Who else is currently getting drunk right now

Who else is currently getting drunk right now
>post what alchohol you're drinking
>post how much you've drank so far

>pic related on my 4th or 5th shot just been mixing drinks so it's an estimate

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My favorite. Never been able to do Jack Daniels. Too thick a syrupy for my liking

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imagine being such an underage attention seeking alcoholic

Rum and Coke, 2 big floral mugs, I'm a fucking skeleton so I don't need a lot of alcohol, already feeling droopy

>Too thick a syrupy
I'm trying to finish a bottle of Evan Williams honey whiskey.
Mixing it with cinnamon coke for the lulz

Woodford Reserve. On my 3rd or 4th shot playing Skyrim on a Friday night. Don’t even care.

Im not underage lmao I'm 33 years old. But what I am is a lonely guy who just wants people to talk to

on my 2nd glass

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Im about to play some modern warfare lul but is it just me or have video games lost their spark? I never really want to play anymore I kinda have to force myself

happy winter solstice

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I felt exactly the same over summer. I bought some new games to revive the spark. I have fun playing them. Haven’t played Skyrim in over a year and having a blast

Thanks user right back at ya. How is your day going?

It's called depression or maybe you're just growing up.


That looks nice bro I've never had any


Its probably a mixture of both tbh

It's from GA the guy that runs the distillery is a chemist. he guaranteed it would never give me a hangover. I decided to test the fucker. my brother and i drank a bottle and a half and woke up fine. hand to god.

what character build?

Which GA brewery? There's some in town

Oh, right. Nord

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Damn bro that's fucking awesome. Sadly I live in central texas

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Moonrise Distillery in Clayton, GA

Yeah i don't have a phone to pake a picture but i'm drinking Wyborowa (some polish vodka 40%)
It fucking kills my livers.but i'm not pouring shots and i'm under like 40kg so.
Do any of you ever get this weird shivering(not like cold but simal) feeling from the base of your ribs down when you drink?

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not alcohol, but beer... corona, modelo and later some samuel adams lager

yeah its the beginning of Alcoholism my polish friend.

No user I dont get that feeling that's weird

My favorite whiskey at a similar pricepoint is Buffalo Trace.

>Playing modern warfare
>video games
Pick one.
Are you 12? Get a better game like KSP or fucking strategies that engage your mind and not a fucking arcade shooter. Jesus, no wonder you're bored. I'd kill myself before playing that shit.

Bro’s, when I first starting drinking liquor, my dickhead tingles. Like in my urethra and only for about 5 minutes. Happens every time I drink. Happen to anyone else?

Let him play whatever he likes

yes it does. but not as much anymore. maybe I've had too much caffeine and maybe I drink too often.


How is everything going? You feeling okay?

I drank a 4.5% pear cider and two 500ml 7.2% beers earlier today. Had a colonoscopy under anesthesia in the morning as I am recovering from a light cancer of immune system so they wanted to be sure if my ass was fine. Turns out it is.
I'm feeling kinda off since the anesthesia though. The anesthesia doctor were really nice and he was standing by my side as I slipped in and out of consciousness but I felt a little afraid. It's not my first time receiving anesthesia but it made me feel weak and made me a little afraid.
The dark and the loss of consciousness felt strange. I hadn't eaten anything in 24 hours too so I felt really weak. Similar to how I felt like during like the 3rd day after a chemo session. And I absolutely hated it.
It's just a nasty feeling.

Who cares faggot? This is a brotalk and alcohol thread. Gtfo cunt

well what do you like Moriarty?

>I'd kill myself before playing that shit.
Do it anyway if you’re this fucking butthurt over what someone else enjoys

Idk man I have an xbox. I wish I had a PC because it seems like there is way more selection. Could you name your top 5 games for console so I could check them out?


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I don’t drink.

Some advice for a colonoscopy?i have one in like a month or so

Not him but I loved Halo 1 and 2 and PGR3 on xbox.
I also loved Hotline Miami 1&2 on Pc and Age of empires 2 as well. Gta sa and vc are love and life to me.

Holy shit user I'm sorry to hear about the cancer. I will keep you in my prayers seriously. My day has been pretty bland just like every other day. Its starting to get really old honestly. I'm glad your ass is fine and I hope everything goes good with the cancer treatments. Just remember that God has the answer for everything

Did you just dubs dubs trips my nigga? Checked

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Cool. I had a colonoscopy to rule out celiac disease turnes out was fine too. But man i woke up during the middle of it screaming in pain then heard em tellling to give me more fentanyl or whatever they give ya. Fun time.

How much/ how long do you all drink a day? Cureently im at about 3-4 years and around 10 beers every night.

obviously a faggot

This user has it figured out B)

Follow the instructions that your medical center provides you. Also look up on it on webmd. Great tips on there.
Make sure to use laxatives properly so you won't have to do another one again and stay hydrated so you don't feel like I did.
Also, don't be afraid. Specially if its under anesthesia. Which you should be able to request.

Beer isn't alcohol?

I jyst downed a pint of 80 proof vodka. Debating whether I should go get some more. I'm kinda wavy right now, but I need more.

I agree. it isn't

Yeah I really want a subway sandwich but I'm not trying to get pulled over
Decisions decisions

He doesn't like it though you retards.
Last of us.
Any of Uncharted series.
Hellblade senuas sacrifice.
Dark souls(1 obviously)
beyond two souls.
mate i stopped playing on console before ps4 cam out so idk.
Pc is cheaper, there's loads of free shit, early access, daily deals etc. If you buy a game i guarantee i could buy at least two with the same money, more if they on deals or early access or are old af or a niche.

