I don't enjoy living. What should I do?

I don't enjoy living. What should I do?

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keep going there is alot to learn from hell

make a stream and
kill yourself

Maybe so, but I don't know how much I can take. My life is falling apart.

Looks like the terminator snes game

take your anger out on any of the billionaires instead of normal people.

All riven, kith and kin
All given for this, a never-ending riddle

Life is not meant to be enjoyed, Brosephine Mizrahi. Focus on learning the lesson that Good-God is trying to teach us and it will liberate your Good-Soul from this cycle my divine mangerang.

God doesn't exist, only pain.

Oh no no no no no :))))))))) He does exist, beloved Butt-Brother of the Yes-Yes Brotherhood. Also he loves you no homo.

Get a high difficult meta and fight for that

Have you tried debauchery yet?

You are going through a rough moment in life, live and learn, things will get better.

what in the fuck are you on about, and please tell me more

There is literally a 0% chance that I'm drunk, but wait, there's more!!!! There is also a 100% that God loves you, that I love you, and that you can love yourself with 0 down payment, no monthly payments, and only 2.6% interest compounded continuously. Don't wait, join team God now and regret nothing for eternity, unfiltered homeslice.

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I dunno, done anything for other people lately?
It can sometimes be nice to help someone else out.

Bought my buddy an extra heater this week because I know his gas was turned off, he didn't ask me to but I knew about it.

So yeah, life is just whatever but at least him and his kid are warm.

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It feels good to have been in a thread with you. Very serious. One day I will be 80. I won't remember this thread, but your extreme goodness will have left an impact that I still feel.

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Stop being a pussy and keep living, only pussy retards kill themselves

You don't seem very bright.

I do like doing things for people. Any tips?

my grandpa's in the hospital now (pic related), I've been majorly depressed.

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Change your life.

Fuck man, I'm no expert. I generally just help people I know.

If you like animals there's probably an animal shelter that could use some help.

I love animals.

Yes, I suggest cocaine.

this is good advice.
you could volunteer at any hospital, at any fire dept, to work with police, to work anywhere really. the great thing is that it can translate into a job, or can go on your resume, too. helping people/animals etc makes you feel good in the process, I think it's great that you want to.

pic is adorable

Thank you. I will try those. I really think I will like it.

I love you OP

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Sweet shit-bagurks and also Shit McGrit. You wanna fight? Chryst Mist don't scheist my lice. Staaaaaahhhhhp.

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Thank you!

Of course i'm replying to myself and i am male.
No life or what?

You're welcome!

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brought moar

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Yeah they make a difference in quality of life


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I spit in your direction!

Women hate is wrong!
but then again no women on the internet...

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I must be the biggest dick...

Roses are red
Life is pretty crappy
One must imagine Sisyphus happy.
No seriously, you might as well keep going. You never know what can happen due to chance. Do you think those trailer trash rednecks on the E channel who won the lottery expected that? I mean yeah they lost it all, but they were rednecks so when something good comes your way.... don't fuck it up I guess? Or kill yourself what the fuck do I know.

You need a reason to enjoy living.
Learn to do something that feels good in the immediate and will help you in the long run.
The immediacy will keep you doing it, the later will change your life.

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Become a thieving junkie.