real world? the area i live in also doesn't have very many black people too. mostly whites and hispanics.

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It's meh, wanted to see more of Geralt.
Instead it was to much about how a group of multicultural women stop the evil white male invaders.

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>elder scrolls
>blacks have their own back story, lineage, heroes, religions and history
>its completely different from the other nations and peoples in the series

hey thats unique and makes sense
>in this series black people are just palette swaps and that doesn't make actual sense
>ask how/why they don't actually have their own lore they could realistically get in a fantasy world

the reason this bothers me is because its lazy.

You are aware sometimes people moved around, got married and had children in other countries in the past? Where does this pervasive perception that the human race was racially segregated until recently?

well but your critique is based in how the setting/narrative is delivered. You're not a fucking Sup Forums cyborg posting all day that Trump still has the majority of the senate.

Nice try jew

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can you step back from the PC ledge for a second my fren?

why couldn't they come up with some lore for them rather than just hamfisting them in? why not take some relative time accurate persons and implement them and explain their stories. I'm mexican. my blood in this country has a story. I'm not just a recolorized white guy

It's already a fucking written novel you nugget.
Explain to me exactly WHY you would implement black people in the series when there are none in the books? Why? It's PC culture, that's why. And that's a fucking bad thing for Gods' sake, doesn't matter what side you're on in any other debate.

It's the same thing as trying to equate women with men, or attack helicopters with furries. You're trying to make things that are not the same the same. Black people are black, white people are white.

Whether skin colors matter in any other respects. Well, I don't fucking care, but feel free to discuss it. However you don't fuck with my literature just because some idiot gets offended if there aren't enough alphabet black people in it. Fuck you. Fucking fuck your fucking fucked up head for not being offended people are raping every piece of literature and history out there and rewriting it to look like some kind of moronic happy-go-lucky alphabet party since the dawn of time.

Fuck you.

I dont want niggers in my fantasy world. Thats why.

In the books/games, the world is super racist. There's no logical reason characters would be swapped out like that. Same reason an elf would never accept a human into his clan.

It'd be better if they said this was an alternative universe where nations were more united. But we're still under the assumption that all the races kinda hate eachother.

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Yeop, and why I don't really have an issue with the black dude in Robin Hood. It made sense, you rewrote the thing to include him, sure, but at the same time it made it different enough to actually interest me a little bit, and there's actually a reason there's a black dude in London.

Facts are not PC and you aren't my friend. This is a map of the Roman empire at its peak in 117CE. Apparently people like you would have us believe in all that time not a SINGLE MIXED RACE CHILD OR A FOREIGNER OF ANY TYPE could conceivably have ended up in Poland for any reason. Ok, whatever.

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It's lazy and makes no sense. There's a pure bred black elf in the series. If all elves are white how can you get a black elf?

I hate when people get an opportunity to write a great story or add into one and they just give up and say "just because".

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Its a fantasy story with sorcerers and witches. Stop acting like anything is unbelievable here.

>Facts are not PC and you aren't my friend.
>you aren't my friend.

its because i'm black isn't it?

Yes, maybe there were two of them.

That's why.

It's based on the books, not the game.

stop trying to force my suspension of disbelief for your feels. Youre ignoring lazy story writing because "muh raciss!" and thats the biggest reason the recent spat of SJW owned movie IP's are failing so badly.

You have never studied history and your opinion is discarded.

what does history have to do with a fictional series?

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Only thing that makes sense instead of all the screechers.

just play the video games, lol

All zombie movies are technically fantasy. If someone started shooting lazers from their eyes in the shit show that is The Walking Dead then it would be unbelievable.

Everyone that is fantasy or different to our world has a lore and a backstory. Blanks being there is simply unbelievable, more unbelievable than monsters and magic simply because there's a reason and lore for them

same thing as rippin off a movie for a tv show...enjoy the little glint of ratings while they last.


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But the fantasy story has no black people in it and is set in the whitest fucking early fantasy medieval Europe.

Stop shoehorning stuff in because you want to be correct and non-offensive. If the original story has no gays or blacks, then the movie should have no gays or blacks.

Would you be totally fine with adding white people to the Amistad as that dude said earlier?
And don't try the it's fantasy vs. it's real shit, because in practice Amistad is just as real as any other written fiction.

Im sorry the fact that humanity was never racially segregated at any point in human history bothers you so much, but it isn't going to change.

gonna be gay and retarded

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"Fucking fuck your fucking fucked up head". Glad a FICTION series triggers your autism. Keep shitting words from your mouth, sperg.

how can i fuck him tho

Exactly this.
Good fantasy has the exact right amount of suspension of disbelief. Throwing a random wrench in there screws it all up and makes it just bad fantasy.