You must be drinking American piss water.

Only if you can walk nigger I care about you

check'em my dude

YeH i'M actually putting my jacvket on tight now so I can walk to the store and picl up a cheap pint of vodka, Jeep talking anons, I'll be on mobile

Felt exactly the same for years. 32 now. Swear it's just from growing up and having other priorities. Sucks. I have to finger my ass to feel anything these days.

Feelin pretty good anons

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Yo get me a bag of Munchos will ya?

Will do, thanks user. Want to try anesthesia, even knowing i will not remember anything.

munchos>? nah I'll get you some fritos thoguh

>piston ashtray
Nice user

Hell yea I’ll pay you back when I get paid

Its all okay now. But please take good care of yourself.
Cancer wasn't an issue, chemotherapy was hell. I wanted to off myself so often. I was so tired and weak all the time and I hated it. I'm still struggling from cancer fatigue and it'll probably get me fired but that's the benefit of surviving cancer that I know that I can handle things fine when shit goes down.
Thanks a lot for your positivity and seriously, eat well, read something good and look for a more meaningful job. Life is way too short. I'm only 25 as of now.

Not much usually. Just two 7.2% 500ml cans. Thrice a week.
Sometimes I go 3 cans but I usually keep it under a minimum and do it while I ruin some zoomers day on fortnite. (I actually really like zoomers and have high hopes for them, they seem smart and friendly.)

You got it man give me a mionte

>I have to finger my ass to feel anything these days.
I'm in the same boat.
Cooking my own meals actually helped alot, i fucking love it. Plus it makes me confident af because good food is always impressive if you're not a total ass about it.

Cheers bros

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Why can I relate to this? Fuck I hate getting older!

There is literally no point in remembering a pipe going up your loser intestine bro.
I have been awake through two surgeries and I really wish I hadn't. Atleast convince them to give you some xanax beforehand or some opioids.
Don't get hooked on that shit though at any cost.
You finally managed to dilute it more. Good job!

I still got one more tall boy

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Lil early for me but my day off so taking some sips of this while having some personal time with some tastefully artistic amateur films ;)

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Should take a nude with ur bottle ;)

Here's my other one. It's the bottom of a huge artillery round kek

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>smoking around your dog

Come the fuck on dude.

Cool dude, wanna make me one?

If I did it would be some types of wine.

No, i dont want to remember the pipe, anal is not my thing, but i want to see the high of anesthesia. Medical stuff is just for when im in the hospital, out its just natural (weed and shrooms)

Not the user, but second hand smoke is a relatively myth. Unless you’re directly blowing into a person or animal’s face, there’s next to no lasting effect, but i doubt his pooch likes the smell.

Nothing tonight, out of town for a family function before christmas. When i get home i have half a bottle of kraken rum, shit is so smooth for a 94 proof. Enjoy your evening friends.

No problem user. I always try to be the light in a world of darkness. Dont worry about me friend I'll be just fine. I just have to keep pushing my man

It fucking jolly as fuck that stuff innit?
All smiles and no teeth? Fuck what was that from?

I see. Well it's only a high for under 10 seconds while you're going in and for like a few minutes after you wake up. But its similar to alcohol or xanax but calmer. You feel safe and slow for a bit.
This time the doctor that was responsible for anesthesia stood over my head and talked to me calmly and basically guided me into it. It felt really safe with him there.
A time before, there was this doctor that basically sat by my pillow and ran her fingers through my hair and talked to me softly. She was like 60 and had this really motherly feeling to her. So it felt safe and calm. I still felt afraid for my consciousness but it made a huge difference in the whole experience.

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We all have to. Some do while shining brighter than the others.
Remember that you don't lose when you lose. You lose when you give up. And if you keep losing, you've got things to learn.
I hope you achieve whatever you strive for.

2 days sober and I'm dying but I'm trying to get to 90.

Youre right ,user. I was told by my aunt who was going to get me a job at a liqour store where she is a manager that it would sneak up on me, things didnt work out but i got a bottle and it fucked me up. Im not a light weight but after 8 or so shots I blacked out, spilt pepsi everywhere and fell outside while i was smoking. Woke up the next day fine but with a busted lip and some bruises. I ended up drinking half the bottle that night.

Thank you user i wish the same for you. I really need to set some goals in my life because it's just feels like every day is the same but I guess that's life. I'd love to travel but it's hard to save money these days

Good luck user. I havent been sober off of anything since i was 16 or so but if you want my advice, try to avoid threads like these, they'll only fuck you up.

Just joined this thread. have a endless supply of Rum on hand. I'll probably finish that pint and another then I'll start blacking out, eat a left over pizza, and pass out on my floor

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Make a way then. .there might be jobs out there that require you to travel. Might not be well paying or prestigious but they'd fulfill the need for travel. But being honest, I can't imagine a shit job making you travel unless you join a militia or some international muslim club.
Maybe try becoming a flight attendant or something like that? You might get to stay in places and you'd get paid for it.
Also, if you know multiple languages, you could probably join a company that needs a skillful salesperson or representative to travel to other countries to seal deals etc.
Quick tip: dressing well helps. A LOT. So does acting like old money.

Sounds like a fun night

Too bad it's liquid tooth decay though.

I love rum but Bacardi is not my thing. I've even tried it in eggnog but i didnt like the taste, cheers anyways though user.


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Gonna just admit this, after years of abuse and medicine for different things I lost all my teeth, ive had dentures for about 7 months. Made my whole life alot easier.

Buffalo trace over here

Aaayyyyee, I guess that makes us rums bros, cheers!

Cool toys btw, whats the red guy?