Cock Rate Thread

Cock Rate Thread

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I'd put it in my mouth

8/10. how many inches?

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crazy. can you selfsuck? post more?


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Ive tried to, but its really uncomfortable. Ive Licked my dick and thats about it.

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do you make bitches squirt and why do you paint ur nails if your rocking that alpha of a dong

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I prefer fucking men, and my masculinity is implied

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hell yeah brother have you ever fucked a girl how much was she screaming

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We had to stop half way though.

Omg post kik or snap, i hope youre in cali

lucky dude, please share more of that monster

8/10. have any other angles?

Fuu have you ever made a girl squirt with that babys arm


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I've only ever really fucked one girl, and, as stated it was really cringey. She said we had to stop so I had to finish myself in the shower

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more daddy plz

oh you're in the r9k thread too huh? nice cock, very suckable

Im sorry but you are just too fuckin hot

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What r9k thread? you mean soc?

9/10, gotta shave though!

whoops, yeah soc

Show us what's under that dress


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I'm confused as fuck here. You're clearly reasonably hairy but it doesn't look like you shave your pubes. Is it just a trick of the light?

I shave my pubes

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Zein cock

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Push that fupa down you fat piece of shit, and lie to yourself that it pushes in and adds to length while you're fucking. Poor girl is lucky to get 3.5 inches of that tubby excuse for a cock. 2/10

Maybe some of these hella fat motherfuckers would have some sort of dick if they lost weight.

cock op sent is edited in, look at the head

Dude honestly looking at him it'd probably be decent if he could stop drinking soda and eating bullshit food. Sad to see a young man (obvious by the pubic hair) have such a pathetic excuse for a sex organ in his prime. If he doesnt change his ways soon, by the time he realizes what he should have years ago and shreds the weight he's going to out of that optimal fuck zone. I'm in my 40s and while i still have sex regularly, it's nothing like the vigor I had in my early to mid 20s, i could fuck 3 times a day back then. Shame to see that go to waste for any fella


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8.5/10, suckable


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Thanks for 9 user
Thanks user

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Bruh, I'm in my 40s and I slam it harder than I did in my 20s.


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Fuuuuuuuuck OP, that's alot of cock

my member

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anbout the same size


damn, i've never been with a guy but i would totaly handjob and blow that dick.

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>The average penis is 5.5 inches

LOL in what world... average is 7 inches and still considerd small.

OP post cock with a ruler next to it, Needs proof.

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Yeah I post my cock there too

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Man the shopping here is very bad.

please fuck my gf / 10

cute pp


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Thanks for the 7

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how big?


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If I ever have a cock half that beautiful touch my cervix I’d die happy Jesus Christ!

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9/10 would suck

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need more pics

Here's how much cum it produces. Would rather shoot it in a girls mouth but until then ill just do it on my hand

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nice looks thick

Thanks user. Here's one more pic. Not even fully erect in this picture.

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this big

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in what world is this 12 inches. The base of your dick starts like an inch and a half from where your hand is in that picture. You're like 8-9

7.8 inches

Jesus I'd straight up let any of you fuck her brains out.

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Any big cocks wanna play with my girl? Add fitnerd05 on snap


Thank you c:

Any way you could post a nude of her on here user?

fuck off asshole