3rd president to be impeached

>3rd president to be impeached
>1st president to be reelected after impeachment

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For THAT to happen, the USA would need to be loaded with stupid rednecks.

By the way, where's that Wall ?

1. it is
2. Israel

don't forget if pelosi doesn't deliver the articles to the senate it will nullify his 1st term meaning trump 2020 and trump 2024 bitches.

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I’m so confused about Nancy’s strategy right now. Mitch McConnell doesn’t want impeachment. Why does she think he would cave and allow witnesses? Makes no sense.

I hate the cunt but i thought he was only properly impeached when bpth houses vote for it?

Not how it works, dumbfuck.

imma need a source on that. I'm on your side, but I still want to see what "Constitutional Expert" is peddling that scenario.

No. Read the Constitution. The House impeaches, the Senate holds the trial.

There is no strategy, that's the point. Except to now try to blame the repubs by saying "b-b-but we tried to impeach and moscow mitch wouldn't let us". Which is laughable and ridiculous to anyone with an ounce of intelligence. The dems are trying to use this as cover because they know this impeachment is a joke and has zero chance.

Impeachment definition is what you need to understand. All Impeachment is, is bringing forth charges. The senate will be the judge of the trial. They will decide the outcome of said charges. Impeachment is complete when nasty nancy delivers the articles to senate, but she isn't for some reason.

Also keep in mind the longer this drags on, the more unhinged the far left will become. I doubt Coach Pelosi thought that far ahead though when they put forward this bullshit impeachment.

She thinks McConnell or any Senate Republican actually cares about public opinion and will bend as the outrage grows. And she wants to keep the speculation a part of the national conversation while Congress breaks, hoping that its going to swing polls back in her favor, which it won't, because Americans are bored and exhausted already, prolonging it will only hurt Dems.

Impeachment in the House is like an indictment. The Senate holds a trial and convicts or acquits on the merits of the case.

YOu aren't one of the intellectual elite soyboy.

>will nullify his 1st term

Enjoy getting buttfucked by this faggot on the right and then getting buttfucked by another faggot on the left after another few years

walls will not prevent the illegals from coming when the democrats keep rolling the red carpet for them with free housing, free healthcare, free education etc

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Pelosi's always thinking long-game. I don't like her or respect her, but she's not an idiot. Unfortunately, her caucus is a bunch of short-sighted SJWs who probably have a weaker grasp on the concept of impeachment than most of the people on this board. They pushed her into this horseshit and now she gets to own it.

From my info, trump has not been impeached yet. If so, not likely to happen.
SOTUS may get involved, dunno-

obama actually deported a fuckload of'em but ok,you giant faggot

Well yeah that’s ridiculous because they’re the ones that are holding it up.

>another few years
I honestly think it will be a decade or two before we see another Democrat president. Trump is going to stack the deck for his successor, and the world is only getting more scary and dangerous and America doesn't elect Democrats to kiss boo-boos, they elect Republicans to drop the hammer and justify it to Congress later.

>turned around at border
>+1 deportation

Exactly, but liberals are fucking stupid and don't understand that. Most of those dumbasses thinks Trump is no longer president after impeachment, right now.

Just wait for it. Sooner or later those retards are going to ask "hur dur why is drumpf still president", and start showing up to town halls screeching about how he's still there after being impeached. And then these people have the fucking balls to call other people ignorant or uneducated.

...And I still don't understand why, in USA, a President asking to another one piece of evidence to convict a criminal in his own country is supposed to be bad.

And I don't understand why, in USA, refuse military help to a country who doesn't cooperate is suppose to be a crime.

