Can't wait until they remove him from office kick the White House door down and arrest this fucking retard...

Can't wait until they remove him from office kick the White House door down and arrest this fucking retard embarrassment right there at the oval office.

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Fuck Trump.

>People unironically voted for this dumbass.

ain't gonna happen
never gonna see 67 senate votes in favor

shut the fuck up cuck

Best we can hope for is that he doesn't get reelected.

Seems like a foregone conclusion, but never underestimate the delusion of the MAGA crowd.

You're at delusion if you think this is partisan, aka not splitting the country.
Push harder, get harder pushback you obv never learn that lesson. Expect a 2020 win for trump and another 4 years of bitching and screaming.

This guy is such a triggered moron that he's denigrating a paper representing probably the biggest voter block that put him into office. He is literally out of control, even his own. He can't stop being retarded.

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hopefully this'll be the knell that finally wakes up america to the fact that the dems are a terrorist organization that needs to be locked up

Hold on. IF the senate finds him guilty (doubtful because of Moscow Mitch) he's just removed from office. But then The AG and local AGs get a shot to put him in jail. Frankly, I don't know why he wasn't already.

Posting this since OP obviously didn't pay attention in Civics class and/or can't do simple math.

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We need to bring back the guillotine for this traitor. Make America Guillotine Again

They won't find him guilty of anything. The "crimes" they have charged are weak at best. Both sides are voting party based and 2 Dems have either switched sides or voted present because they even know that this is unpopular with the majority of voters. Dems forget the world doesn't revolve around them, and the independent voter base runs from Dems.

Even if the senate try him and find him guilty (they won't, even if all the evidence was real they still would find him guilty because American politics isn't about anything anymore other than fucking the other party over) president Pence would just pardon Trump like Ford did for Nixon.

So that means he's innocent? Everybody and their fucking mother knows this guys a complete crook and a sham of a human being, much less a president. He's impeached but he might not be removed. There's no way in hell he'll be re-elected

I would love to see him arrested at gunpoint but it's not going to happen

Ah, more Twitterati wisdom.

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It's blatantly obvious if you payed attention to any of the witnesses in the hearings that he tried to extort a foreign government to help himself.
That's why over half of the people polled (reported by FOX news no less) approve impeachment. He's done

Not impeached until articles hit Senate and pelosi has delayed because it's simple to say this is nothing but political warfare. Both sides don't care on any fact just voting straight party, we didn't even need the "trial" it didn't let anyone defend themselves

Jeez. I hope no one throws you in prison for using the phone and talking to people. Fuck man.

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He won't be removed and this childish political stunt by the radical left Dems will guarantee his re-election. Who the fuck do the Dems have that has a chance in hell of winning against him?

>Everybody and their fucking mother knows this guys a complete crook and a sham of a human being

That has no bearing on when they send the articles to the Senate.
There's been a vote and he's officially been impeached by the House of Representatives.
End of story.

You have proof of this? Just like climate change, no one can ever show any proof of anything.

Celebrating this idiot making a mockery of the constitution and his party doing jack shit to stop him

Brazen lack of backbone makes it abundantly obvious the GOP will sell out the American people for power every time so they can continue to deny healthcare or anything else developed countries get

Extort? You mean add things that people are required to do for a trade to be completed? Look back even to bill Clinton days this has happened for years it's just now bad that it's trump. Get off your idiot seat and realize it's nothing out of ordinary until you spin it with political bias. Still your president (if from U.S). It's political war, any opposing president from now on will be impeached if they don't hold majority in house. Will never not happen now. Good job such progress.

>It's blatantly obvious if you payed attention to any of the witnesses in the hearings
Whose testimony was literally based on hearsay and assumptions. None of this would be admissible in any court in the country.



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Bernie will wipe the floor with that piss-mop he calls hair. Americans are sick of his lying and childish pussy behavior. He's a fucking disgrace

Its popular with the majority, the same majority that didnt vote for trump

>That has no bearing
The constitution says it does. But fuck, when did libs care bout that ancient piece of paper?

Cannot wait to see this shit all over again. Fucking priceless

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Do you care about facts? He literally can say he isn't impeached until they are turned over to the Senate and she still hasn't done that. Your iq is lower than the average, I understand it's hard for you to learn. But until it's presented so it can go to trial he isn't impeached.

Hes isnt allowed to 'add things' retard. It was already theirs and Trump withheld it because he knew they needed it and he wanted the announcement of a Biden investigation. That's all

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Fun fact

If the president gets impeached in the house, but not the senate, it nullifys his 1st term and he can get reelected 2 more times. ^_^
Trump 2024

He will die before he gets in office.
Too old, and the most stressful job in America. You're voting for whoever he chooses as his vp maybe you double digits iq retards will have Hillary that way.

