Are there any scientist here? preferabbly that know chemicals? why do we have to cook speghetti in water...

are there any scientist here? preferabbly that know chemicals? why do we have to cook speghetti in water? like why can't we cook it in oil? they both get hot and "cook" the speghetti, but if i cook it in oil it get hard and when i cook it in water it get soft. what is the difference? they are both liquid that get hot? does the oil transform in the speghetti?

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Other urls found in this thread:

oil and water dont mix because their chemical composition are completely different

raw spaghetti are dry, and oil cant provide the "kind of" liquid that makes something "wet" - oil just isnt like that

try dr pepper it makes it so much better

Water gets into thr spaghetti when it cooks, notice how it is soft when its cooked, thats water mixed in with the starch and carbs, if you leave cooked spaghetti out it dries out and goes hard.

Pasta doesn't change much chemically when its cooked, its different to like meat or eggs where the protiens like fuck around, pasta is more about water getting mixed into the molecular maxtrix of the pasta carbs

The water isn't just a medium to transfer heat. It binds with water soluble starches in the pasta and carries away excess and penetrates into the noodle.

i guess. it's like we can't cook french fries in water because of the same thing but opposite
sounds bad and i never boiled dr. pepper

i guess i don't get it but thanks for trying to explain. the water gets sucked into the molecules and it is hot and sticks to it but when the oil is hot is it liquidy too but i makes the speghetti get hard. it fries it i guess like a french fry even though it is sucked in and sticking to the molecules.

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I don't spaghet it either

that's exactly what happens!

here is my last webm of her as thanks

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she's cute
will you try to cook some weird noodles?
You can make a really good dessert if you use milk

This girl could feed an entire orphanage with those mammaries

i kind of am grossed out by milk, but i started cooking my oatmeal in milk. i guess it is better than cooking water, but still it's all messy and sticky in the pot afterwards and that sucks cleaning it up. i started making overnight oats in milk instead and that is easier to clean
i made another webm. the first 3 are the best of her tits though there is another i'll make a webm of that has her wearing a sweater and you can see they are huge

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The same reason you can't burn food in water vs a deep fryer. Water soaks. Oil burns until just the carbon is left.

You've never done science until ya boil yer taters in mercury.

i'll do one of the sweater ones next

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Pasta is semolina and acts like a semipermeable membrane. Water is thin enough to pass through and lodge in the pasta, oil isn't. Heat is just making it more permeable. In very intense heat if you could stop it from inflaming you could cook it in oil and it would taste like gulping down oil.

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she has no business being this endowed

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imagine, there is some lucky guy out there that she sends nudes to. maybe gets to touch them too.

yeah, it's the black dude you can see in the reflection in this

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You guys sound like idiots.

do you know a better answer?

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good you're retarded

gg /fKt5zA

cook it in oil, and after 5 minutes add water right before turning off the heat, the spaghetti will absorb the water but would be cooked in oil

why? you didn't answer so i wonder if you even know about it.

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comfy shitpost server (ironic name to bait cucks) that's very active:



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i already ate my speghetti tonight. maybe i will try that tomorrow. i am going to play donkey kong now, bye!

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do live stream it, you may be the first dude to ever cook it like that, hope it's tasty!

Only Science can solve this riddle!

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To answer your question: yes.


which is why:

OP, do not try or even attempt this You will die

Are u Italian?

ITT: amerifats baited into oblivion.

You faggots laugh, but what’s the real science behind this shit? I haven’t heard you explain it yet.

I am curious too. No one really explained chemically what happens.

Oil gets hotter and doesn't soak in as much.

Why does her face look 12 but she has the boobs of a washed up middle age stripper?

U complaining ?

Is she, though? In everything you've posted all you can see is her bra. Her tits look like they stop halfway down the inside of the cup. Isn't she just wearing a somewhat oversized bra?

Can any sciencers tell me how the fuck magnets work?

Thanks for the mammaries even though they weren't so great

I hope y'all are trolls, along with OP. This is basic shit that you should be able to figure out on your own.

Spaghetti absorbs hot water like a sponge, that's why it gets soft. Notice that the longer you cook spaghetti the thicker the noodles get. Oil doesn't soak into noodles, it just fries them.

You don't really cook spaghetti so much as rehydrate it.

But the spaghetti gets hard when cooked in oil.

