There are only two genders

There are only two genders.

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Oh, and why should we believe you?

Have you qualifications in neuroscience?

Only conservative snowflakes gaf about what people identify as.

let me just leave this here.

Have a good day Anons

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there are two sexes
Male - you have functional testes
Female - you have functional ovaries
or you have no sex at all, meaning you cannot reproduce

there are many many many many many many many many different genders that arent worth explaining.
you identify as what ever you want and no one cares, simple as that

Remember to Tweet in support of JK Rowling who also thinks this.

the lobotomy was once good practice and believed in as well
never take what's currently believed to be objective fact, that's just ignorant.

2 sexes.
Gender means something different now.

Seriously, why is this so confusing to people?

We shouldn't celebrate mental illness

They aren't worth explaining because the "many others" don't exist

Gender is a societal thing. Not a scientific thing. The confusion between gender and sex can be complex. Frankly, when I say "Sir" or "Mam" I'm addressing your sexual appearance. I also accept that socially I don't care what you want to be called. In my society I'll call you sir or mam based on your scientific definition. :>

Sorry my far left friends.

because no one listens.
people that claim "genders" use it as a way to gain attention that no one wants to give them, while others that define themselves as what they want quietly and do so in peace.
people find the whole gender thing annoying so they ignore it, and I dont blame them

I know English is hard for a twelve year old. But the second image (my post) strictly says social constructs not scientific. Thus identifying gender and sex as a different meaning. This is the official updated terminology from dictionary

ok einstein, thank you for saying the same thing they said

Oh boy. Another campaign to bake a hand symbol into the ever-expanding list of hate speech and hate symbols.

This'll be fun.

Also yes.

Because they don't actually care. They just see this as something they have to "win"
It's part of the disorder known as Conservative Identity


peace and victory

dont worry though, you just have to suck it up because even symbols like the triforce seem to represent a kkk symbol

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I'm saying that..... okay wait for it...

(noun, plural so·ci·e·ties.
an organized group of persons associated together for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic, or other purposes.)

allows you to assign gender roles based on the common opinion of your faction. So an individual who says "I'm a woman" when they're in fact biologically a man can be right AND wrong because of the faction they're saying it to.
To fit your tiny brain around it, I and those in my society identify "gender" as equivalent to "sex". This is accurate because its a societal choice. Meaning the person claiming to be a woman as a man is wrong.

that make sense tiny brained friend?

is this common sense?

Thinking that you are any gender other than the one you were born as is a mental illness rooted in gender stereotypes.

Thinking gender is anything other than a synonym for sex is a mental illness rooted in modern academic degeneration.

True words
1. Male
2. Other

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What I gaff at is when transgender people tell me I should use they/them terms to refer to anyone and everyone and I am verbally attacked if I don't conform.

What I gaff at is being told men and women are the same but are also more (any adjective you can think of)

What I gaff at is when there is real evidence for biological transgender people but people base it off of individual personality traits.

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Gender is a matter of opinion. You cannot determine my gender, only I.
You cannot say whether Iam feminine or masculine, only I.
The opinions of others, regardless of who or whom considers them learned, means absolutely nothing.
Mine is the only opinion that matters.

I didn't even say anything far left retard

Why the fuck is all this shit spreading now?

I don't post much at all, but I have been here off and on since 2007. and I don't think Ive ever seen this much garbage

Are the catfish's or does no one give a fuck anymore?

wel theres a small % of hermaphrodites, but... yeah

I wish I understood what it is about your upbringing that makes you, and others like you, think this way. Every now and then there are strong social patterns that come out of nowhere and completely blow logic out the window and the shit just fascinates me.

So many jewshills in here. Sure hit a sore spot on their fragile misinformed brainwashed Jew baited minds.

Kek to you retards.

How's about we all stop feeding this bullshit, and go back to not giving a fuck about what anyone thinks?

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I support trans people and I concur that there are only two genders. Why else do trans people conform to the binary? I never see any trans-people living HYBRID lifestyles where they're rugged male construction workers who are also pregnant with long girly hair and painted nails.

I've seen some fat trans that looked like they could be pregnant and also know their way around sheet rock.

yup cant argue with that

Why don't people just identify using their chromosomes. It's not that complicated.

Especially on official documentation. It would save all the BS from gender rights campaigners on passports/birth certificates/census.

You can't BS genetics.

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I disagree.

T. Tank.

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Physically there are two, but emotionally there may be more.

Emotionally you're gay.


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>emotional gender
My emotions tell me the earth is flat and vaccines are bad, doesn't make it true

It's all mental illness. How can you know you're of the opposite sex when you haven't actually experienced what it is to be the opposite sex?
You can only separate sex and gender on paper.


your chromosomes shouldnt have to dictate the way you dress, speak, act etc. Stop forcing people to act the way you'd want them to,

i think the term for that is sex not gender. they should just put that on forms

Mostly true. There's penis, there's vagina, and there's the vanishingly small number of people who have both. If you have both, you know what, I'll let you decide what you are, because you *actually have the option*.