Nope. Not hearsay and assumptions. Facts from career professionals who are solid as a rock, which is why it was so blatantly obvious he's a lying sack of shit who'll do anything to benefit himself. But nothing new there. He's done that his whole life

>he tried to extort
What did he say?
>to help himself

The popular vote getting shat on by 12 people in Kansas with 10,0000x vote powerup and zero education is not something to be celebrated

>(doubtful because of Moscow Mitch)
Not happening at all because of a lack of any meaningful evidence. Orange Man Bad is not good enough, kiddo.

You already know, and if it had been Obama you would be frothing at the mouth for his removal and you know it

They don't teach civics anymore. Many of these life losers woke up on December 19th wondering why Hillary wasn't President yet.

Bernie wants to take trillions of your dollars. What's that you say about rich oligarchs?

Oh right, like obstruction justice and the emoluments clause? Get the fuck out with your projection of what the entire Republican party does all day long. They'll do ANYTHING to win. The entire party needs to go

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Majority you mean how more states turned red and the only states Dems give a fuck about are 3-4. That's definitely a majority retarded numb nuts. Also if you think popular vote means anything then you have no understanding of why civil war happened. The average voter votes straight party without a care of who, please tell me why that vote should count as much as anyone that cares and makes educated decisions not based on party lines? Remove straight voting and you would see Dems never win in inner-city. They only look for the D next to the name

prepared to be disappoint

This is low quality trolling, even for Sup Forums.

>Facts from career professionals who are solid as a rock,
Facts? Under cross examination they ALL admitted they never heard any direct threat or demand. End of story.

No way.
5 more years of your pathetic autistic screeching.

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Ding, dong, the dick is dead.
Which old dick?
The wicked dick.
Ding, dong, the wicked dick is dead.

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>Enjoy Pence for a year
>Trump for 4 more years
Yeah, can't wait.

Aid and other trades have been delayed, removed, and changed before. Don't be retarded. Go jerk off to trannies if you want to be retarded

not impeached-

No shit that the uninformed dipshits have no idea what is actually going on.
But but my feelings.

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Buttmad dipshit hates numbers

>blue man bad

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Sorry buddy, he's been impeached and there's nothing you can do about it. It'll go to the Senate when there's insurance there will be an impartial trial and not some kangaroo court where Moscow Mitch and his hillbilly cohorts can rat-fuck the whole process.

Popular voting led to civil war. Learn from history numb nuts unless you plan to try to kill red votes with ur dildo you better hope for it to stay representative unless you want to start splitting votes so republican votes matter in bigger states in massive debt and foodstamps.

>blue man bad


>The entire party needs to go
A one-party government is the only way anything gets done. Look at California. They finally got rid of the GOP and are doing much better than the rest of the country as a result - including a budget surplus that keeps getting larger and larger.
>but gerrymandering
If that is what is needed, there's nothing wrong with it.

I'm with you user! Who the fuck is the next notmypresident? I'm already getting ready to call my representative to get that fucker impeached too! I have a pretty strong letter drafted that has the names left blank, just tell me who's next. Fucking cancer, these assholes are.

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Even if he is found guilty, the vp will pardon him. He will never see the inside of a cell.

>blue man bad

>blue man bad

Every time they chant "Lock her up"
a Republican goes to prison.

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>You already know
I don't think anyone knows.
>11 constitutional violations
Why aren't you showing the same fervor? It's either ignorance or bias.

But not to bribe someone for their own personal gain, that's unprecedented. And you nt pretend he cares about corruption because Israel, Saudi Arabia, and other corrupt shithile get paid

And two, he didnt ask for an investigation, he asked for an announcement. Why? Because an announcement of a Hillary investigation helped him win 2016.

Quit while you're only slightly behind you mouthbreathing troglodyte

45 is Putin's puppet.

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>blue man bad

>blue man bad

>blue man bad

>blue man bad

OP likes black cock

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>blue man bad

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Fucking faggot, the constitution says the impeachment must be carried out expeditiously. Nancy is risking nullification by holding a recess and then postponing indefinitely to deliver to the senate. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, like 3-year old shit?

Useless, pissant little states like Kansas should have no say whatsoever. It's horribly embarrassing that future world leaders are forced to pander to some of the most inbred, ignorant morons on the face of the planet.

>blue man bad

>he's been impeached

>blue man bad

>blue man bad

Bullshit. BTW Your pussy lord and savior was the oldest president to ever be elected so that theory is irrelevant. Also your boy Dump will be going to jail after he's out of office, so enjoy!

>Nancy is risking nullification by holding a recess and then postponing indefinitely
It was a political stunt from the beginning. This is makes it undeniable.

>blue man bad

>blue man bad


Trumps physician already said he's morbidly obese


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>blue man bad

I know right, Obama should be in jail

>Also your boy Dump will be going to jail after he's out of office, so enjoy!
For what?

Being an emotionally dysregulated gender dysphoric autistically screeching self-loathing libtard bending the knee (and over) for his mentally ill lqbtqp overlords is no way to go through life.

>blue man bad

they have to impeach him first

he is?

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