SCOTUS may get involved in the Obstruction of Congress charge, and will likely nullify it. The Abuse of Power charge is laughable at best. Keep in mind that "do us/me a favor" is not a crime and does not constitute abuse of power alone. Keep in mind that withholding aid is neither illegal, nor uncommon. Only when these two things are linked does it become abuse of power, and even still, only because it would affect a political rival, which is absolute bullshit on its own. They never PROVED a link between aid and investigations, they got a lot of assumptions, a lot of hearsay, and let the media spin the tale that it was all a coordinated and illegal effort, and then released a 600 page report that says nothing beyond the initial summary's accusations that aren't backed up whatsoever in the following 599 pages, knowing that no American (not even Congressional Reps) would read it. Oh, and they attached Nunes' phone records to the end just to make sure everybody skipped over the dry, hollow bullshit that Schiff masturbated to over Thanksgiving.

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This. Don't underestimate Pelosi she's a conniving bitch They also want to drag it out so he has impeachment hanging over his head during the state of the union address. Trump is getting played by accepting the invitation to speak before the house before issue in senate is resolved.

Unfortunately, to get to Pelosi's town hall, you have to wade knee deep through homeless feces. Her district is a fucking MESS. Someone needs to call her out on that shit.


honey pot
honey pot

oh oh oh
honey pot

honey pot.

ba dum bum bum

>1st president to be reelected after impeachment

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You make too much sense for this place-
I agree.

As opposed to the Donald....

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The house votes for impeachment, which means the pres-dent is able to be tried by the Senate like a jury court, the true source of power.

This whole thing has been handled so poorly, I am not a democrat but I feel bad for Pelosi just a little she knew this whole time that an impeachment was a waste of time. But she got thrown under the bus (I hate that fucking phrase) by her own party. Maybe if she was a man she would have ignored the children and focused on strategy.

I don't underestimate Pelosi at all. I don't think Trump is getting played by accepting, and even if (and its a small if) he hasn't been acquitted before then, he's going to use it as a strength and continue to whip his base into a frenzy. State of the Union is going to be a furious address, I fully anticipate storm clouds to gather in the House Chamber as Trump hurls bolts of lightning towards the pathetic booing and cries of "STOP IT" from the left.

>a President asking to another one piece of evidence to convict a criminal in his own country is supposed to be bad
It's not, that's the funny part about all of this. Keep in mind also the same bullshit the democrats are complaining Trump did, is LITERALLY the same exact shit that Head Coach Nancy is trying to do right now. She's trying to force the senate to give her the trial she wants on her terms before handing over the articles of impeachment. When she was literally JUST bitching about abuse of power and quid pro quo. So what the fuck?

the dems wanted to impeach Trump since he became president.

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>Someone needs to call her out on that shit
Trump does that everyday, except the DNC marketing team calls it "bullying" or a "temptum". But when one of their heroes does the same shit it's not the same.

Yeah.. dems are screwed ftw.

The senate won’t convict him so no matter Nancy does, she’ll still loose.

Pelosi curses AOC and her "squad" before bed every night. Those needling, media-obsessed cunts have sunk her Speakership.

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>So what the fuck
They are liberals.

Exactly, which made this entire process a complete waste of everybody's time. The DNC should foot the entire bill and compensate all of these people who sit there for hours testifying, even if they're fucking bullshitters.

Plus we’ve seen no evidence that Trump did anything wrong. All they did was talk about the phone call and how “bad” it was. They already made up their minds 2 years ago.

I love that liberals here have been reduced to posting memes with zero arguments because they keep getting btfo by logic.

>free housing, free healthcare, free education
Been listening to the fictional news again, I see?

Memes are all the right has. Not very good ones either.

Didn't your momma ever teach you not to count your chickens?

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Wow, so the Trumps are all in prison now?

No, but at least he isn't a retarded mark.
Trump has been swindling the wealth of the middle class his entire life and padding the pockets of millionaires.
That fact did not change when he became president.

So......you put cream in your coffee and was able to read this in the clouds there.
must be true-

That's all either side does. It's time to purge both sides of that retard-fight

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>Even before his election there were rumors he was a Putin puppet due to shady shit his staff and family were doing.
Not saying that's true, but, there was some flimsy precedence for that beyond "orange man bad"

has there ever been clearer proof that these source faggot(s) are completely disingenuous?

This post, I like.