You're right. There's a bimodal distribution of two genders... so there's in some sense a spectrum.

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Just count the public toilets at a shopping mall

Male, Female and handicapped

So "trans" fall under the handicapped?

You can change the definition of gender, but nothing changes the fact that GID is still a disorder and an abnormality

Dudes with makeup can whip out their shlongs at a men's urinal just fine. Women don't want those retards in their bathrooms lol

Or the configuration of your chromosomes, skeletal structure, and number of bones...

So much male heterosexual ignorance in this thread.

But I don't want them in mine. They're gross. Can't they just go with the retards?

>so much male heterosexual awesome in this thread.


And male heterosexual's control this planet and always will. Sorry, buttercup.

Jewish plot, fucked up as that sounds, look into it.

Perdue trying to fucking sell unregulated hormone pills that were giving ladies cancer in the 60s-80s.

still had a stockpile they couldnt sell but now with trannies they can

Patriarchy high five!

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gender describes masculinity and femininity NOT ones biological sex

people give cars and boats gender for god sakes stop being such whiney little bitches about something that doesnt even affect you

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Your mom drank during pregnancy, huh?

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We can't try to reason with fat ugly retarded childish white guys. They can't get girls irl so they can never understand gender.

So they tried to become girls.

what the fuck is the point in having more than 2 genders, because there are people who just say something about their personality is a gender and make everything way more fucking complicated than it has to be

Correct... but intersex is a thing.

yeah, me fuckin and you hittin the ground buddy

Up until the last decade gender was the word that was used to indicate biological sex.

Hey we're gong to scream if you use the wrong pronoun, sue if the salon ladies won't shave my balls and want dudes in dresses sharing the bathroom with your 6 year old daughter, but stop bitching because we don't affect you. The one-directional tolerance of people who shout tolerance is why you are hated.

>>>many genders
Because libtards say so? Imagine how retarded you have to be to go along with the tide of mental illness enablers.

People give a fuck because, the definition of the word 'gender' is being distinguished solely by a societal trend.

Sex and gender have been the same fucking thing for years, only when cunty fucks who wanted to be special did that change, see xyzgender, also the pedophilic work of John A. Money, father of modern gender theory and transgenderism

If you won't sleep with this then you must be an incel neckbeard.

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lmao who said anything about tolerance and you dont know or have ever encountered a single transperson in your entire life so stop whining about your 6yo daughter that doesnt exist

Evolution is a bitch

My daughter is very real. You are a headcase

thats a nice tirade but you failed to address the underlying point that people call their muscle cars SHE

They are delusional, fucking sick man. These people are naive to think perverts arent already taking advantage of this agenda

ok boomer

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and yet if you had a make believe 6yo son you wouldnt be worried about a transman using the mens room

Its an arbitrary point because it's an inanimate object you fag

No, they should use the handicapped room

That is your rhetoric, nobody else's, wouldnt want any pervert or mentally ill person around my kid

Posting in a trans thread

You will never pass, faggot

well then you better keep them locked up inside your home at all times cause their are mentally ill people everywhere.

LOL because someone wants to live their lives in a different identity that makes them a pervert. meanwhile if your kid actually existed you would probably send them to a private catholic school where they will be safe from all sexual predators

All the guys in this thread fap to trap threads and are dying to get a cute trap pussy.

what do you do if you walk in on your son looking like this?

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thats a biological female in the photo

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Fuck him in the ass

Thats true. But truth hurts feelings.

Time to move out faggot

Totally pass I'd hit that for days!

Yes, what you will never be

There's plenty of guys willing to take them in.

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He doesn't count. Only ugly trans don't matter.

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how much of a incel do you need to be to not get the chance to enjoy a good boi pucci

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I think my biggest gripe with the whole thing is the degeneracy of it all. It would be one thing to be trans. But to be so sleazy about it with the sissy shit is just... unsavory. None of them are regular ass people that happen to be trans. There is only the hyper sexualized and those who get off on it. It's gross.

this is a biological female

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>It's gross.
It's called sexual pleasure

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for every 1 of those that people fap to here there are 5 more than you dont even know are trans because they are not what you described and you will never know exist... until its too late

I'm not a fan of anal. I was traumatized as a teen with an anal misadventure that will haunt me the rest of my days. But he is exceptionally cute. None in my area can even compare. So it's not really an option for me.

Yes, I'm that picky with women too.

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>social trend
You mean society? As in social constructs like gender change as society changes? Wow who knew??

It's like seeing pics of girls nude on here and making the claim they're all sluts. Complete incel talk.