You can try it with Mercury too, it's a liquid which makes the noodles extra tasty.

Pasta is basically starch and protein, with the starch bundled up in large granules. As they get heated in a moist environment, these granules absorb more and more water until they finally burst like a ballon, releasing the starch molecules into the water. Oil CAN get considerably hotter than water, but it cannot be absorbed as water molecules can.

Pasta aborbs the water and becomes soft

Oil is a lipid is a more complex molecule than water. By more complex I mean structurally; there are more molecules bonded together. Water is just two hydrogen and an oxygen. Oils can be these long-ass chains of molecules bonded together by electrons (different lecture). So water can fit into places that oil can't. Following me so far?

I guess these make more sense than the other explanations.

Get a hard on. Stick your dick in boiling water. It will get soft. Now get your dick hard again. Stick it in boiling oil. It will deep fry and stay hard. Prove me wrong.

Real baby answer
Noodle has basic sugar bonds
Oil is carbon and hydrogen
Water is oxygen and hydrogen
Water is positively charged on the outside
Oil is surrounded by negatively charged parts
Water can break through and that helps it break even more
Oil doesn't want anything to do with sugar
Like dissolving sugar with water
Can't do it with oil

>Water is positively charged on the outside

The hydrogen is retard which is what matter in this example

You sound gay. Maybe try some penis bro, you'll feel better and realise these jugs are delicious.

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Yeah but it has a dipole moment. a relatively large one, so it is strongly positive in one direction and negative in the other. this is what makes it a good solvent.

Water is a solvent. It breaks down the bonds of other substances. That's why things dissolve in it. That's why dirt washes away. So many things are water soluble it is called the "universal solvent." A much more interesting question than the pasta water oil question is what makes water such a good solvent.

haven't seen this meme in ages. Thanks

already answered

oil gets too hot.

pasta needs to absorb water to get soft.

i need to see more of this sexy slut's body

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the difference is actually that spagettie is held together by polar bonds. Water also holds together with polar bonds so it can pull a switcheroo with the spagettibonds so that the spaghetti isn't sticking to itself and can move around a little bit. The oil is non-polar so even though it can get inside pores in the spagetti, it can't loosen up those bonds and actually boils water off making the spaghetti even more stiff.

this is wrong. it has nothing to do with size and everything to do with polarity. You could use alcohol instead of water and it would still work.

yeah so water having a large dipole moment can break up the bonds.

Osmosis you fucking tard.
Why aren't these retards in school forever?
Why is it the job of the first person to notice them to stop the retardation?
Someone should be paid full time to stop the retardation.

Water is h20 it looks like this


This woman is like one of the hottest women I’ve ever seen in my life. Like I’d truly want to have many children with her

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I want to impregnate her so they can swell up and I can drink her breast milk.

I wanna fuck her so bad

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I want my babies to feed from her huge tits
I wanna pound her so hard with my big cock

She's got an ass too. Literal breeding goddess.

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I’d fuckin destroy her, balls deep relentless pounding. Pls post moar, literally everything

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Such a fucking slut. I hope she makes an onlyfans or something

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The tits have just the right amount of jiggle at the end.

15 year old problems

OPs problem here is that his bait is poor.
The problem with every reply is that you somehow think your a chemist because you can boil water

who is she, and how old?

Holy shit, OP, she moves in time to the live version of Burning Down the House from Stop Making Sense. Wild.
Some tiktok thot. no clue how old she is

it's hard to judge.. her face looks early teen, but her body says otherwise. But then again, when I was 17 I had a 15y/o gf with that exact body.. it happens.

however old she is, got me hard as a motherfucker

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is that her?

Noodles are dehydrated to make them rigid. And it absorbed i to the noodle when you cook it. Also water can only get so hot, then it boils and turns to vapor. Oil gets hot and boils at a much higher temperatures than water. Example water boils at 160 degrees and oil boils at 450.. So when you cook noodles in oil you fry it. When you fry something it cooks the outside so fast it becomes hard then the heat bakes the insides.
You can cook noodles with oil, but you will have to keep the temp low.


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You're just rehydrating a dehydrated material

> Example water boils at 160 degrees
what planet do you live on? does the large atmospheric pressure feel like it is crushing you all of the time?

>A scientist
>PREFERABLY that knows chemicals

You mean a chemist? Fucking tard go microwave your spaghetti with bleach and try that faggot