You have 10 SECONDS to name something dumber than an American

You have 10 SECONDS to name something dumber than an American.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I am transfixed and can think of nothing but her tits


Two Americans.


Jealous people

A person who posts the same exact thread four times a day every single day because they're unemployed

An african-american

This. OP is a degenerate fagott who can't think of anything at least a bit uniqe or interesting.

A brit


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t. unemployed fag who's here to see the same threads 4 times a day

A proud American

A caveman

A republican

trump family

LOL, Amerifats invented anti-vax, creationism, flat earth, etc. Behind every truly retarded idea is a big, fat, stupid American.

Been sitting here for 10 minutes and literally cannot think of anything. All fat lazy idiots


obsessed third-worlders

Those tits make it seem like a tie.

A Paki

OP.. again

I want to eat her diarrhea

Drink dude, drink. You eat shit, you drink diarrhea.

Fucking Americans.


I'd never need creamer in my coffee again.

The answer is always OP, you retarded faggot.

Flat earth started with this guy, a Brit -
Creationism - 400AD -
Anti-vax was a Brit thing -
You’re a fucking retard.

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African American

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The US also has 85 Nobel prize winners in physics, more than the next 6 countries all added together.

a european

It's like they're staring into my soul...

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Another American, somewhere.

A blowfly with Down Syndrome and a meth habit.

They elected this guy...

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The rest of the planet.

Fuck off jealous cunt

Trump bloodline

This guy. Not only an American but an obvious faggot. Whew! I thought that was going to be hard!