Liberals think this is a vagina

>liberals think this is a vagina
Stop. Get help.

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Other urls found in this thread:

These too

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Oh and this

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Literally BTFO

sex is gay

Jesus fuck, how do i wash my eyes

I have yet to meet a trump supporter that wasn't a fucking idiot.

Dude, did you seriously Google post op trannies? Do you have a folder of pics on your computer?

You're the dumbass googling trannies and liberals are the problem?

Geezus fucking Christ you're an idiot

I wanna be like OP! How can I begin my very own collection of tranny pics ...not that I'm gay or anything. I just want a bunch of dick pics....but not gay...really!

It's ok, So is OP

are you gay or what

Even if he did the belief remains that these mentally ill people think this is helping. Their delusions are being fed into and its sickening

I was Google the definition of faggot and Google said to come here and ask OP

I was thinking the same thing. Liberals dont go around showing pics of post op vagoos to me and saying "This is a vagina", but these conservatives love showing me pics of them and telling me what I believe.

Samefag much?

Like I said...trump supporter --,> idiot

Jesus fucking Christ OP, get a better hobby.

Lol...hey, just curious ..what Jr college you enrolled in at present?

Not OP or trump supporter, fuck off. Just dont like the current bullshit propaganda being spouted, transgenderism is mental illness

The interesting part though is that the post op tranny still has a bigger package than op.

Lol...I know cupcake, I know's ok. Go talk to a nice liberal and we'll out you in a safe place so the big mean trannies don't get you

Hey, op, do the dick picks give you a stiffy?

Swear to fucking god, right wing or liberal. Only you Americans post this sort of disgusting shit. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

New here?

>liberals dont go around claiming that "this", the picture in question, is a vagina.
Yes, yes they do.

Here's an amputated dick if you're curious. BRAVE.

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Isn't some of the flesh rotting?

Too much processed food. Made their brains as fat as their bodies

Ahh, how cute! A trump supporter just making shit up. ;-)

That never happens...

Not him, but Christ you are a patronizing asshole

I suppose you'll have no issues posting a link to the thread if liberals posting tranny pics....cuz all I'm seeing is a fucking retarded trump supporter doing it

This fucking facts ruining an idiots tirade

imagine the smell

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If you only knew the half of it...

If we were in person I'd punch him in the throat and then laugh. ;-)

Holy fucking shit! The regret going thru his non binary mind

> #
>Samefag much?
Put me in the screencap

Hey, op, can you share some more if your tranny pics?

Done. You're in a screen cap

And how about exposing children in real life?

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Real badass over here, throatpunch me fag

umad your genders are mental illness?
Go cry back to daddy, or get back into a safedpace you ragged cunt

Can you post it so I can show my mom. She'd be real proud, 2nd generation 4channer here

I'm not saying OP is a faggot, but he is the only one posting tranny pics .


Mom's tits or gtfo

Bro just go somewhere else. We all voted for Trump you must not remember. We memed the president and he's doing an amazing job. No one cares about your feelings. No one wants you to do better. No body wants you to fit in or have friends you gotta get it yourself you cuck.

She died tragically. I did not respond to the post

Dude, I made $180k last year. My house is worth $1.4 mm.

Do you really think I have any interactions with a trump supporter other than dropping off my Vette to get a new muffler installed?

You and your kind are uneducated white trash. People like me, and the rest of the world, laugh at you:-)

You can say whatever the fuck you want. Just think if my life compared to yours. It gives me a warm feeling inside when I do.

I just inherited $100 million from my niece who molested me as a child.

Look at the waste of taxpayer money of the right and trumptards. LOL

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Cool story, bro

>I am ready to settle down, user

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How the fuck do you think these pics make it onto the internet? Its stupid tranny liberals posting their fucked up dicks for the whole world to see. Christ you're a stupid nigger

What are you babbling in about?


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And your faggot ass is the one searching for them and saving on your computer

See, I've searched for a lot of porn. And not once did I "accidentally" come across tranny porn and THEN download and save it

Something you'd like to share with the group?

Why do you care? You won't be fucking them anyway. I don't give a shit about trannies and obsess over their genitals, but holy fuck some twat on b does everyday.

"I'm not a faggot, really! I just like to download tranny pics for 'educational' purposes....but not a faggot, honest"

when will you ever encounter one?
when is this an issue in your life?
you do you, they do they

Good point. I'm straight too. And I have to admit, the amount of time I spend thinking about trannies is, umm, let's see...oh yeah! ZERO

I think OP has something he'd like to get off if his chest

But is it a vagina?

Yum yum

Hey,boo, your in a safe place. Go ahead and share your fascination with tranny pics

But is OP a faggot?

Hey, op, you have any other fetishes?

I mean, are you one if those guys that has a directory with shit pics too?

Yes, yes he is.

fuck off faggot

I think the faggot...I mean OP...left

Speaking of pussies ..

New fast growing Discord Sup Forums server, quickly join before the jannies cuck us.

discord gg/JZRkGh


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Do you think that is a vagina?

If only OP could find a picture of a tranny taking a dump!!

Ask not if this is a vagina, ask if OP truly is a faggot

Notice how the liberals ITT never deny that OP pic related is a vagina. They believe it is a vagina which vindicates OP's point.

Im gonna go out in a limb here and guess this isn't the direction op thought this thread would head into.

OP is baiting for liberals so yes, it probably was.

Conservatives get no poin hence why a lot get caught with male whores and/or meth.

I realize your a conservative and then on the wrong side of the bell curve for intelligence, BUT, what I believe the liberals confirmed is that OP is a faggot.

Hey, just many tranny pics are in your collection?

I have...let's see...carry the 7...yes...yes...I have ZERO.

so he's not allowed to research his audience

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Yeah? And how much 'reaearch' have you done downloading tranny pics?

OP here. I want to put these rumor's to rest. I am not a faggot even though I have spent considerable time and energy downloading tranny pics. They were all for educational purposes. I spend no more time thinking about trannies than any other conservative . My well organized collection is just to demonstrate that liberals are ill.

Are transwomen women?

Is a faggot op a faggot?

I got _50 that says you can't quantify a "woman"

Okay, so... a 'trans woman' gets his dick cut off, a boob job, and takes hormones and whatever else.
Can he conceive naturally?
Does he menstruate?
Can he give birth naturally, or is it a shitstorm of medical procedures?

He's basically a living fleshlight.

And a faggot.

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Yes or no

If any of that were true, you'd be a Trump supporter as well, due to your massive tax cut. Enjoy your ramen, fatboy.

reminds me f south park.
>Oh yeah stuff it in there real good


>I'm here to perform your surgery

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Does this surgery ever turn out good?

How do you know he's a trump supporter? Are you psychic? Am i going to make it in the music business?

Some of these look pretty fuckable actually

I think I'd rather fuck a cactus.


Curse you user!

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Implying you have to fondle trumps balls to hate trannys and faggots. In reality you just need 3 brain cells to rub together

So they just cut off your dick and call it a day?

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Nobody does

>Am i going to make it in the music business?
That depends. Are you willing to rape a few kids on camera and polish a few dozen jewish knobs?
Fame isnt cheap, goy

What the fuck are you doing in Sup Forums of all places talking like this? Even the most porn obsessed newfag coomers here know the culture well enough not to type like this and to bring better insults.

That’s Trumps vagina. Gross.

So, that's what a "social construct" looks like.

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