>Would you be totally fine with adding white people to the Amistad as that dude said earlier?
If they could do it in an interesting fashion. Book i read some years ago a fat white guy was the king of africa in the year 2052. dude was a former narco cop from the EU and became an accidental warlord expat. Shit was interesting and just enough to be reasonable.

No only my really annoying gay friend likes it and has ruin it for me with all the gayness. Fuck faggy witcher larping gay knights

Im not going to argue with my inferiors. Europe was a central point of trade and commerce on earth for most of human history. Foreigners were around. It is not debatable.

so what does that have to do with a fictional story?

Are you fucking kidding me?
How many black people were in Poland in the 1400s? TELL ME.

I think two is a reasonable guess. And that they were burned at the stake or boiled in oil is very very likely. One thing I can guarantee, they never procreated in Poland in the middle ages.

>The Walking Dead
the only thing that kept me in the show

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Why does your fiction need to be racially segregated when reality is not and never has been?

so wait a minute. Do the black people in the show legitimately not have a back story?

Ok, prove it then. Show me the numbers, expert.

lets play a mental game.

i'm mexican. I live in texas. How do you think i ended up here?

you're the reason star wars is as shitty as it currently is

I don't care.

Im happy I ruined it for you. I look forward to ruining everything for you.

>never has been
Alex, what is The Entire History of Humanity From the End of the Last Ice Age to the mid-20th Century?

I figured you wouldn't but thats only because I can tell legitimate racists like you apart from people who just want a good story like everyone else.

Here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_history_of_Poland

See if you find the Africans. You're patently insane for not being upset people are randomly ruining series and books because the cool thing at the moment is to be PC.

Thats fine. The greatest thing about fiction and sci-fi is that the world of imagination is infinite in scope and scale. You and youre ilk can never know that which is sad

You can construct a fantasy where massive racial wars breakout or intense hatred becomes commonplace leading to segregation and race wars. Fantasy and fiction can be whatever you want it to be as long as you make it interesting. You can also make it the utopian society where everyone is one race and genetically engineered in a world where communism actually works. It can be what you want it to be as long as you build the narrative and universe well enough.

Because the earth WAS.
Which is why there even ARE black people and white people.
Because there was NO INTERMARRYING.
No biracials.
No fucking blacks in Europe or whites in Africa.

If this was not the case we would all be a muddy brown.
It makes absolutely no fucking sense as an alternate history and there is absolutely nothing to draw on to make sense of a black dude.
If you seriously can't see that you need a psychologist, not /b.

It's dogshit, i was skeptical of a netflix adaption of the witcher when i first heard about it.. and then i saw the casting choices and the militant feminist who is directing it and it confirmed my suspicions. I love the games and the books, so it pissed me off that this abomination has been made.

>You can also make it the utopian society where everyone is one race and genetically engineered in a world where communism actually works.

yet they ruined star trek too FUCK

>militant feminist

found the guy with mommy issues

This, no other reason need be given,niggers get your own shit you aren't welcome.

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8/10 Good basic trolling skills but you aren't using images

Yep, and the last part is important.
It's the reason fiction even works in the first place.
Build the narrative and the universe. Make it believable while at the same time being strange somehow.

Just popping random blacks into an all-white series needs some _serious_ explanation and backstory because that just didn't happen, ever, in history, without serious business happening alongside it.

Alik is a great director with tons of great work under his belt. What kind of alt-right MGTOW dingle berries are you snorting?

She actually is a militant feminist though you dunce.

Anybody remember the Kevin Costner Robin Hood movie. Now, I like Morgan Freeman. I like him a lot. And a nigger walking around in a Robin Hood story was hardly the worst thing about that movie. But still ... a nigger walking around in a Robin Hood story? Really? Who thought that was a good idea?

niggers in armor always look fucking goofy no matter what universe

morgan freeman is the sort of actor that fits regardless of where he's put as long as he has a fair amount of speaking. Thats a pretty rare thing.

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I think they look normal in chain mail with the middle eastern look. But yeah its like seeing a white guy in samurai togi. Shits odd

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This whole thing with Freeman works in that story and is believable. Costner found himself a negro mooslem to help him escape from prison and go on back to England with him during the Crusades. It set up a fiction narrative that everyone was willing to accept which is why in Kingdom of Heaven at the beginning you see Liam Neeson's entourage be all mixed race with some Nordic beast, a negro, and other dudes and it was believable. Why? Because Crusades.